Thursday, December 28, 2023

Raw Day for Recovery

Northern Cardinal
Odenton, MD
December 28, 2023

 It rained.

It was cold.

I was not a good day to be outside. 

We have been enjoying a fun bird feeder. It is the Bird Buddy Smart Bird Feeder and comes equipped with a wifi camera and an AI program to identify the birds at the feeder. 

We have been enjoying the feeder and the visits from the birds--even on a rainy and raw day. Sadly, we cannot feed the birds in Florida due to the infestation of Palm Rats which are very destructive.

The Bird Buddy images and video can be shared and Chris and I have been added to this camera so we can enjoy the activity. 

The Bird Buddy provides images and videos of the visitors depending upon the length of their visit. Looking at the images and videos was something to do while also watching a few series on TV.

Today, hopefully, the weather will be better. 

Wait, did I mention that we went to trivia night at the local brewery and our team came in second? If only we had done better on the music round.

-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD

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