Friday, August 29, 2014

Labor Day Weekend a Day Early

View from the Balcony at the Condo
This has truly been a weird summer for me. Until last night, I had not had my toes in an ocean on a beach. That is rare for me, I think of myself as the original beach bum and love being on a beach.

I had stood on a mountain overlooking the Pacific Ocean during July--but never made it to the beach to put my toes in the water. 

Yes, I am thinking of the Zach Brown Band song Toes.  

I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand
Not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand
Life is good today. Life is good today.

Starting a holiday weekend a day early is something that I have not done in a long while.  Beating the traffic and arriving a day early was a good move because this morning, instead of waking up an going to work waiting for the day to end early and then heading out on the too narrow ribbon of highway to the ocean with thousands of my new best friends, I am already here sitting on the balcony of the condo looking at the ocean. 

And--well, my toes have already been in the water and they have been in the sand too.

Life is good today!

-- Bob Doan, writing from Ocean City, MD

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Today? Tomorrow? December?

Last Winter
I have to admit--I have been a little low lately thinking about the impending end to summer and the on set of the dark days.

These thoughts have been keeping me from enjoying the final days of summer and the resurgence of the warmth that has mostly been lacking.

I saw a weather report for this summer that indicated that while the normal number of days with temperatures 90 degrees or more to this date on average are 22, this summer there have been only 10 and none since July 23rd. 

Bring on the summer. I need to be in the moment and not thinking about the rotten, cold, dark, snowy weather that is looming on the horizon.

Jax on a Floatie
Last evening, I was on a floatie in the pool! Yes the pool. Enjoying the warmth of the afternoon thinking how great it was that summer was still in control of the weather. 

Today and tomorrow I will enjoy the summer. I will enjoy each day for what it is and when December comes, all too soon, I will smile as I face the snow and cold and think about July and fireworks, heat, and the pool. It is all a big circle.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

59 Years to Retirement

Yesterday, we celebrated the career of one of senior members of the organization for which I work. He has posted 59 years of Federal service and 55 years of working for the agency.

I can hardly imagine working for 59 years in the same profession.

Think about it. 59 years ago ballistic missiles were still much like the German V-2 rockets. Space was still not explored--it was about 57 years ago (October 1957) that the Russians orbited Sputnik.

Consider some things about 1955.

Cell phones? They were imaginary items in the Dick Tracey cartoons.

Microwaves? Really? HF was the best for radios. Nobody was cooking with them.

Man on the moon was a Flash Gordon Saturday afternoon movie. 

Color TV? Was a dream.

Computers? Very rudimentary room sized mechanical and vacuum tube affairs.

I was thinking of all of the things we use routinely today that didn't exist in 1955 when he joined the Air Force. Wow. 

I guess the biggest fear of retirement is missing all of the exciting things that have happened since he has been working. 

And now--he is on to the next chapter of life. I hope to be there in the not too distant future. Writing the next chapter of life day-by-day, but still remembering and amazed by all that has happened since I have been a working-age adult.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

As Evening Falls

Watching the home improvement shows on HGTV always provides ideas for creating improved living spaces. Around the the house, Chris and I have created an outdoor living space that we truly enjoy being in when the weather allows. 

This summer, the weather has really allowed us to enjoy being outside for not only cooking and eating, but relaxing together around the pool. Now, as evening comes more quickly each evening, we are still spending time outside in the space we have created. 

It is amazing what lights--when creatively applied can do to drive off the impending darkness and help us hold onto the last bit of summer as the autumn breezes begin to foreshadow the dark days ahead.

At least for a couple more months, we will continue to enjoy our haven before the temperatures finally drive us back inside to weather the storms of winter.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday Musings - August 25, 2014

1. The last week of August has arrived. This week ends with Labor Day and a planned trip to the beach to allow me to put my toes in the water and butt in the sand.
Jeremy in the Golf Cart on a
Beautiful Sunday Morning

2. I played golf again yesterday. I'm thinking there isn't a much better way to start the day than whacking at a little ball with a club and and talking to my son for over two hours while walking in the morning light as the day dawns. 

3. A couple of small projects on a rainy Saturday helps to keep everything in perspective.

4. I don't understand the news media creation of a story around the President's vacation. President's never vacation. The country isn't being run by the Vice President--the President is still running the country. There is enough real news out there to report, let's stop making up stories.

5. Three boys, a sunny afternoon, and a pool. Nothing but fun.

6. I sat outside the other evening and just etched into my mind the view of the trees around my yard in full leaf. As the summer drawns down, I know that the leaves will soon fall and the privacy we enjoy will be gone.

7. I wonder how many brown bats live near us--we only see about five at a time circling in the evening sky.

8. I can tell that summer is coming to an end, the number of frogs in the pool is declining.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Neighbors on the Move

Chris and I knew this weekend was coming when the For Sale sign went up in the yard next door a couple of months ago.

Our neighbors--who have been the most awesome neighbors in the world, are on the move. We have been talking to them about the process and the considerations regarding moving and the start of the school year. It is hard to relocate.

We have been there--during my Air Force career we moved more times than we care to remember. No move is easy--whether across the street or around the world. But as we have been stable for the past almost 14 years, we are finding that it is hard to be the ones left behind as well. 

Great neighbors are a blessing and they are hard to find. Unfortunately, much like our family, we don't usually get to pick our neighbors. 

And so as our neighbors depart to continue their lives in a new location, we wish them the very best as they relocate.  We will miss them. 

Soon, we will have new neighbors to meet. 

We wonder what they will be like.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Under the Cat's Paw

Riordin with Florence
We have been watching our daughter's Italian Greyhound, Florence, for the past week while she and the boys enjoy the final week of summer vacation at the beach. 

People always are amazed at how well our cats and dog get along--they are all members of the same pack, it seems. Well, now it is clear that Florence has made her way into the pack as a full member--as long as she understands that Riordin is the alpha male.

I caught them on the sofa this morning, relaxing together with Riordin keeping Florence under his paw.

It was just cute. And they were both very comfortable. 

It is gonna be a great day, I can tell.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, August 22, 2014

Cruising into the Weekend

Friday has arrived--for some it is the happiest day of the workweek, although, for me is is one of the busiest days as I try to finish all of the projects that I planned to accomplish. I often work later on Fridays than other days simply because so many others depart early to get a start on the weekend and in the quiet of the office I can finally turn my attention to he really important projects that have been languishing in my "to do" pile all week.
My Golf Team with two additions for Good Luck
Mike Kasel, Mike Haslup, Chris Doan, Me,
Jodie Meyers, Jeremy Doan

This has been a different week. I began the week, on Sunday, playing in my first ever golf tournament, the Troy Whittemore Classic,  and I have not been able to play racquetball--which I dearly hope changes next week and that I can get back onto the court.

Chris's summer vacation ended as she returned to work and that has added stress to life with the changing schedules. She will get into a groove soon, but probably not next week as the kids return. 

I remember those first day of the school year days. There was excitement and trepidation and sadness. Excitement about seeing friends with whom I had lost contact with over the summer. Trepidation about the start of a new school year and the stress and learning that accompanied it. And then there was profound sadness that summer vacation had ended. I loved summer and summer vacation was the best. 

Summer is not over--I keep having to remind myself of that. Fortunately, August has turned up the heat a bit and reminded me of that with a bit of humidity to accompany the incessant rains we seem to be experiencing. 

Enjoy the day and the weekend. For those of us who work M-F, it is time for a Happy Hour to celebrate the arrival of the weekend with good friends!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Barbarism, Anarchy, and B-52's

James Foley
I was mesmerized by the news reporting about the barbaric execution of the American reporter, James Foley, at the hands of an ISIL murderer.

I watched President Obama's short address on Wednesday and wished he would have gone further in his remarks. If I were President for a day, and it is a good thing that I am not, my remarks would have been radically different. I would have said something like: you have spilled American blood in your lawless and barbaric march across the Levant, you have warned us not to get involved, but the brutal execution of this innocent American has done just the opposite. Do not believe that you can ever sleep restfully again--we will find you and hunt you down like the lawless dogs that you are. You will not be brought to justice on this planet--but you will stand before the God of creation to atone for your sins and we are going to arrange for and hasten the time of that meeting with every capability that we have.

I highly recommend reading the blog, When do you give the Terrorists Exactly What they Want? 

The writer of the blog, CDR Salamander, sums up my feelings pretty well with the following thoughts:

The tactical killing by drone, single drops of bombs, etc are good and important too - but we need to make a strategic statement.  

Two things that we can do quickly. 

1. Used to great effect in both of our Iraqi conflicts based on their superb use in VietnamB-52 carpet bombing
2. A few MOAB will do nicely as well.

MOAB, for those who don't remember is the Mother of All Bombs, one of the biggest conventional bombs ever used in combat.

And the video at the end of the CRD Salamander's blog about the best jet bomber ever produced is especially nice. A few long sticks of bombs dropped on a whole lot of terrorists should put a dent in their army and its will to fight. 

The only people with class in this entire mess are James Foley's parents. Their interview is a study in class, support, shock, grief, and the indomitable American spirit. 

I wrote last week in my blog titled Medieval Thinking and Modern Weapons about the barbarism of ISIL and the events of this week only confirm my feelings. The freedom of not only the region, but perhaps the entire world is at stake and we cannot sit idly by and wait for them to come and get us.

The time for talking and pacifying terrorists is over. It is time to use the technology and the capabilities that we have to defend the region and ourselves. The alliance forming in the region could become far stronger than the one the defeated Saddam and was arrayed against the Taliban. We have a real ally in the Kurds and joined with the Turks, Saudis, Iraqis, Jordanians, the UK, and even the Iranians--barbarism can be defeated and stability, potentially, can be installed in this region!

In the meantime, we should pray for the Foley's and their entire family and friends. We should also pray for the other innocent people in the region that they may be spared and protected from the lawlessness. And we should pray for the members of the United States military who are and will be called upon to deliver our answer to the challenge.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Anti-Harassment Harassment

True story--I felt like I was harassed yesterday.

Unbelievably, it was as I was both entering and leaving the cafeteria at work in search of lunch. 

There, at the entrances (or exits, depending upon your perspective at the time) were people pushing information for the anti-harassment campaign. And they harassed me!  The got in my way and attempted to give me free information. But I was better than they were--I avoided direct contact and successfully obtained the food that I desired.

I am all about working in a harassment free environment. Furthermore, I don't like drama at work. Ugh! Drama is the worst. It happens occasionally because it is a natural by-product of people working closely together. Drama can be handled.

But let's not block the entrances to the cafeteria with people pushing information about harassment--I felt harassed. I just want to get some food and get back to work.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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