Saturday, April 13, 2024

With Fireworks and Chocolate

Mary and Fran
Fulton, MD
April 12, 2014

 We celebrated the 10th Anniversary of two of our best friends, Fran and Mary, last evening. They treated us to a celebratory dinner at a very upscale Asian restaurant. 

Dessert and Firework
Blackbird Restaurant, Tequesta, FL
April 12, 2024

Thinking back on the day, 10 years ago, on the day we were gathered with friends and family to celebrate their long anticipated union. I was honored to be the officiant and it was a great evening with extra nice April Maryland weather allowing the celebration to spill outside of the venue and under the blooming cherry trees. 

Last evening, it was with flair and fireworks that we celebrated their anniversary. Yes, at the end of the dinner the restaurant brought a beautiful dessert along with a small pyrotechnic to mark the occasion.

I was afraid the fireworks might set off the smoke alarms, but no such travesty happened. 

It was fun and the food was excellent.

Congratulations Mary and Francis on 10 years together! It was a great celebration--then and now!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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