1. The month is zipping by at a rapid pace. It is already the last half of November. Thanksgiving is next week and I see signs of the Christmas season in almost every store.
2. It is hard to believe that my two week respite from the Northeast ends tomorrow. I will leave the palm trees behind and board a flight to face the worst that winter can toss at me.
Jupiter Island Beach Jupiter, Florida November 16, 2019 |
4. Family NFL Results and probability of making the playoffs:
Ravens (97%) defeat Texans 41-7
Cowboys (61%) defeat Lions 35-27
Steelers (34%) lose to Browns 7-21
Redskins (<1 17-34="" font="" jets="" lose="" to="">1>
Jupiter Lighthouse Jupiter, Florida November 16, 2019 |
6. As we close up our condo, in preparation for the winter, we are leaving lot of memories and work behind. I think we have nearly made the place into our home and there are only minor projects remaining to fill our time during the next visit. I am already planning my first visit of 2020.
7. It was instructive to see how the 18 degree drop in temperature caused the true Floridians to seek heavy jackets, while those form more northern climates continues to wear shorts. I did, however, change into jeans when the temperatures dipped below 60 degrees.
8. Is there such a thing as Christmas season burnout? With the jump form Halloween to Christmas, skipping Thanksgiving, I worry that by the time Christmas actually arrives, people will be burned out.
9. Today in History. On November 18, 1978, Peoples Temple founder Jim Jones leads hundreds of his followers in a mass murder-suicide at their agricultural commune in a remote part of the South American nation of Guyana. Many of Jones’ followers willingly ingested a poison-laced punch while others were forced to do so at gunpoint. The final death toll at Jonestown that day was 909; a third of those who perished were children.
Congress Expects to Pass Another Stopgap Spending Bill to Keep Agencies Open Through Dec. 20 - Government Executive
Hong Kong Protesters Trapped at Campus - The New York Times
Republicans Shift Defense of Trump While He Attacks Another Witness - The New York Times
North Korea says will not offer anything to Trump without receiving in return: KCNA - Reuters
Russia starts process of returning captured naval ships to Ukraine: TASS - Reuters
Ronald Reagan Quote for the Week
Next, the budget process is a sorry spectacle. The missing of deadlines and the nightmare of monstrous continuing resolutions packing hundreds of billions of dollars of spending into one bill must be stopped. We ask the Congress once again: Give us the same tool that 43 Governors have -- a line-item veto so we can carve out the boondoggles and pork, those items that would never survive on their own. I will send the Congress broad recommendations on the budget, but first I'd like to see yours. Let's go to work and get this done together.
Address Before a Joint Session of Congress on the State of the Union - January 27, 1987
-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, Florida
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