Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Frozen Pond

Runoff Pond
Odenton, MD
January 13, 2025

It is cold!

How cold is it?

It is so cold that I have not seen water in the runoff pond next door since before Christmas. 

I think I am getting used to the cold. Yesterday, the temperature crested 40 degrees and I put new windshield wipers on the truck, in preparation for the return south, without donning my coat. I was not cold! OK, so I was not warm either. I was just surviving the too cold weather.

Grandma Chris with Beck
Glen Burnie, MD
January 13, 2025

I also added air to the tires because they were a bit low due to the cold.

The truck is now ready for the 1000-mile  trek to warmer temperatures. 

I'm not so sure that Chris is ready to return south. We were able to spend some additional time with Beck yesterday. It was good to see him again and he is doing very well, as are his parents. 

But, the frozen pond reminds me that we belong a bit further south. It has been cool in Tequesta, but still warmer than here. 

-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD

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