Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Suffering the Cold

Dogwood Blossom
Elkridge, MD
April 17, 2022


It was 39 degrees this morning headed to an expected high of 52, maybe. 

It will be colder tomorrow morning, possibly 36 degrees.

I did not order this cold weather! 

We spent an enjoyable Easter Sunday outside cleaning the yard of the debris left behind by some wild rabbit who thought colored eggs were funny! The weather was cool, but mild. I even flew my drone, Radio Flyer. I also was able to get a nice image of a dogwood tree blossom.

And now--it is just cold! I have not ridden my bike in too many days. I think I will have two ride my indoor bike to stay in shape. 

This weekend we venture north! The weather promises to be milder and this week's Nor'easter will have dumped the last snow of the season on the landscape and moved away. We expect to see snow on the mountains of Central Pennsylvania we traverse the region.

Well, I guess this is Spring!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Flowers and Bees


Bumble Bee in Crab Apple Blossoms
Elkridge, MD
April 14, 2022

My allergies started acting up the day after arriving back in Maryland. While I enjoy looking at the Springtime flowers and trees springing to life, they have caused my allergies to go into overdrive. 

Despite the inconvenience of sniffling every few minutes and loading myself up on antihistamines and other allergy drugs, I do enjoy the rebirth happening all around me.

The dark season is over and I am enjoying at least five rabbits racing around my yard in addition to the blooming flowers and buzzing bees. It seems that life is erupting everywhere. I was very surprised to see our Bleeding Hearts in full glory upon our return to Maryland. I have even mowed the lawn, mostly to remove the debris and prepare for tomorrow's Easter egg hunt. 

It is Easter! 

Enjoy the weekend and the Springtime as you celebrate the holiday.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Palms Against the Evening Sky


Palms Against the Evening Sky
Tequesta, FL
April 9, 2022
I will miss the palms.

Chris and I are preparing our return to Maryland and I know that I will miss the palms against the sky and the warm temperatures in addition to the beach, the sand, the ocean, and the sun. We were greeted this morning by temperatures in the low-50s. I can sum up the experience in one word: cold. However, I am mindful that the expected high today in Elkridge is one degree higher than the low this morning in Tequesta. The weather will be something we will need to learn about all over again: how to be warm when it is cold. 

The trip begins soon and there are many tasks to complete before we close up the condo for a few months. It is a process and it takes patience and thoroughness to ensure everything is complete and nothing critical is forgotten.

In other news, I failed to reach 100 miles on my bike for the week. I finished at a solid 95 miles--which is a personal record. Chris and I completed our biking for the week with a very enjoyable ride through a local state park near Jensen Beach. I expect my weekly biking mileage to fall off significantly upon returning to Maryland as I will be adding in activities such as golf and racquetball at the expense of bicycling. This week, however, was a week of 100 percent bicycling.

Today I will veggie out watching the Master's. I have been impressed with Tiger's return--which stalled yesterday due to the cold conditions, but still was amazing considering the adversity he overcame. He is currently tied for 41st at +7, and not only did he make the cut, but is certainly not the worst remaining on the course. 

Bottom line though, I still need to get my palm tree fix in before we depart. Maybe Happy Hour on the beach will be a possibility if the temperatures rise as expected. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Friday, April 1, 2022

Welcome April 2022

 Yup, it is April. The year is 25 percent complete! That is a scary thought. 

It is also Friday and that means the weekend is upon us. I still, even though I've been retired for three months now, find excitement in Fridays. 

But for now, it is Springtime and flowers are blooming, even here in Florida. Yesterday Chris and I made a trip on the Turnpike to Ikea, it is over an hour away, to get a nightstand that was sold out by the time we got there and we noticed the Springtime flowers along the roadway. They were beautiful and reminded us that soon we will be actually experiencing Spring back in Maryland. 

We have been enjoying the great weather, but more wind and some rain are in the forecast for the day. The wind was too strong yesterday and I decided not to ride my bike. I only needed a 9 mile ride to complete 200 miles for the month--but as it is I completed just over 191 miles for March. Hopefully, I can get out today before the rain.

Well, April showers . . . 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Sunday, March 13, 2022

A Change in Latitude

One Side of the Palm is Wet
After the Storm
Tequesta, FL
March 12, 2022
I awoke this morning to a 48 degree temperature. It seemed that overnight I was transported to a more northern latitude.

The cooler temperatures were a result of the weather system which came through last evening. The temperature dropped about 18 degrees and we suffered with high winds and driving rain. The weather system delayed the arrival of my sister and her husband by over two hours as Palm Beach International was actually closed due to the high winds. 

The high today is expected to be only about 70 degrees.  Too cold. Yes--70 degrees is cold! I will wear jeans and a long sleeved shirt for the first time in weeks. 

I want my 85 degree temperatures to return! 

I have outdoors activities planned and need the warmth.  

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Saturday, March 12, 2022

And the Rains Came


Water Pooling off my Patio in the Rain
Tequesta, FL
March 11, 2022
Closing out a beautiful Friday, the rains came about 4 PM yesterday. 

It was not just a little rain, but a "gullywasher" followed by some steady rain. I think the water management system at my condo has some issues as the rainwater pooled significantly in my backyard until it percolated through the sand and down into the aquifer. 

The rain was a wet ending to an otherwise excellent day with a very warm high of 84 degrees and some humidity. Chris and I took a pleasant 9 mile bike ride during the morning and then worked around the condo for the remainder of the day. There were two trips to Ace Hardware to secure items to assist in projects that were underway. The biggest project is that all of the televisions in the house are now hanging on the walls!

We are preparing for visitors--our second group of the year will be arriving later this afternoon and we are very excited. Unfortunately, tomorrow the forecast is for cold (70 degree) temperatures and some rain, but we have plans. Although it may not be a beach day we will have fun! 

For now, I will enjoy another great day and not worry too much about the bomb cyclone ravaging the East Coast!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Sun Kissed Clouds

Silver-lined Clouds and Palm
Tequesta, FL
March 2, 2022

 Morning and evening clouds often reveal their silver lining when the sun hits them just right. 

That was the case yesterday morning looking out towards the east. I saw the silver lining of the clouds illuminated before my eyes. And of course, there was a palm tree perfectly positioned. 

It was a beautiful scene to start the day. And funny, not too much later the clouds took over and we even got some rain. 

I was glad that I had picked yesterday to have my bike serviced since I could not ride due to the wind and weather.

But the clouds in the morning against there bright sky were a great way to start the day.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Saturday, January 22, 2022

How Do You Spell Relief?


I thought it was one of the more creative commercials when I was a kid, the voice from the television was asking asking the viewing audience how to spell relief and then substituting the spelling for the product.

It is similar to the phrase we use today: in the dictionary with the definition of "pick a word" is a picture of ___. 

Well this morning when, for the fifth day in a row, I let the dog out and was slapped in the face by the arctic blast of frozen air I realized that I spell relief: F-L-O-R-I-D-A.

Yesterday, I also came to the understanding, as I was laying under Chris's car putting air in the spare so that the check tire light would go out, that when I finally do escape to the south that I probably will have enjoyed the coldest stretch of the Maryland 2021-2022 Winter season--it can't be worse than this period has been, right?

Yesterday the high never reached above freezing. It is hard to believe that three days ago we were sitting around the fire pit in the evening during as brief respite. The lawn even thawed, briefly.

Relief. That is what we need.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

January Fire Pit Evening


Fire Starting in the Pit
Elkridge, MD
January 19, 2022
Amazingly, after a week of freezing temperatures, it rose to 52 degrees yesterday.

That meant an evening around the fire pit with neighbors to celebrate a mid-Winter break from the cold. It was a gathering to connect after being isolated by COVID and the weather for almost the past month.

The conversation never lagged as the sun set and darkness fell. We enjoyed wine and light munchies connecting and updating the activities of the past few weeks. The respite from the frigid weather was  much needed as we prepare for another winter's blast today. 

I am closely watching the travel weather and I even found a travel weather application to help me plan my escape from Maryland after or in-between the storms that are ravaging the country. 

But the idea of sitting around a roaring fire in Maryland on a January evening with friends, while it may seem strange, was truly great. We need to be aware of the  possibilities that present themselves to us. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, January 16, 2022

12 Degrees


Between the Cloud Decks at Sunset
Somewhere over West Virginia
Taken by Chris
January 15, 2022
12 degrees was the temperature this morning when I awakened in Elkridge.

I came back to 12 degrees?

Why on earth would I do that?

Wait, I did it because it was the travel plan.

Fortunately, yesterday's flight from Houston was uneventful. We had expected turbulence as we flew above the storm that is coming later today to our region, but the ride was generally smooth. It was fascinating to watch the clouds below us change as we traversed the levels of the storm.

Descending into Baltimore, as we flew in between the layers of clouds, we were able to enjoy the sunset behind the aircraft and watch the reflection off the cloud tops of the lower level. It was something that I have not enjoyed many times before. Chris snapped a great image. 

And we are back--for a short while in the frigid temperatures of the mid-Atlantic Region. 

Today is Christmas! We had delayed it due to positive COVID tests in the family and our travel schedule.

There definitely will not be any outdoor football today, unlike many Christmases past.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, November 12, 2021

November Rose


Rose in the Yard
Elkridge, MD
November 11, 2021
Chris and I were putting up the outdoor Christmas lights--something we try to get accomplished every Veterans Day, and spied a few lonely rose blossoms remaining in the garden. They seemed out of place for November as roses are not normally associated with late-Autumn.

The roses were a late season gift for the us to enjoy before the dark days fully arrive. They were starkly brilliant against the already browning grasses of the yard which are rapidly preparing for the cold and snow which is yet to come. 

And yet, by putting up Christmas lights we were preparing to light up our small portion of the world with cheer as the shortest days of the year prepare to descend upon us. Today is is raining and we are both happy that we completed the lights yesterday as the roof will be slippery today. We do not actually power on the lights until the official start of the Christmas season--Black Friday, but they are ready.

And all of this because a few lonely roses were blooming in our garden.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Autumn Arrives

Autumn Colors Beginning in the Trees
Elkridge, MD
November 2, 2021
I feel like Autumn's arrival was delayed this year. 

I have this sense that on Halloween the trees should be devoid of leaves, dark, and making scary shadows in the moonlight. As can be seen in the image I took last evening, the trees are still mostly full with leaves and color is just beginning to show. There are places in the area where the rest and yellows of the Autumn colors are on full display, but in my backyard they are still in the early stages of transformation. Of course, it was raining when I took the image.

The cold rain and 40 degree temperatures yesterday, coupled with overnight lows in the 30s should encourage the colors to appear in the trees. 

Sadly, all too soon the trees will be bare and the grays of winter will arrive. But, I will enjoy the transformation.

Another season in the cycle of life which continues.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, October 30, 2021

A Tale of Two Fridays

Morning After the Storms
Elkridge, MD
October 30, 2021

The yesterday's rains reminded me how differently days can play out.

Last Friday, I went to work for a few hours and then left for a golf outing on a beautiful Autumn day. The skies were generally clear and the weather was warm enough to golf comfortably in a short-sleeved shirt. After golf, I arrived home and prepared a large fire and celebrated happy hour with friends into the night. As Autumn Fridays go, it was perfect!

Yesterday, however, there was no golf. I remained at work for the entire day and the rain made drive home slow and tortuous. The evening was celebrated with friends around a raging fireplace as the rains eventually subsided. And it was cold! Too cold for a short-sleeved shirt without a jacket. Water was everywhere. The roads were a mess.

How different the two days were--even though both were Friday. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, October 29, 2021


 Today is a washout.

It is supposed to rain all day and into the evening which will effectively rainout the ballgame scheduled for tomorrow because youth fields do not drain. The water puddles and the field becomes a muddy mess. It can take days to dry out. 

If that happens, it appears we will be playing Tuesday night as a make-up.

The youth baseball season is ending, just as the MLB season is ending. Winter is on the horizon--but, at least I will be wintering in Florida and enjoying the sun and sand instead of the clouds and snow! I had heard, however, in contrast to the woolly worm prediction that I posted during August, that the winter in the Mid-Atlantic region is supposed to be mild!

But today--rain!

A cold Autumn rain that portends the Winter.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, October 17, 2021

A Cold Autumn Rain

 The rain that fell yesterday afternoon was definitely a cold Autumn rain.

How do I know? I was out in it coaching baseball and I was cold and wet as the rain soaked through my shirt.

Although Severn Seminoles 14U managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in both games, we were able to complete the second game despite the rain beginning during the 3rd inning. The rain stopped and we were able to play the 4th inning. 

I mostly dried out and warmed-up by the end of the 4th where the Seminoles a 3-2 lead and were playing up to their potential.  The rain began again during the 5th inning after the opposing team had taken a lead. Unfortunately as the rain fell harder, the play of the team began to get as sloppy as the field. 

In the end we lost. The rain fell harder and the play got sloppier. I was wet and cold. When I finally got to my car and took my hat off it was dripping and created a huge wet spot on the seat. 

It is Autumn after all and we have been having some really warm and great weather. The low 50s temperatures of this morning and the rains were to be expected some weeks ago. 

Today is crisp and clear! Exactly the weather expected after a cold Autumn rain. All that is missing are the brightly colored leaves of Autumn.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


 Today is the day that Autumn officially begins. Much like Summer, the beginning of Autumn is generally more associated with a holiday than the actual calendar. Memorial Day is the unofficial beginning to the Summer season and Labor Day, it seems, marks the end of Summer and therefore the beginning of Autumn. 

No matter. It is here now. 

Let the fun and the falling leaves begin.

Let the darkness grow as the days grow ever shorter.

The cooler days and cold nights are not far off. 

Autumn begins at 3:21 PM EDT. Summer has been lingering, but it is not time to send it off and say good-bye to the fun we had.  

Football has arrived and it is time for baseball to begin to end. 

For the Orioles, the season cannot end enough. The Orioles have 48 wins with 11 games remaining--can they make 50? Inquiring minds want to know. And then, the season will mercifully be over.

Autumn is certainly arriving. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

In the Path of Ida


It seems the region is going to get a drenching from Hurricane Ida. 

We will have less damaging wind that New Orleans, but the 4-6 inches of possible rain will present huge problems for the area. 

It looks as if the rains will begin overnight tonight and continue into Thursday. 

And it will not be just a little rain, but significant rain. Oh yes, and tornadoes and thunderstorms. 

My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Louisiana who are dealing with the aftermath of the hurricane that has interrupted their lives and livelihood while causing extensive damage, destruction, and death.

The storm is coming, it is best to get prepared. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD


Thursday, August 19, 2021

Rain, rain, tornados

 The remains of Tropical Storm Fred passed through the region yesterday and provided more rain than we really needed. I wish there were some way to move these storms across the nation to areas suffering drought.

There are three storms active in the hemisphere right now. Grace being the only one to have achieved hurricane status. 

The remnants of Tropical Storm Fred are making a mess out of the Northeast, Henri is going to turn north and has caused us to reschedule our weekend trip to NYC as it will be making the weather there bad all weekend, and then there is Grace which looks to be a very mean storm headed for Central Mexico. It is not a good time to be on a cruise ship off the Yucatán. 

So our celebratory trip to NYC will now occur on Patriots Day--a good day to visit the city.

With all of the weather here, I wish I was in Florida!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

And the Winter Forecast is in!


Woolly Worm
Elkridge, MD
August 16, 2021
I happened upon a forecast for the upcoming winter yesterday. A woolly worm was inside of my shed door and provided the unexpected and disturbing prediction: a long and difficult winter.

The woolly worm was completely black. Tradition says that the amount of black supposedly means how hard the winter will be--and an all black woolly worm cannot be a good thing. It means a long and hard winter. 

Maybe it is a good thing that I am planning on being in Florida for the bulk of the winter season.

Hopefully the forecast will change as the season gets closer. I am hoping to see a woolly worm with at least some brown on it. It is said that the woolly worms found during September are the true weather forecasters, but that month is only two weeks away--so this one could be the "real thing."

Note to self--get prepared.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, July 30, 2021

Racing through the Area


Rain Crashing into the Pool and Yard
Elkridge, MD
July 29, 2021

Severe thunderstorms and tornados raced through the region yesterday afternoon about rush hour. 

Fortunately, I was home and did not have to stress in the traffic and weather--but, the storms were impressive. Chris and I sat on the porch with a glass wine and enjoyed the sound and light show provided by nature. At one point it was 360 degrees and some of the thunder was almost instantaneous with the lightning. We kept a watchful eye on the tornado warning to ensure that it was not in our neighborhood.

The rain was a hard as I can remember as it poured firm the sky onto the hot, parched lawn. It ran down the driveway like a river. 

It was exciting to watch, but fortunately we did not suffer any damage--just a few leaves into the pool which I was easily able to clean.

If it good to be reminded of the power of nature. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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