Showing posts with label Holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday. Show all posts

Sunday, January 1, 2023

And So It Begins!

Me and Luke Ready for the
New Year's Eve Celebration
Tequesta, FL
December 31, 2022

 Happy New Year!

Here is hoping that your 2023 is better than 2022!

2022 was a great year for me. It was my first year of retirement and with the help of friends and family Chris and I forged ahead into this chapter of our lives. Florida is warm today and we will head to the beach, later.

We were awake to see the year begin. It was the second time in less than a week that I was awake to see a new day begin. It really messes with the sleep cycle. 

Be well and stay well.

Take a moment to remember and thank the first responders, medical personnel, and our courageous military personnel for their faithful and dedicated service.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Year's Eve 2022


Me, Lucas, Chris, Jeremy
Carlin Park Beach, Jupiter, FL
December 29, 2022

So here is a conundrum--is it New Year's Eve 2022 or 2023? 

Tomorrow is 2023, but we have not celebrated New Year's Eve 2022. It is New Year's Eve FOR 2023, but being that the day remains 2022, I'm guessing that it is New Year's Eve 2022 and at midnight when the year fades into history, so will New Year's Eve. 

I suppose it really doesn't matter--it is New Year's Eve and tomorrow is 2023. 

Lucas on a Boogie Board
Carlin Park Beach, Jupiter, FL
December 30, 2022
In more important issues. What do you get when you mix a relatively calm ocean, one boy, and a boogie board?

Answer: FUN!

It was a beautiful afternoon yesterday, and despite the water being a bit too cool for me to venture in beyond my ankles, Luke had fun with an old boogie board that we have. 

And so it was a great day. The weather was perfect and I made a trip to Port Everglades to drop Jeremy and Julie off for their cruise. Chris and I get some alone time with our youngest grandson! Yay!

Tonight, we will ring in the New Year together!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Monday, December 26, 2022

Monday Musings - December 26, 2022


1. It is the last Monday of December and also the last Monday of 2022. Next Monday will be the first Monday of 2023. I hope you had a great Christmas.

2. Family NFL Report. It was a good week for the family teams which went 3-1 in their games. Two teams, Ravens and Cowboys, have secured playoff spots and both of the other teams are remain in playoff contention. 

   Ravens (10-5) defeat Falcons (5-10), 17-9

   Steelers (7-8) defeat Raiders (6-9), 13-10

   Cowboys (11-4) defeat Eagles (13-2), 40-34

   Commanders (7-7-1) lose to 49ers (11-4), 20-37

Christmas Morning Breakfast
Odenton, MD
December 25, 2022

3. What is better than a Christmas morning waffle breakfast before opening presents? Almost nothing. Thanks to Mike and Nicole for a fantastic breakfast and morning. And then thanks to Patrick and Jen for a fabulous Christmas Day and feast.

4. Today is a holiday--to celebrate Christmas! Do not expect mail delivery. Nothing will be arriving except late Christmas gifts sent by express mail.

5. The cold weather has reminded me that I can survive in the north, but I do not desire to do so. I am looking forward to warmer temperatures and bike riding. Yes, it was cold in South Florida this week, but 80 degree temperatures return starting on Saturday.

6. The blog may be late tomorrow as we are hitting the open for Florida, depending upon the weather, of course. The current forecast calls for clear skies all the way. Not even the usual afternoon rain in South Florida. 

7. Today in History. Mobster Bugsy Siegel opens the glitzy Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada on December 26, 1946. Well-known singer and comedian Jimmy Durante headlined the night's entertainment, with music by Cuban band leader Xavier Cugat. Some of infamous gangster Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel’s Hollywood friends, including actors George Raft, George Sanders, Sonny Tufts and George Jessel were in attendance.

The grand opening of the Flamingo Hotel, however, was a flop. Bad weather kept many other Hollywood guests from arriving. And because gamblers had no rooms at the hotel, they took their winnings and gambled elsewhere. The casino lost $300,000 in the first week of operation.

Storm Leaves at Least 12 Dead in Buffalo, N.Y., Area - The Wall Street Journal

Housing Slump Set to Give Fed an Inflation-Fighting Assist - The Wall Street Journal

Florida Restarts Push to Feed Manatees - The Wall Street Journal

Transgender or devoutly Christian? An Iowa teen refuses to choose. - The Washington Post

Migrants bused from Texas arrive at VP’s house in D.C. on frigid Christmas Eve - The Washington Post

Vandals destroy 22,000-year-old sacred cave art in Australia - CNN

Three Russian servicemen killed after drone shot down at air base inside Russia - CNN

China's COVID cases overwhelm hosptials - Reuters

Taiwan reports China's largest incursion yet to air defence zone - Reuters

South Korea scrambles jets as North Korea sends drones over border - Reuters

-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas 2022

Elkridge, MD
December 25, 2022

 Merry Christmas! 

I was out early to take care of Jeremy's dogs and witnessed a beautiful Christmas morning sunrise. The day is full of promise and excitement. The roads were empty. 

The weeks of preparation are over and the big event has arrived. 

May the joy of the season fill your heart and give you hope for the entire year ahead. 

Pause for a moment amidst your celebration to remember the servicemen and women stationed far away from their homes as well as the first responders and medical personnel who are all on duty for us. 

God bless you, everyone!

-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve 2022

Icicles on my Truck
December 23, 2022
Odenton, MD

The cold developed everywhere yesterday. The temperature dropped from 43 degrees in the morning to single digits when I went to bed. This morning the reported temperature is 6 degrees!

I took a picture of icicles hanging off my truck yesterday. I had to drive to an appointment during the morning and I experienced a sleet storm and a hail storm along the way. 

Snow Falling in Odenton
Odenton, MD
December 23, 2022

Later during the day it snowed. 

There was thankfully no accumulation, however I did get in my snow-fix for the season. 

I believe the weather for today is supposed to be clear and cold. We are beginning the day with brunch and probably watch some NFL football. The high today is expected to reach 20 degrees. Yay! It is cold in Florida as well. At home, in Tequesta, it is 41 degrees with an expected high of 58 degrees.

And so this is Christmas Eve! I hope that you are where you wanted to be for this holiday season. 

Enjoy the day and Merry Christmas.

-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD

Friday, December 23, 2022

First Full Day of Winter

The View Outside
Odenton, MD
December 22, 2022

The first full day of Winter was, fittingly, a bleak and dreary day

It rained almost all of the day. Which was much better than other parts of the country where snow and blizzard-like conditions were the recipe for the day.

We were expecting the temperature to drop overnight, but apparently it did not and things are not too bad here on the southern part of the storm. The temperature is supposed to fall during the day bottoming out at about 9 degrees overnight. Ugh! Hopefully the roads will dry before the freeze arrives. 

We will see what the day brings.

Happy Christmas Eve Eve! That used to be a thing when I was a kid. 

-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Dancing Tuba-playing Santa


Tuba-playing Dancing Santa
Tequesta, FL
December 20, 2022

When I retired last year, I disposed of most of my collection of toys, many of them were of the singing and dancing variety. I had collected a lot of toys over the years and they adorned my office at work. 

The toys included singing chickens and turkeys and a set composed of a dancing Santa and reindeer. They all made me smile, although I am sure that important guests visiting my office wondered if I had somehow gone off the rails. But, I almost always had fun at work and never thought what I was doing as a job in the negative sense. It was a vocation and an important undertaking. 

Very few of my toys survived my transition to retirement. None were actually tossed into the trash as most were gifted to coworkers, friends, and the children in the neighborhood. 

Chris surprised me yesterday with a new animated toy. Truly a surprise because we had not brought any with us to Florida. It made me smile. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

After the Big Game

Yesterday was devoted to Soccer and Christmas shopping. 

Both were successful.

I was very happy that the United States played a great match against Iran and won, moving on to the Round of 16 at the World Cup. I was very impressed with the generally good sportsmanship shown by the players despite all of the geo-political swirl surrounding the game. 

Sadly, though, the results of the match could have dire consequences for the losers. 

Iranians face retribution after World Cup loss against USA - New York Post

Conversely, one media outlet reported something very different about the mood in Iran after the game:

Celebrations erupt in Iran after world cup loss, people wave - Mint (which I believe is an Indian news reporting organization)

The euphoria of the win is dampened by the injury report. Both the US players in the image of the goal being scored are injured. Pulisic, who scored, and Sargent were removed from the game. Their status for the Saturday match against heavily favored Netherlands is day-to-day.

For the evening, Chris and I went to the nearly deserted mall for some Christmas shopping. I had expected crowds and tight parking, but that was not the case at all. It was wide open parking lots and few holiday shoppers inside of Arundel Mills.  

-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Photo-bombing the Christmas Tree


Christmas Tree with Finnegan
Odenton, MD
November 26, 2022
We had the opportunity to transform another room and prepare it for Christmas by helping decorate a tree. We missed the opportunity to go Christmas Tree hunting (Be very very quiet, we are hunting Christmas Trees), but were able to help with the decorating. 

The freshly cut tree arrived in good shape and was quickly installed into the stand and the best side for viewing determined. Then the fun began. Decorating. The decorating was not done to Christmas music, but rather the Ohio State vs Michigan football game. Having the game on the TV was different, but it kept my interest. 

When the decorating was complete, it was time for pictures and without any prompting Finnegan moved in to photo-bomb the image. He sat right on the tree skirt as if to say, "Did someone say pictures?" It was really very funny. And it made for a good picture.

Merry Christmas and the season is in full swing!

Did anyone else notice that the Black Friday sales were not that spectacular?

-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Axis & Allies 2022


The annual Black Friday Axis & Allies WW2 game was a success yesterday. This is something the family does annually and each year we find new strategies as we change countries. This year I was responsible for Japan. 

Japan is in a tough position in the game in that it has to keep the U.S. out of the Pacific and put pressure on Russia to help the Axis ally, Germany. I successfully sent the U.S. and British carrier battle groups to the bottom of the ocean on three major occasions and was beginning to pressure Russia by clearing China. We ended the game so we could watch the USA vs England World Cup match. My ally, who was managing both Germany and Italy was doing a great job as well. 

When we ended the game, we determined that the game was still even with advantage to the Axis.

Actually, in thinking back, the World Cup match ended much the same way--even with advantage U.S.

-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD

Friday, November 25, 2022

Woolly Worms and Predictions


Woolly Worm
Odenton, MD
November 23, 2022

Again this year I was confronted with an all black Woolly Worm, the predictor of a long and difficult winter.  Based upon recent experience and considering the terrible pre-Thanksgiving weather across the Great Lakes, I am guessing that this woolly worm is making an accurate prediction. 

It is interesting how we turn to animals to attempt to predict the upcoming weather patterns. As if they have any better idea than we about what is to come. We want to know the future, but are still surprised when it actually arrives. As an aside, officially and scientifically, an all black woolly worm does not really mean anything except it is possibly a different species. What a bummer. 

The weather he the past few days has actually been very nice and mild. I walked dogs outside without a coat on Thanksgiving morning. The sun was warm and enjoyable. I don't think the woolly worm predicted that nice weather. But I did enjoy it. 

Here is hoping that you had a nice Thanksgiving!

-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving 2022


As if it hadn't happened already, the holiday season is careening full speed into the end of the year. 

In the past, Thanksgiving marked the beginning of the Christmas Season, but that date moved earlier this year with Christmas shopping and Black Friday sales beginning immediately after Halloween.

Thanksgiving is a day designated for giving thanks and celebrating the bounty of the harvest with family and friends. We also commemorate the first Thanksgiving between the pilgrims and the Wampanoags. While the traditional Thanksgiving that we generally celebrate occurred during 1621, there was a Thanksgiving celebrated during 1619 in Virginia with the arrival of settlers along the James River, but that celebration did not mark an alliance with the native peoples. 

Today, much of the history gets lost, but hopefully being thankful continues as a tradition around the table. As we watch parades, dog shows, and football games while consuming quantities of food and beverage we need to pause and give thanks for our blessings.

We also must take a moment to honor and give thanks for the First Responders and the men and women of military forces. Many are away from their families on this holiday and possibly alone. I am thankful that our military forces are not actively engaged in combat operations this Thanksgiving, but they are ever vigilant. 

-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Deck the Halls!

Christmas Tree with Colored Lights
Tequesta, FL
November 20, 2022

The days have become cooler here, in the 70s. That made Chris and I realize that when we return from our trip north to celebrate Thanksgiving, it will be just weeks before Christmas. 
Christmas Tree with White Lights
Tequesta, FL
November 20, 2022

In keeping with the season of goodwill, I relented yesterday and fetched the Christmas decorations from the storage room, saying goodbye to Elmer, my large turkey and the rest of our Thanksgiving decorations. 

The house has been Christmasfied. 

Yes, the Christmas decorations are up in the house before Thanksgiving, but that means we will be in the spirit when we return from our trip to the frozen northern wastelands. The transformation has taken two trips to the storage room and had caused the garage to become cluttered. And then there was the new tree that had to be purchased as we disposed of our old ones when we moved believing that we would not have a tree in Florida--I knew that was a dream, but our trees were old and shedding more needles than a real tree does at the end of the season.

Nativity Scene in TV Stand
Tequesta, FL
November 19, 2022

It was hard to find a Christmas tree that was not pre-lit! We have lights and we have really cool lights that we can set to white, color, or have them switch between color and white. 

The decor has changed in the house from our preferred coastal to a more traditional Christmas scene and all of the wall hangings were swapped out for the Christmas theme. Even Chris felt that we had brought our home from Maryland south when we finished late yesterday. 

I am usually a stickler for the display of seasonal decorations. Halloween cannot be displayed before October and precisely on November 1st, the Thanksgiving decorations replace Halloween. Following that Christmas must not appear before Thanksgiving; however, this year is a special case and my guidelines needed to be adapted to the situation.

Tomorrow the trip north begins! It is 28 degrees there this morning and we will certainly be in the frozen Christmas spirit when we arrive! Did I mention that it is 75 degrees here this morning?

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Day of the Turkey


Turkey's on Display
Tequesta, FL
November 1, 2022

It is coming. 

The day of the turkey is almost at hand. 

With the arrival of November, the Halloween decorations are returned to their storage containers and the short season of the turkey arrives. 

Yesterday, we transitioned the decorations in our home from Halloween to Thanksgiving. Some of the pumpkins, which were not jack-o-lanterns, remained and were augmented with more harvest season oriented features. 

This is my favorite season of the year, but it is short. This year it is just 24 days. 

Thanksgiving is coming! Beware the Turkey!

Stay out of the way Santa!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Halloween Bust!

 We were prepared for the hordes of children that used to visit on Halloween in Maryland.

None came.

It was sad. 

We decided to watch Ghostbusters to enjoy the holiday more.

We know there are children in the neighborhood because we see them at the pool and the school bus stops. But none came by. 

We have a lot of candy left over with no prospects for getting rid of it other than eating it ourselves. That should be fun.

We were so disappointed in our neighborhood that we dressed Finnegan in his costume and took him out Trick or Treating to our friend's house. While there we at least got some smiles and enjoyed a large crowd of costumed kids enjoying the evening. 

We will plan something different for next year.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Happy Bastille Day 2022!

Fort St. Louis
St. Martin
June 30, 2022

My second favorite foreign holiday has arrived and I look forward to the images of fireworks being launched in Paris tonight!

Happy Bastille Day!

And to think I was in France (well, St. Martin) just two weeks ago. I did enjoy seeing the tri-color flying on the French side of the island, all the more knowing that it is France.

Flags at Orient Bay Beach
St Martin
June 28, 2022

I do not know why I like Bastille Day so much, but the thought of a holiday associated with a prison breakout intrigues me. 

Through history, the French have either been for us or against us, but never wishy-washy about America. Of course it was their assistance at Yorktown which made the cause of the Revolution a reality as Cornwallis surrendered. 

Well, it is a French holiday and we should celebrate with them. 

Vive la France!

Oh yes, and Happy Friday Eve!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

After the 4th

Fireworks Over the House
Elkridge, MD
July 4, 2022

 It was, I expect, the final family holiday celebration at the house and it was fitting that it went out with a bang.

We had a spectacular 4th of July gathering. The weather was perfect, we dined on a multitude of foods, and the fireworks went off without a problem. The pool was the centerpiece of the early festivities and once darkness fell, the sounds of rockets and explosions took over.

A neighbor took the image of the fireworks exploding over the house and I have to admit--I like it a lot. 

And now, it is Tuesday. The day after the big party. There remains some debris in the yard, but otherwise, the house is in great shape. 

A great memory was made. And a great image as well.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

After the Holiday

Finishing Ribs on the Bar-B
Elkridge, MD
May 30, 2022

 Memorial Day 2022 was memorable. Most all of the family gathered for a meal and fun in and around the pool. There were smoked ribs finished on the Bar-B, salads, adult beverages, and fun in the pool. 

The weather cooperated, for a change, providing a dry and hot day. That is what Memorial Day is supposed to be: dry and hot. 

Memorial Day in the Pool
Elkridge, MD
May 30, 2022
We started during the early afternoon and continued into the evening. A variety of music was played to help the mood of the day.

The pool started the day at 77 degrees and I am sure it gained a couple degrees by day's end. 

It was great fun and everyone relaxed and just let the day happen. 

After all, isn't that what holidays are all about, families gathering together to take an official time-out from the hectic schedules of life and enjoy each other?

And now, we resume our regularly scheduled activities.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mother's Day 2022


Happy Mother's Day to all mothers.

With the passing of Mom this past December, the day is a bit different. Chris and I did not buy a Mother's Day gift for her for the first time, ever. I know my entire family is grappling with reality of life without her, but there is joy. The Celebration of Life that was held for her during late-April provided an inspiration of a life well lived and she was a model for us all. She was special because her inclusive definition of family was evident in everything she did. She truly believed that we all are brothers and sisters and integral parts of a larger family. She lived her faith everyday and was a genuine believer.

So, for my family and friends here is the video that was used at Mom's Celebration of Life as a way to remember a great Mom to everyone Mother's Day. 

Happy Mother's Day Mom. We miss you.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Cinco de Mayo 2022


Happy Cinco de Mayo 2022!

Let the festivities begin as my favorite foreign holiday arrives. 

Cinco de Mayo is actually a holiday in Mexico--but it is more widely celebrated here in the U.S. 

Many people wonder why I enjoy the holiday. Well, it is one of those holidays, complete with a celebration, which although considered minor by many has incredible significance to the American experience. 

Cinco de Mayo is NOT Mexican Independence Day, which is celebrated during September, and it also is NOT a Mexican Federal Holiday. The Battle of Puebla where out-manned and out-gunned Mexican forces defeated a larger French force (sounds a bit like Ukraine and Russia), was also not a turning point in the War, which the French ultimately won. The Battle of Puebla, however, may have helped prevent the Confederacy from winning the American Civil War. 

An excerpt from a History.Com article, titled How Cinco de Mayo Helped Prevent a Confederate Victory in the Civil War, provides the historical perspective. 

Some contend that the year-long delay of the French invasion gave Abraham Lincoln’s generals just enough time to win decisive Union victories before Napoleon could provide upgraded artillery and munitions to the Confederacy. 

“By the time the French occupy Mexico City in June of 1863, the battle of Vicksburg was already underway," says Eric Rojo, a retired U.S. Army Colonel and commander-in-chief of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, an organization composed of descendants of Union officers in the Civil War. Rojo points out that the Battle of Gettysburg was about to begin and that Union victories were "signaling the beginning of the end" for the Confederacy. “Even if French were able to set their supply lines by mid-1863, it would have made very little difference in the outcome of the Civil War.”

So I celebrate today not only for the fun and revelry, but for the true historical significance of the Battle of Puebla and in memory to the brave Mexicans who played a role in preserving the Union and these United States.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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