Friday, July 30, 2021

Racing through the Area


Rain Crashing into the Pool and Yard
Elkridge, MD
July 29, 2021

Severe thunderstorms and tornados raced through the region yesterday afternoon about rush hour. 

Fortunately, I was home and did not have to stress in the traffic and weather--but, the storms were impressive. Chris and I sat on the porch with a glass wine and enjoyed the sound and light show provided by nature. At one point it was 360 degrees and some of the thunder was almost instantaneous with the lightning. We kept a watchful eye on the tornado warning to ensure that it was not in our neighborhood.

The rain was a hard as I can remember as it poured firm the sky onto the hot, parched lawn. It ran down the driveway like a river. 

It was exciting to watch, but fortunately we did not suffer any damage--just a few leaves into the pool which I was easily able to clean.

If it good to be reminded of the power of nature. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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