Saturday, January 11, 2025

Welcome Beckett

Me with Beckett
Annapolis, Md
January 10, 2025
Chris with Beckett
Annapolis, MD
January 10, 2025

What a time to be alive. And to be born. 

The grandparents were invited to the hospital yesterday to meet Beckett Michael Doan under the watchful eye of his parents. He was about 10 hours old when we were introduced to the newest member of the families. 

Chris and I both enjoyed holding him and hearing the tale of his birth--which was, fortunately, fairly routine. I like routine when it comes to hospitals.

Beck, as he will be called, was very relaxed and a joy to be around. He snuggles really well and I was able to have some time with him for about 20 minutes. It had been a very long time since I held a newborn. Beck likes to have his left arm free--I wonder if he is going to be left-handed? He also seemed to be dreaming while I was holding him. I wonder what newborns dream about?

Both Chris and I are looking forward to getting to know Beckett more after he arrives home. Chris says she will be making monthly trips north to have time with him. Finnegan better get used to spending time with his second family in Florida!

-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD

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