Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Competitive Dog Pooping

 It is amazing, but sometimes the simple things in life can become the funniest. Take for example a dog pooping. Now, Everybody Poops, there is a children's book about that. 

Finn Pooping
Tequesta, FL
February 26 ,2024
Finnegan has taken the act of pooping to a new level, one worthy of a competition complete with required moves and style points. When Finn prepares to poop, first he has to find just the right spot and then comes the act of pooping where he balances on his front paws with his back paws off the ground. Once he is done, there is the obligatory territory marking which often throws grass into my eyes as I stoop to pick up the poop. I have to admit, I have never seen a dog do that before. 

Finn is a true artist when it comes to pooping. 

I put together a short, about 1 minute, video of the process putting together three events just to illustrate the artistry of his complicated pooping process. 

In terms of a competition with points, I gave him a 10 for style and points for the required movements as follows:

Search - 8

Poop - 9

Mark site - 10

It is OK to laugh, I do. And yes, I also feel sorry for him.

Oh yes, and finally, size does not matter as Chris and I always pick-up his poop and dispose of it in an appropriate receptacle.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

#yorkie #poop #smalldog

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