Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Surviving a Snow Day

Snow Days, when I am trapped in the house because the roads are impassable, happen only rarely. It is interesting what I find to do to fill the time.

To pass the time, Chris and I decided to watch the birds. 

Chris put some peanuts atop the snow pile on the deck hoping that  the blue jays would come and feast. It was a nice diversion. The sky was blue and the sun was bright.

We had pulled out all of the cameras and video gear that we own and laid in wait for the blue jays to arrive--and they did!

They are cautious birds, but fun to watch as they begin to get familiar and comfortable with a situation. Even after we had put the dogs out, they quickly came back once the dogs were inside.

Of course, at the feeders there were some "non-birds" doing their best to snatch a snack. Squirrels are creative creatures. This one almost was posing for the event, looking straight into the camera. But, undeterred, it continued feeding.

I retrieved my GoPro and took some video of the blue jays arriving and departing. I admit, it is not a great video but it took over an hour to process and edit and that helped take use some of the time I had with precious little else to do.

Something to enjoy.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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