Friday, June 14, 2013

And the Other Driver Drove Away

I have been reflecting upon the accident which occurred one week ago today.

Frustration at the slowness and the prospect of spending potentially thousands to replace my vehicle.

I am still hung up on being the victim and the responsible party seemingly gets off. The other driver doesn't have enough insurance to cover my vehicle, clearly was at fault, and still is shirking their responsibility for the accident.

I am glad that no one was seriously injured, but I hate car shopping. And spending the money.

There are a lot of cars out there--but I am stile mired in the thought, why does it have to be my car that took the brunt of the accident?

But it did.

Sometimes life doesn't seem fair. But then, life isn't fair. Life just is. We add the value to life and try to discern fairness--but in truth, there is little fairness.

That is why the other driver drove away in a seemingly unharmed vehicle and mine is still being assessed for damages.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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