Thursday, December 14, 2023

Ineffective and Dangerous


Have you written to your congressional representative to express your ire at the lack of activity on meaningful critical issues?

I have!

Not that it helped. 

It is frightening that while important bills pertaining to the economy and supporting our allies are languishing that the Republican-controlled House decided to formalize the impeachment inquiry into President Biden. I guess they are too busy taking direction from a twice-impeached, sex offender, criminal, megalomaniac former president who has also committed treason and incited an insurrection?

One writer puts it this way:

In a day that was chock full of political stories in which Republicans were launching attacks on Democrats, Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) made a key point. “We have not passed an emergency supplemental, a Farm Bill, or regular Appropriations,” he said. “The story is not what they are doing. The story is what they are not doing.”  

Schatz was referring to specific, vital measures that are not getting through Congress: the outstanding funding bill for aid to Ukraine and Israel, border security, and humanitarian aid for Gaza; the Farm Bill, which governs the nation’s agricultural and food assistance programs and needs to be renewed every five years; and the regular appropriations bills that Congress must pass and that House extremists tossed out former speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) over because they wanted deep cuts that he had agreed with President Joe Biden not to make.  (Letters from an American) (Highlighting mine)

I did not receive a reply from my Republican representative. I did not expect one. 

We are living with what we elected. Make a note to change that.

Oh yes, with so many important issues waiting for action what are our representatives doing? They are going on vacation! Nice optic.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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