Showing posts with label 2010 Pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2010 Pictures. Show all posts

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snowpocalypse 2010 Round 2 - The Clean-up after the Storms

Well, round 2 was certainly interesting with the blowing snow. It was reminiscent of blizzards I remember when I was a kid.

The whiteout conditions that existed looking towards the end of the driveway. I took this about 4 PM yesterday (10 Feb) as I was talking myself out of shoveling the driveway.

And in the aftermath of the storm, we find blue skies. And snow. It almost seems pretty. Pretty cold!

The two blobs are the Patrick's broken Honda on the left and my beloved Kitty on the right. We may not find them again until summer at this rate.

We did lose a tree--one of the Junipers couldn't take the weight of the snow and wind and gave it up. Funny thing is, the top of this tree was broken a few years ago and I successfully put it back on--but now, the tree is a total loss.

But life goes on and we'll plant something there to replace it. And, I get to use my chainsaw!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snowpocaplyse 2010 Round 2 - Makayla

At least one member of the family enjoys being outside in the snow. And I love taking pictures of her in the snow.

Maybe it is her silver and black coloring against the snow. Who knows.

But she is so cute.

At least I can smile about something from the snow.

Snowpocalypse 2010 Round 2 Starting Point

As the second round of the storm begins--this is the condition of one of the main roads we must traverse to get out to US 1.


Makayla enjoyed the walk though and Chris snapped the picture.

And there are two streets in worse condition between us and this one. More fun as we hunker down waiting for the no kidding blizzard conditions to come upon us.

And after the walk?

What happens to Makayla as she dries off and the snow melts off her. Well it is into the basement to dry off for a while. Of course she keeps a close eye in the action.
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Snowpocalypse 2010 Round 2 - It Begins

Snow is falling--we got about 4 inches overnight with about 10 inches more expected during the day in what is being called Blizzard conditions.

We did get out to visit with the family yesterday. We did some sledding down a hill with Ethan and Jax and then looked at a house that Nicole and Jeremy are considering buying and subsequently went to dinner with them and of course the newest grandson--Lucas.

So as I looked off the porch this morning as Round 2 begins, I was confronted by more of the same: snow falling from the sky. Although I do like the reflection of the flash off the falling snow flakes. It is important to note that the truck was free of snow yesterday--and so it provides a record of the snow which has fallen overnight.

Oh--that blob behind the truck is my Jaguar. And the one behind that is Patrick's disabled Honda waiting for better weather for us to get it ready to sell.

I'm not sure we'll see either of them again until May--at the rate snow is falling. At least Kitty, the Jaguar, has a car cover over top of her.

As we drove around yesterday we were shocked by the number of trees which the round 1 of the storm brought down.

On the other hand--we have been really pleased to see our whole community pull together to help each other dig out.

Everyone knows--this is the fault of that woodlands weather forecaster--right? We need to put a contract out on Punxsutawney Phil.

Now here is the serious part:
- Gas stations are running out of gas (we had to go to two stations last night to fill the car)
- Grocery store shelves are beginning to get bare (Safeway was out of eggs and orange juice and was nearly out of milk yesterday.
- The isn't a snow shovel to be had in the region (both of mine need to be replaced--but I've repaired them for the next round)
- The roads in some places are a mess--even the main roads change from two to one open lane without warning and many secondary roads are snow packed and barely wide enough for two vehicles to pass.
- Many cars and streets still waiting to be freed from the previous snowfall
- Snow removal equipment trying to find creative places to put the snow
- Drivers who have not changed their technique to accommodate the reduced visibility at corners and lack of on ramps on the highways.

But we are OK and expect to persevere.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snowpocalypse 2010--Just 60 Days Away

One of the pictures we took the other day was of the flowering cherry tree in our yard.

I thought about this tree--and I could remember what it will look like in about 60 days as Spring gets into full swing.

It will not be snow covered until then, will it?

Surely we will get some relief. I feel confident of that.

Ok---I hope?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Snowpocalypse 2010 - Scenes from the Frontline

This image drove it home for me--the amount of snow piling up everywhere. Of course, the railing cannot hold all of the snow that fell--but as the wind was blowing off the rail I was presented with this shot of how high the snow was piled.

And it is piled this high everywhere. Trudging through the snow is just that--trudging in every sense of the word.

I found this definition in the Merriam-Webster on line dictionary:

: to walk or march steadily and usually laboriously as trudged through deep snow

they even used what we are going to do later today to define the word.
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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Looking out of the crystal window--Another view of Snowpocalypse 2010

Standing in my entry way looking out the window on the front door--I got a very different perspective on the world this morning.

It almost seemed pretty with the stunning blue sky, and the pure white snow accented by the melting driveway and the air cleared by 16 degree temperatures.

Still can't go anywhere--but the scenery gives new meaning to the phrase, "It's a marshmallow world."

Look out, I think the Sta-puff Marshmallow Man has been by!

I had to look at the house on Google Earth to remind myself of how things look when they are not covered with snow.
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Snowpocalypse 2010 Update from the Front Part II

Well--the driveway is clean.

But the street is still packed with the 38.3 inches of snow that fell in Elkridge.

It is amazing. We went out last evening in the fading light of the day to capture some images of the results of the storm. As you can see--the sky had cleared and the sunset colors were casting a warm glow over the frozen wastelands that used to be our yards.

To give a perspective of how high we have piled the snow to get it out of our driveway--Chris is standing in front of the pile--and it is above her head. We are all worried about where to pile the additional six to seven inches of snow expected on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Makayla is feeling the effects of the snow the most of any of us. She can't break through the deep snow on her own--so every time I take her out she makes a beeline for the end of the driveway and the paths we have all made connecting with the neighbors.

This morning though--the sun is rising--the sky is clear. It is a balmy 13 degrees. And we are ready for the day.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snowpocalypse 2010 Update from the Front

It is still snowing.

After three hours of shoveling--we are getting more snow. And believe it or not, due to the Thunder Snow last night, Elkridge is leading the region in snow fall totals.

We are over 30 inches now--and there are six more on the way on Tuesday and Wednesday.

We have some cool pictures--that I will be sharing.

Makayla is having a blast in the snow--although she was a little freaked out by the depth of the snow. She loves to follow me in snow trails that I make.

But the driveway is shoveled--we expect the street to be plowed Monday morning. Yup--that's correct--Monday morning and today is Saturday. They are having enough of a problem keeping I-95 open they have not even begun to worry about the side and residential streets.

Note in the picture of the house a miraculous thing. My truck is covered with snow, but Chris' Lexus is not in the picture--for the first time ever--since we have lived here in Elkridge, there is a vehicle in the garage. And we've lived here over 9 years!

Yay us!!!!

Snowpocalypse 2010

We have a new word in the vocabulary! Snowpocalypse. And I heard it first from Jeremy and then saw it elsewhere on Facebook to describe this snow event. And it is.

The region is effectively closed.

Here is Elkridge they are reporting 30 inches--we can confirm about 26 outside.

Chris took these pictures of the storm.

And the snow is still falling--

We have even heard that rarest of weather events: Thunder-snow! Woke us up from a deep sleep as the whole house shook.

And the snow is still falling.

But we are in good shape--we have plenty of wine and cheese.

Oh yeah--we have some food too.

But the good news is that we don't have anywhere we need to be. This week.

The dogs, however, can't figure out where to do their business. That could be a problem.

Follow-ups as they become available.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Riding the Bull

Sometimes life can be like bull riding.

Ever think of it that way?

A bull rider only needs to stay on a bull for 8 seconds to win. That seems like a relatively short time. Most of the things we do--the activities of life, are of relatively short duration. Longer than 8 seconds--but still short in comparison to a lifetime of activity.

In the bull riding competition, the bull is trying to get the rider off him as soon as he can using every trick in the book to dismount the rider. The rider is hanging on just trying to stay on the bull.

In terms of relative size--the bull is many times greater than the rider--yet a good rider can actually ride the bull.

I noticed something interesting about bull riding while I attended the Professional Bull Riders Association meet in Baltimore a few weeks ago. Riders are not alone. It takes a team. There is a team of people who assist in getting the rider onto the bull before the ride and then there are some very specialized people who help the rider get out of the ring after he either successfully rides the bull or is dismounted.

Life is like that.

We are the riders hoping to hang on for 8 short (lifetime seemingly long) seconds. Life (the bull) is doing everything in its power to unseat us.

But we hang on. For dear life, we hang on. Better than to be trampled under the feet of the raging bull.

Successful "hangers-on" in life know they are not doing it on their own. They have help--family, neighbors, friends staying on top of the bull of life. Our team helps us prepare for the ride and then either picks us up after we are thrown or celebrates with us if we successfully ride the bull.

To take a snap shot from something that happened recently--Lucas' birth. Although it really was Nicole doing the work, she was supported by her husband and a larger family, and medical staff throughout the pregnancy and birth of Lucas. And from Lucas' perspective--he went from being uniquely bonded with his mother, to being part of a much larger family and it is a family that he will continue to be part of for his whole life.

Wow--I'm riding the bull!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Saturday Night in Baltimore? Whatcha gonna do?

Let's do something different! PBR!

Nope--not the beer, but Professional Bull Riding! the Baltimore Invitational. On a whim, I asked Chris if we should go and take Ethan to the PBR--she said yes and we did.

So our little cowboy experienced bull riding as a sport. And yes--the cowboy hat was added at the arena so he would fit in better with all the other cowboys. Although--he needed assurance that this did not mean he liked the Dallas Cowboys in any way, shape or form.

It was a fun evening watching the bulls and riders compete. It was nationally televised, so we also experienced many, many TV time outs for commercials.

I was surprised at how many other residents of the area--not normally known for its western arts appeal, ventured out on a real cold night to see the riders compete.

It was quite a show--complete with fireworks, and opening prayer and of course the National Anthem. The introduction of the riders was especially loud and accompanied by fireworks.

I was touched by the opening prayer--which asked God to protect the riders and the animals--really a nice touch.

I came away with renewed respect for how long 8 seconds can be--the amount of time a rider needs to stay atop a bull which is doing everything in its power to dismount him!

So our New Year truly has gotten off to a different start--and although only two days old--there still are a lot of new and different things to do.

Although--I was warmed by a sign we passed on the way home.

Spring is only 79 days away! Yee-Haw!

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