Sunday, April 7, 2024

Saturday Afternoon


Walking onto the Beach
Carlin Park, Jupiter, FL
April 6, 2024

It was off to the beach for Happy Hour with friends yesterday afternoon. 

It had been another beautiful day with crystal blue skies, mild temperatures, and low humidity. 

I passed on a bike ride, but did walk Finnegan for almost 1.5 miles. We kept up a solid 20 minute per mile pace--even with his stops for relief. 

Ultralight over the Ocean
Carlin Park, Jupiter, FL
April 6, 2024
The beach was the highlight of the day which saw me clear some stuff from the garage and make a trip to the storage room. There was a large wedding set-up just on the entrance to the beach and we got to enjoy the wedding music for a while before the ceremony began.

An ultralight provided some entertainment after the wedding departed. It flew over the ocean just off shore and did some circles in the sky. 

The tide was rising and we had to move our chairs back twice as the waves tried to overrun our position. Some of our stuff got wet, but it was just water. Well, and sand!

A great time on the beach and then home. I am very happy the daylight is making it to about 8 PM.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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