Saturday, July 7, 2018

Going out in a Blaze of Glory

Radio Flyer Captures the Beginning of the Sunset
July 6, 2018
As the Sun Sets in Tanyard Cove
Radio Flyer
July 6, 2018
Yesterday was a busy day and it was a great day. It began on a local golf course, with Chris and ended as our friends said good-by after an evening of conversation, food, and of course wine.

I took a lot of images of the day's activities and flew Radio Flyer twice at Tanyard Cove in Glen Burnie around Fran and Mary's new house. 

It was fun flying around an active construction site where houses are in all stages of being built. And I will definitely write about that later.

July 6, 2018 Sunset from Route 100 Near BWI
The highlight of the day, however, was the stunning sunset which I captured from its very beginning until completion. 
July 6 2018 Sunset As the Colors Deepen

It was fortuitous that I was not driving because the most breathtaking views of the sunset were from the the road during the drive home.

The sky was ablaze with color and everyone in the vehicle commented on the beauty of the sunset. It has been stiflingly hot and the sunset carried the promise of more moderate temperatures, like those we are experiencing this morning. 

Sunset from the Road on Route 100 Maryland
July 6, 2018
I admit that I probably took too many images of the sunset. It was just that unique. 

Trees Silhouetted by the Sunset
July 6, 2018 
The beauty caught my eye and I was in a position to just enjoy the artist's work in the sky at the end of the day. And it was a beautiful ending. Most of the day was cloudy and damp with occasional rain showers to ensure the humidity remained at uncomfortably high levels. 

The sunset, however, provided the much needed  exclamation point that ushered the day away with the promise of a new tomorrow. 

Chris and I do not get to enjoy many sunsets like the one last evening. Aside from the infrequent occurrence, our house is located in a low spot surrounded by trees and we do not get to enjoy the expansive vistas that we experienced last evening. 

I am glad that I have the memory and the evidence of a colorful sunset which sent the day out in a blaze of glory.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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