Sunday, May 1, 2016

Who is on our Money?

The debate about whose face graces our money rages and I have heard some irrational and just wrong statements.

Presidents and Founding Father's have not always been and are not the only people on our money! Our money has seen generals, mythical gods and goddesses, inventors, famous people, and others. 

Here are some of the non-Presidents or founding fathers who have been on our money:

Salmon P. Chase is on the $10,000 bill right now! Who is Salmon P. Chase and why is he on our money, even if the $10,000 is not in general circulation?

Martha Washington has been on the $1 bill twice.

Susan B. Anthony is on the $1 coin.

Sacagawea is also on $1 coins.

Mercury (yes, the Roman god) has been on dimes! 

Liberty (the goddess) has been on dollar coins.

Indian likenesses have graced both pennies and nickels. 

In addition, the Wright Brothers, Ceasar Rodney, Helen Keller, and John Muir have been on quarters. 

On currency, 53 individuals have been depicted. You might be surprised about who they are. 

Who is Running Antelope? He was once on the $5 bill.
General George H Thomas on $5 bill

General George H. Thomas was on the $5 during the 1890's.

The list goes on.

It is amazing how different reality is from common perceptions!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Pool Opening Delayed

The Pool is Ready to be Opened
Today was supposed to be one on my favorite days of the year: pool opening day! The day when Summer begins arriving.

Not going to happen.

I have reinstalled the motor in the pump housing and the water lines to the filter have been reconnected. The chemicals are in the pool house ready, but the weather forecast is terrible. Rain and highs mostly in the 60's for the next week have factored into the decision. Not the kind of weather that screams for a pool to be open. At least, unlike Denver, Colorado, there is no snow in the forecast. 
10 Day Weather Forecast for Elkridge

Because the event will now occur during May, this will be the latest that I have ever opened my pool.

I am bummed. Summer's arrival is delayed.

The weather forecast is not good for golf either. The courses promise to be wet and soggy. It is also not good for baseball--either coaching youth baseball or attending Orioles games.

At least the leaves are almost fully on the trees and the "green" has returned.

Next Saturday is the rescheduled pool opening day.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, April 29, 2016

Parking Lot Dance

I had the pleasure of visiting multiple parking lots last evening as Chris and I scurried around the county to get our chores done.

People are strange (that's the only way I can say it) about parking their cars. 

Being a Thursday night, the parking lots were generally lightly populated and yet, people waited for my space because it was two or three places closer to the door rather than just driving to an open space and being on their way.

It seemed funny to me that to in order to save 30 feet of walking, people would wait for a few minutes behind my car for me to depart.

It was not raining and so that was not the reason for the waiting. Nor was the sun blazing super heated rays upon the scene either.

People just wanted a closer spot. The trade off was a closer spot instead of the immediate gratification of being able to park a few spaces away.

I don't like to spend time waiting in parking lots and I don't mind walking a few extra feet--I am usually just happy to find a spot in the lot. 

Clearly, however, I am going have to do more shopping on Thursday evenings because not only were the parking lots sparsely populated, but the stores were empty, too!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, April 28, 2016

My Take: Election Reflection

I have been reflecting on yesterday's primary election results.

I am not amused by the choices being made by the majority of the voters,  but I think I understand what is happening.

People are voting to remove those who have been obstructionists for the past 8 years. No one who is part of the Republican establishment is likely to get elected. 

I found it interesting the Cruz garnered 3 additional delegates and Kasich received 5. Trump won 109. That qualifies as a landslide.

The harder the Republican establishment campaigns against Trump, the more delegates he receives. The voters are sending a message.

It could be an interesting election in November. 

I, personally, am having a problem supporting someone who uses personal attacks, ethnicity, and gender as a basis for campaign remarks. I don't understand why so many Americans continue to support someone who says the things that he does, except that it is a backlash against the Republican Party establishment.

And then one the Democratic side--I don't understand the appeal of one of the candidates over the other. I look at them totally opposite of the majority of the voters.

My Take--that is why we have elections.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Finding Elections Results

The information age has created the expectation that I can find election results on line in an easy fashion the morning after the election. I need to be able to do this since the newspapers no longer come to my home and they go to print before the election returns are in.

I could not, this morning, find out the complete results for all of the elections I voted in yesterday.

Yes, I knew who won the Presidential Primaries last evening as CNN made the call at 8:05 PM -- but, I could not see the vote tallies. Even this morning, not all of the vote had been tabulated and certified. 

Finding the results of the local elections was almost impossible--I was really interested in the School Board results. I still do not know the outcome.

Life in the information age can be frustrating because I know the answer is out there, somewhere, but I just cannot find it.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Eastern Rat Snake Encounter

Chris and I have a pest company that is supposed to keep the house and pool house free from rodents and bugs.

We are terminating them.

Freed Eastern Rat Snake Leaving the Scene
They recently started using the most inhumane form of pest eradication ever invented--sticky or glue cards. They are terrible--the animals get stuck and starve to death.

Yesterday I walked into the pool house and was startled to see a 3 foot long Eastern Rat Snake trapped on one of the cards. Chris and I spent about 30 minutes freeing the snake from the card--the snake was not entirely helpful, was a bit freaked out and hissed at us a bit--but after a while it figured out we were helping and not hurting.
Eastern Rat Snake Climbing the Bush

It was terrible how the sticky or glue traps ensnare animals.

I did not take a picture of the snake on the card because my save the animal emotions kicked into gear, but I did take some of the recently freed snake slowly leaving the yard. 

I respect snakes, I don't particularly like them but this is a beneficial snake and did not deserve to die. I know I have friends who believe the only good snake is a dead snake, but I disagree. It the snake is not venomous, then it is serving a useful purpose keeping vermin away from the house.

I will not use these sticky cards or glue cards again! 

And I am happy the snake went away after it was freed. I am not sure why it climbed the bush, but it seemed to know what it was doing.

I am going to have to be more aware of the tree limbs above em now.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday Musings - April 25, 2016

Oysters for Snack
1. Heard this in a restaurant: "I don't like that, it has too much taste."

2. Saw this sign in a restaurant: "Unattended children will be given espresso and a puppy."

3. Spending a weekend at a wine fest is awesome, except for all of the work that did not get done around the house.

St Michael's, MD
April 24, 2016
4. Oysters--I like oysters.

5. A beautiful morning in St Michael's is a great way to start a day!

Jellyfish in a Boat Channel
6. I wonder what a jellyfish thinks about when it is undulating in a boat channel?

7. Maryland gets to have its turn in the Presidential Olympics this week. It is almost exciting that the outcome has not yet been determined.

8. It is good to wake up on a Monday and feel ready for the week ahead.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, April 24, 2016

St Michaels Wine Fest

St Michael's Fest Tent
The day was cool and cloudy with some passing showers, but the annual St Michaels Wine Fest kicked off its two day run yesterday to throngs of people. This is the one wins fest that we make an effort to attend every year.


The venue is the entire town of St Michaels and it is an enjoyable town to stroll through and shop while enjoying wines from around the world.

I will write more about the fest in my wine blog, but I recommend the St Michaels Wine Fest as another rite of Spring.

Good wines and friends mixed together.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Easton, MD

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Spring Takes Control

Azalea in Bloom
It has finally happened. The last vestiges of Winter have been thrown off and Spring has taken control of the weather. 

Red Bud Blooms Fading
Yes, that means rain--and not just a small amount. But the results have been spectacular. The leaves are visible on the trees and the flowering plants are in bloom.

I was stunned to see my white azalea in full bloom yesterday even as the red buds are fading from the that tree in my yard.

I was fortunate enough to play golf in a short sleeve shirt yesterday.  Another sure sign of Spring. 

Today, Chris and I are off to St Michaels, MD, for the annual wine festival! Although the weather is rainy and overcast this morning, it is expected to clear off and fantastic by the afternoon. If you are in the region, come out and enjoy the wines and the weather.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, April 22, 2016

Taking a Down Day

I made it home last evening after a fast and busy week on the road. I am still amazed think that I started yesterday in Anchorage and finished the day in Elkridge and somewhere in between I had to have breakfast in Seattle and coach on a baseball diamond in Odenton. 

My Clubs
Today, given all of the traveling, I took a day to recover. 

And recover I did. I mowed the lawns, vacuumed the house, did some laundry, ran to Costco for supplies, but did find time to play 9 holes of golf at a local course. It was a toss up between heading to the range and playing golf--Thanks to Jeremy for talking me into a round of golf.

The golf was clearly clutch. I did something a bit different though. I was teamed with two older guys who were slow players--I felt bad because neither one could actually reach into the hole to retrieve their balls--they both used their putters to get the ball out.

They were very slow and they offered to let me play ahead and leave the group, but I was having a good time with them and they were nice guys. I realized that sometimes it is not all about the game, but it is about the people. I was taking about one shot to their two or three--but I enjoyed being teamed with them because they were easy going and were just out whacking the little white ball around the course.

Yes, it took over two hour to play nine holes--but I never checked my watch even once because we were three guys out on the course enjoying the day and encouraging each other when they needed it and congratulating each other on good shots!

I think that is the true spirit of golf.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD
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