Friday, April 12, 2024

Standing on the Edge of the . . .

 . . . Twilight Zone!

Where has reason and sanity disappeared to?

We are seeing the erosion of independent thought and democratic ideals which are being replaced by a "what's in it for me" mentality where calculated gains for a privileged few outweigh the long-term loss of freedoms and choice for "We the People." 

Many in our country support programs and plans that limit choices and are, frankly, selfish and designed to disenfranchise large groups of our society. Many others do not recognize that we cannot isolate and that we must stand up for democratic and free peoples around the world. 

The Japanese Prime Minister during his visit to the U.S. this week made the following statement: “The world needs the United States to continue playing this pivotal role in the affairs of nations.” He went on to say “the leadership of the United States is indispensable. Without U.S. support, how long before the hopes of Ukraine would collapse under the onslaught from Moscow?” he asked. “Without the presence of the United States, how long before the Indo-Pacific would face even harsher realities?” (Letters from an American)

Ukraine has fallen from the news, but freedom seeking patriots continue dying there because many in the Republican Party support the despot Putin's goals. That has become clear. Our allies are crying for support, but are being shrugged off for the personal gain of a select few. 

And furthermore, the Republicans are also lowering our domestic defenses and opening the U.S. up to potential terror attacks by not renewing FISA. As the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) wrote about the act during November 2023:

If Congress fails to act, Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) will expire. Section 702 of FISA is one of the most effective tools used by the Intelligence Community to protect our nation. If it sunsets, so too will our ability to identify, prevent, and mitigate threats to our democracy. We will go “blind” to many critical national security risks that threaten our homeland and our military interests abroad. Our allies around the world, many of whom depend upon information acquired under Section 702 to circumvent threats of their own, will also be compromised. 

The same people who profess a grave threat from the Southern Border, but would not act to approve a bipartisan bill to help solve the problem are now actively dropping Americas defenses even further. It is treason. Make no mistake-- we are under attack from outside and from within. Democracy for us and the entire world is hanging in the balance.

And the man with one foot in the Twilight Zone is a puppet of Putin.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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