Friday, May 8, 2020

Coronavirus musings

Lilac in my Yard
Elkridge, MD
May 7, 2020
It is Friday ending the first full week of May and while outdoors activities have been opened, not much else has changed. I have noted more traffic on the roads during the past week. It seems that fewer people are staying home or that supplies at home are running low and people need to get out for essentials. 

I have to confess that my favorite outdoors activity has become walking around my yard and the neighborhood to enjoy the flowers of the Spring. Yesterday, I noticed that the lilac is finally blooming. The fragrance is very sweet as it fills the air. Fortunately, it is near the front of the house and I am able to enjoy the aroma each time I enter or leave. 

With respect to the coronavirus response, in talking to people I have found that there continue to be spot shortages of meat, cleaning supplies, paper towels, and soups in the grocery stores. Chris and I got lucky the other day and found the meat counter fully supplied at our local store. We were able to use our new vacuum sealer to prepare the meat for storage rather than relying on zip lock bags for the extra pound of hamburger and a couple pork chops. Sadly, they were selling the meat only in extra large quantities, it seemed, but they were also limiting the quantity of meat that could be purchased. 

Last evening we were afflicted with a power outage during the middle of our family Zoom conference. We do not usually lose power and it was very frustrating to be in the middle of a conversation and suddenly have the lights go out along with the internet. I wonder if I should get an UPS unit to ensure internet connection during a power bump? Yesterday it was out for over 15 minutes, which is more than a bump, but we had a couple bumps earlier during the day. Something to ponder. 

It is interesting what thoughts begin to percolate through the cranium as the coronavirus stay-at-home order continues, although the order has been modified a bit and I am looking forward to walking a golf course and swinging wildly at the little ball later today. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Steps Forward to Recovery

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan yesterday announced that the state will make significant steps forward on the path to reopening beginning today.

I watched yesterday's news conference in the hopes that he would announce that Maryland would enter Phase 1 of the recovery plan, but he did not. He DID, however, begin the process of reopening by allowing elective medical procedures, the reopening or resumption of outdoors activities and announcing that schools would remain closed for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year. 

To say that there is a lot of excitement about the announcements is an understatement. It is the first really good news that we have received since we began the extreme measures during mid-March. With continued vigilance and observation of personal distancing measures, Maryland could enter Phase 1 of the recovery mid-next week!

I have a Tee Time for Friday!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Celebrating despite the Coronavirus

Cinco de Mayo was yesterday and it is my favorite foreign holiday. My second favorite foreign holiday is Bastille Day, but more on that in July. 

Mexican-themed Dinner
Elkridge, MD
May 5, 2020
Cinco de Mayo is a minor Mexican holiday and only really celebrated in the state of Puebla. The Battle of Puebla occurred on May 5, 1862, but there were implications for the U.S. which was at that time engaged in the Civil War. Had the French been victorious and gained at a solid foothold in Mexico it was likely that the they would support the South in the Civil War and had that come to fruition the U.S. could look very different today. So it is very reasonable to celebrate Cinco de Mayo in the U.S. today, and it provides a nice bridge holiday between Easter and Memorial Day.

So, despite there coronavirus and COVID-19, Chris and I held our annual Cinco de Mayo celebration last evening. Although it was just the two of us, it was as festive as ever with themed adult beverages and food. 

Party-on, but respect personal distancing!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Social vs Personal Distancing

Bay Ward Bulletin
Ottawa, Canada
There has been a lot of discussion since the coronavirus arrived on the scene about the critical importance of social distancing. Frankly, the longer the phrase has been used the more I have come to understand that while it sounds good, it mischaracterizes what we really are trying to do. 

We need to do the opposite of "social" distancing during this period. We need to become socially closer to each other. That does not mean physically closer. Becoming socially closer, to provide the support and encouragement that people need to survive the upheaval in our lives that is being experienced, is critical to helping everyone get through this time. 

Even the World Health Organization has determined that the concept of social distancing is inaccurate. In a CNN article published on April 17th titled, 
Forget 'social distancing.' The WHO prefers we call it 'physical distancing' because social connections are more important than ever.

So, how am I moving socially closer while maintaining physical distancing? 

Zoom and Google Duo have become two of my favorite communications applications. I still text and email, but I also video call when I can. It is a way to remain socially close. There is something personal about seeing who I am talking to, it makes the call more personal, even intimate. It helps to show that I care about the person on the other end of the call.

Be safe. Practice physical distancing, but also move socially closer to others. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, May 4, 2020

Monday Musings - May 4, 2020

1. Crashing into the first Monday of May we are still living under a stay-at-home order in Maryland and the economy is still crashing. The second third of the year is underway.

2. Happy Star Wars Day! (May the fourth be with you!)

3. I heard that New York City is going to be cleaning all of the subway trains every day now. Funny, why weren't they doing that before? It makes me wonder--how often are public places cleaned. 
Dark Sky on my Phone
Elkridge, MD
May 3, 2020

4. Standing in Wegmans on Friday they wiped the cashier belt between customers to prevent cross-contamination. It was a great idea. I wonder how often the belts were cleaned before coronavirus?

5. B.C has been redefined. Before Coronavirus!

6. Yesterday the temperature made it to 78 degrees. During the morning weather reports the expected high was 66 degrees. I wonder why the big difference, but I am not complaining. 

7. My favorite foreign holiday is tomorrow! Cinco de Mayo!

8. I wonder what new things today will bring!

9. Today in History. On May 4, 1970, in Kent, Ohio, 28 National Guardsmen fire their weapons at a group of anti-war demonstrators on the Kent State University campus, killing four students, wounding eight, and permanently paralyzing another. The tragedy was a watershed moment for a nation divided by the conflict in Vietnam, and further galvanized the anti-war movement
Two days earlier, on May 2, National Guard troops were called to Kent to suppress students rioting in protest of the Vietnam War and the U.S. invasion of Cambodia. The next day, scattered protests were dispersed by tear gas, and on May 4 class resumed at Kent State University. By noon that day, despite a ban on rallies, some 2,000 people had assembled on the campus. National Guard troops arrived and ordered the crowd to disperse, fired tear gas, and advanced against the students with bayonets fixed on their rifles. Some of the protesters, refusing to yield, responded by throwing rocks and verbally taunting the troops.


A Clear View of What Causes Air Pollution - The Wall Street Journal

Italians Prepare to Return to Work, if They Can Find Child-Care - The Wall Street Journey

Why Does the Virus Devastate Some Places and Spare Others?Why Does the Virus Devastate Some Places and Spare Others? - The New York Times

North and South Korea Exchange Gunfire Across Demilitarized ZoneNorth and South Korea Exchange Gunfire Across Demilitarized Zone - The New York Times

As Washington stumbled, governors filled the void - The Washington Post

Iran says U.S. push to extend Tehran's arms embargo is 'illegitimate' - Reuters

Stocks fall as U.S./China tensions threaten rebound - OANN

Ronald Reagan Quote for the Week

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Look! Up in the Sky!

Blue Angels-Thunderbirds Fly-over
BWI Airport
May 2, 2020
It was over in about 45 seconds, but it was the most uplifting and unifying event that has happened in this region since the year began. 

Blue Angels-Thunderbirds Fly-over
BWI Airport
May 2, 2020

Yesterday, for a few minutes I felt like an American again instead of a refugee from an unseen virus! I felt proud of our country and my fellow citizens and patriots. Despite the official advice to the contrary, thousands gathered along side the highways under the published flight path to watch the combined U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds and U.S. Navy Blue Angels fly-over of Baltimore. 

I was out in a crowd! I was with other people! Life felt almost normal again except that we were wearing face masks and practicing personal distancing. 

Blue Angels-Thunderbirds Fly-over
BWI Airport
May 2, 2020
The fly-over raised my spirits. We were in a great place because they flew right over top of us.  I did not get an image of the jets right above me because I wanted to actually watch them not through the screen on my phone. I wanted to see with my own eyes the unified Navy and the Air Force pilots as they raised my spirit and rekindled my patriotism.

I do not know if the pilots of those jets could see the people gathered to watch them fly over, but the crowd along the road was fabulous to see. I even enjoyed being in the post-event traffic jam--I was there with other patriotic Americans who came out of stay-at-home for a few minutes to celebrate the indomitable spirit of America that we all share. 

We are still here! 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, May 2, 2020

As the Calendar Turns

The sunrise this morning was visible! That is exciting considering the past two mornings have been nothing but overcast skies and rain. But today I look outside and see the trees illuminated by the full sun and I am excited at the prospect of another day under a stay-at-home order. 
The Pool on a Beautiful May Morning
Elkridge, MD
May 2, 2020

Yesterday, aside from being May Day and Labor Day for much of the world, was a momentous pool day. It marked the first day that I did not have to brush the newly installed plaster in the pool. I have completed four weeks of daily brushing, which although reduced to mark the beginning of each new week, did require me to become very intimate with my pool. All told, during the month of April, I brushed the entire pool 70 times! I have also been keeping a very watchful eye on the chemical balance and monitored the changes caused by the inches of rain we have received since the pool was filled and daily plaster care began. 

Now I wish that the outdoors temperatures would moderate and we could begin swimming in the pool. The last time I checked the water temperature it a less than comfortable 57 degrees. So we need some warmer days. Being in the pool with an adult drink on a floatie will provide a great way to pass the stay-at-home order days.

As for what lies ahead during May? Well, hopefully the news will be less about coronavirus and COVID-19 and more about recovery and life returning to whatever the new normal is going to be. I am a bit anxious about the new normal, I hope it is not too different than the old normal, but if public places are cleaner--that would be a good change. 

And what is on tap for today? Painting the porch. No travel involved, we bought the paint yesterday. Those who know me understand how I feel about painting. Wait, maybe I can schedule a root canal instead. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, May 1, 2020

Good Leaders Model Good Behavior

Interesting things have transpired in the news media over the past week.

One theme which caught my attention was the differing response to creating and following rules about wearing face masks in public. 

Leaders follow rules and provide an example for others to emulate. They reinforce good behavior my modeling that behavior. 

Which brings me to to images that I captured this week. I was careful to choose two Republican leaders so that there can be no thought that I am providing a partisan view of leadership. 

Vice President Pence in the Mayo Clinic
April 28, 2020
For the first exhibit, I have the now infamous image of our Vice President in the Mayo Clinic clearly not following the rules regarding the wearing of face protection while visiting patients. Some leaders are so vain that they will not emulate good behavior. Notice that everyone else is wearing a mask. The explanation for not wearing a mask is not sufficient. According to CNN reporting, here is the Vice President's rationale for not wearing a mask:

"As vice president of the United States I'm tested for the coronavirus on a regular basis, and everyone who is around me is tested for the coronavirus," he said, citing guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that indicate wearing a mask can prevent those who have the virus from spreading it unwittingly.
"Since I don't have the coronavirus, I thought it'd be a good opportunity for me to be here, to be able to speak to these researchers these incredible health care personnel and look them in the eye and say thank you," he said.

But, as I wrote, wearing a mask in not only about the singular view of the Vice President in this matter, it is about modeling behavior for people to follow. If the Vice President believes that he is exempt from the guidelines and rules, then there will be many others who similarly believe that the rules and guidelines do not apply to them. 

Governor Larry Hogan Walking into a News Conference
April 29, 2020
Turning now to a Republican governor--Larry Hogan of Maryland who holds regular news conferences. Governor Hogan the other day gave a news conference and, as in his previous conferences, he wore a mask. I find it interesting because there is apparently at least six feet of spacing around the participants, but the governor wore a mask with the exception of the time he spent at the podium. 

Leaders lead!

Leaders need to recognize that everything they do is leading their constituents. If they follow rules--they are leading. If they flout the rules--that too is sending a message. 

Good leaders model good behavior.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, April 30, 2020

April's Passing--What will May Bring?

It will pass quietly tonight, but today is April's last day. It was a tumultuous month. One-third of the year 2020 is history.

Tomorrow begins May and hopefully the worldwide celebrations of May Day and Labour Day will begin to revive the coronavirus-ravaged societies around the world. 

Lilac Preparing to Blossom
Elkridge, MD
April 29, 2020
The headlines remain depressing with the first quarter economic results being released around the world. Despite that, the Dow was up yesterday and there is some optimism beginning to grow that the worst is over.

But then, we read of the food chain being decimated and I wonder, what's next

Charts: Two Months That Tore Apart the Food Chain - The Wall Street Journal

Will the month of May provide any relief?

Well, at least Chris and I found a new game to play during our daily walks--today we made bets on how many times our dogs would stop to do their business. She was walking Finnegan and I had Makayla--I bet 5v stops for Makayla and she bet 5 stops for Finnegan.

I won because Makayla stopped 6 times and Finnegan stopped a whopping 9 times!

The things that we do to keep life under coronavirus interesting. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, April 29, 2020


My Truck
Elkridge, MD
April 28, 2020

I am coming to understand the difference between miles-per-gallon (MPG) and time-between-fillups (TBF). 

I always used to believe that MPG had a direct impact on TBF. I am finding out, however, as a result of the stay-at-home order, that MPG really does not matter is the vehicle is not driven at all. For instance, my truck has remained stationary for the past five days. The TBF is increasing to the point of weeks--coming up on three weeks again and I have used only a quarter tank of gas. With gas prices so low, I wish I was driving more! I paid $1.65 per gallon for my last fill-up. But wait--I am saving more money by not driving and the MPG really doesn't matter in that case!

Columbine in the Garden
Elkridge, MD
April 28, 2020
Wow, it can get really confusing quickly. 

The coronavirus is affecting every facet of life and causing me to look at many things differently. 

Yesterday, I noticed that the columbine blooms in my garden were finally opening. It was good to see them. I have been watching the plant as it has been getting closer to blooming for sometime. 

It is likely that had this been a normal season and period of time, the blooming of the columbine would have gone almost unnoticed. I would have noted the blooms and continued walking past them. Yesterday, I not only noticed the blooms, but stopped to take an image of them. I appreciated that the blooms arrived, much like the Spring has arrived, undeterred by the coronavirus and the upheaval of our social lives and financial markets. 

So while I am distracting myself by thinking about MPG vs TBF or when MLB will begin, Spring arrived on-time and on-schedule. Fortunately, I have been able to take the time to stop and enjoy its arrival.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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