Tuesday, July 20, 2010

On Safari

This morning we skipped the beach to go on a safari.

The animals were active and fun to watch. Even the lions stopped lying around to give us a show.

And of course the zebras thought they owned the road, and they were right.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday Musings - July 19, 2010

1. A bad day on the beach is better than a good day in the office.

2. I wonder what it would be like to be a sea urchin and live on the beach every day. This guy seemed happy to be living in the intertidal zone. It even had some bling on to blend in with the beachcombers.

3. Florida in the summer--some say it's too hot, but it was hotter in Maryland yesterday and I don't live this close to the beach.

4. Went to the beach this morning--one other person was on the entire beach. the tide was low and we had a great time.

5. BP says the oil is seeping somewhere--but they don't know where. As long as it's not into the Gulf of Mexico is it a real problem?

6. Interesting numbers:

16 -- the number of waves that hit the beach in one minute this morning. (I counted)

1 - the number of seconds it takes for the wind to destroy a beach umbrella.

2 - the number of inches a sea urchin moves in one minute.

3 - the number of games the Orioles have lost since the all-star break, unfortunately it also equals the number of games they have played since the break.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

New AA-type organization Needed: ABAA

I don't play many video games--my friends and kids will tell you that.

I got addicted to Texas Hold em on my Blackberry some time ago--but wow, I need help new.

I am an Angry Birds addict.

And worst of all--it is always with me on my iPhone or iPod.

Everyone I know is playing Angry Birds--

I have completed all of the released levels (there are more coming) and now I am going back to get three stars on all the levels. One the most recent release--I worked each level till I got three stars.

It is addicting.

We need to start an Angry Birds Anonymous Association to help those of us who dream about over-sized cardinals being catapulted through the air to destroy buildings and eliminate green pigs to extract revenge on the pig forces for stealing their eggs.

Birds--with an attitude!

Boy am I glad I can't take my cell phone into work with me!

These birds are real home wreckers.

Sand and Beaches

Have you ever considered how many grains of sand are on the beach?

Not that it is important to know--but I figure that it is possible that each grain of sand represents a way that a child can have fun on the beach.

Adults, is seems, as we grow older reduce the numbers of ways we enjoy beaches to just a few--in the water, out of the water, and asleep with a good book, or something like that.

It is fun to watch the other people on the beach, too. People are mostly chillin' on the beach.

But kids find amazing ways to remind us of the diversity of the beach. From finding some new shell, or playing in the sand, or enjoying getting knocked over by a wave, or being spun around by Pop-pop in the waves. They always seem to find a way--and many different ways, to enjoy the beach and the sun.

Me, I like to enjoy their enthusiasm as it reminds me of those first times I went to the beach and saw the ocean.

I was older than E and Jax, so I remember considering the awesomeness of it all.

Maybe that is why I still love the beach and the ocean--I love the diversity, as it is different every day and yet all so familiar.

I like finding the new and the different, or the old and familiar, like watching a pelican fish for breakfast as we did this morning. Or watching a shore bird stalk crabs--for their next meal.

Everyday is a new adventure--the beach is different, the waves are different, the color of the water even seems different; it just takes a discriminating eye to notice the subtle differences and appreciate them from something that could so easily seem to be the same day in and out.

So how many grains of sand are there on the beach?

I'm not sure anyone really knows, but I know there are not enough.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Jupiter Beaches and Evening Libations

The day dawned and we sallied off to one of our favorite beaches for some sun and enjoyment.

We returned to the sights and sounds of the ocean and the birds. And even the pelicans on patrol which wing over the beaches on a regular basis. Flights of three or four of the pelicans can be seen swooping over the beach and then the ocean.

And there were the sights on the beach, too.

The Jupiter Lighthouse still stands guard over the inlet a symbol and guide to the mariners.

We discovered it is a lot easier to read the newspaper on the beach when it is on the Kindle. Less pages to be blown about in the wind. Chris, however, is reading one of her books--also easier via Kindle.

Although the ocean was rough and we could not snorkel, its raw power was something to behold and admire. The waves crashing on the beach and the children playing on and being tossed about by the waves squealing their enjoyment in full voice.

And the birds--searching for their next meal from some unsuspecting crab who lingered too long out of the safety of its hole. I guess it won't make that mistake again.

We went over to our favorite watering hole for happy hour in the evening. The Square Grouper continues to be an awesome place to enjoy day's end. Is it like the Sundown Celebration in Key West? No, but it is an enjoyable way to wind down from the day.

Beach in the morning and happy hour at a a great watering hole. It really doesn't get any better than that,

Friday, July 16, 2010

From the Beach

Yup. Jupiter Florida. Carlin Park.

The Atlantic is as rough as I have seen it.

But we are here and loving it already.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Jupiter Arrival

The View Outside my Jupiter, FL Condo
We arrived in less than 16 hours total travel time.
After some quick unloading, we headed off to the beach for some sand and fun.Not too bad--woke up in Maryland and after a long-ish drive are playing on a Florida beach before dark!  It is a bit longer than a day trip though!
Traffic was light and we really made good time but we saw lots of police keeping the speeds from becoming too outlandish.
It is good to be back after not coming here last year except as part of a couple day trips


We made Florida about 1228 or about 28 minutes later than I wanted to.

But we are in Florida and are less than four hours from Jupiter.

Florida or Bust

Early Morning on the Beltway
In olden times we would be in a prairie schooner with the words emblazoned on the side. Today we are in the car some time about 0230 with Florida in front and home behind.
And so we are off and are already south of DC.
With the radio blasting it reminds me of being back in college when I used to make the trek from Ithaca to Miami.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm going to be a real bore

No, I'm not on vacation, yet.

But by this time tomorrow I should already have miles behind me as I trek to the beach climates.

And I love that I can instantly blog via email and with pictures from my iPhone. Did I say that I really like my iPhone. I still can't believe that I have adapted to it after so many years as a Blackberry high power user. (Thanks, Chris)

The packing is mostly complete--the last use items are being loaded into the bags for quick access.

We are still getting rain--last night I would guess close to two inches. Fortunately the lawn got mowed last evening just before the rain began. Literally, the rain was beginning to fall as I was making the last pass on the yard and parking the tractor back into the garage. My rain estimate is based of course on the level of water in the pool--so it is close but not scientific.

As for an update--Makayla is doing much better. We kept her on a water diet yesterday and began giving her boiled rice last night. The spewing has stopped and her eyes remain bright. She wasn't amused that I wouldn't give her my last piece of toast this morning--but we want her gut to really settle down before we start loading it up again with food, treats, and junk.

I really wish I didn't have to go to work today. Yesterday was a killer--just shy of 12 hours. Reminds me of high school when I used to work Fridays (or during the Christmas season) with Dad at the clothing store-- 9 to 9. Except there we got breaks for lunch and dinner. Yesterday--I didn't even have time for lunch and managed to straggle home for dinner. Thank goodness traffic was moving on the beltways as I was coming back from an afternoon meeting on the other side of D.C..

It is funny--as I sit here I can imagine the smell of beach in Jupiter and the tickle of the sand on my toes.

Like my puka shells, it transports me to a happy place.

And so with strains of Willie Nelson playing in my head--I head off for my last day of work for July 2010 and then it will be off onto the crowded roadways to add my small assistance to help sustain the economic recovery.
My Zimbio
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