Thursday, January 27, 2022

Friday Eve Again

Sign Along I-95
Fayetteville, NC
January 23, 2022
Happy Friday-eve. I am approaching the end of my first month of retirement. Chris and I still have not hit our retirement stride yet--but that is to be expected since we started the new year planning to be on a cruise and then spending a week in Houston before returning to Maryland to close the house there and relocate to Florida becoming "snow birds." We had a very busy first three weeks of retirement planned and it felt like a vacation. I confess, it still feels like a vacation.

I like the thought of being away from the freezing temperatures that I experienced during the week I was in Maryland. It will be cold here this weekend, in the 30s as a reminder of what I'm missing, but today will see temperatures in the high 70's. 

Even with the cold expected here this weekend, I am happy that I do not expect to see signs along the highway indicating that there are icy spots as I saw on Sunday while driving past Fayetteville, North Carolina. And the cold will be temporary for two days and then back to shirt-sleeve weather.

I have to confess, I have not yet been to the beach. We have been busy in the condo and the weather has not been either warm or dry enough for a morning beach walk. Hopefully, today that will change. 

The whole concept of Friday-eve has certainly changed during the past four weeks of retirement. I don't see it as a means to get through Friday and then to the weekend. Someone told me that everyday is a weekend when retired--and that is mostly true. I have noticed that. I do not like shopping on the weekend because it is better early on a weekday. We sojourned to Costco the other day and it was not nearly as bad as trying to shop there in a weened.

For those who still need the greeting Happy Friday-eve to smile and think on the impending work break--I wish you the best.  

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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