Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Out the Hotel Window - Denver, April 2014

Out the Hotel Window
Penance! That is what it was. 

I had to pay for the glorious weekend that I enjoyed in Baltimore including days of temperatures above 80 degrees.

And so on Sunday evening I flew to Denver and was greeted by a blinding snow storm and temperatures of about 25 degrees. I left Baltimore in a shirt sleeves and had to pull my winter coat out of my suitcase before deplaning in Denver.

The dawn, while beautiful, was snow covered. And cold! I am ready for this kind of weather to be gone. Forever gone. Well, at least until December or next January.
Later that same day at the airport

It was definitely not the D.C. Cherry Blossom Festival. The roads were icy in the morning and reminded me of everything I do NOT miss about Winter.

The good news is that the snow melted and was gone by the afternoon. Yay. Although, there is more snow in their forecast. Happily, I won't be around to enjoy it.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Denver, Colorado while waiting at the airport

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