Saturday, May 2, 2009

My Weekend List--Stress Looking for a Place to Happen!

Last weekend it was all wine and food in St Michaels--this weekend?

Between 5PM Friday and 5 AM on Monday there are 60 available hours. Here is how I plan to use them:

1. Finish opening the pool (I figure four more hours conservatively)

2. Mow (again!) (one hour)

3. Fix the garage door--some kid rode his bike headlong into it (one hour)

4. Play with Makayla (two hours)

5. Dive Kitty somewhere, anywhere (one hour)

6. Pay the bills

7. Watch the Pens beat the Caps (or crapitals as I prefer to call them) with Jer and drink copious quantities of beer (three hours)

8. Nap (two hours)

9. Take another Nap (two hours more)

10. Play with Makayla, again (just because she's cute) (two hours)

11. Go to church (two hours)

12. Surf the Internet (when I can) (five hours)

13. Watch the O's play a reasonable facsimile of baseball (nine hours)

14. Go for a walk (one hour)

15. Drink some wine and eat some cheese (when doing nothing else) (two hours)

16. Say Hi to my wife in passing as she does whatever it is she has planned with the "girls!"

17. Figure out how to get a three-day weekend because there's waaay to much stuff crammed into this two-day weekend

18. Sleep (26 hours)

19. Happy Hour on Friday (three hours)

BTW--it adds up to 66 hours so far!

Unplanned items:

weed the gardens,

fix something that breaks,

read the magazines I got in the mail this week,


transit time to shop,

do a blog entry,

whatever it is that Chris really wants me to do!

I'm not sure which is more stressful--
my weekend or my work week!

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