Friday evening is normally an evening devoted to friends and Happy hour. Reconnecting after a long week and planning the weekend and our next vacation is usually the topic of the evening.
Purse Bingo About to Begin Elks Club Severn, MD February 7, 2020 |
My job was to sell tickets for beverages and to help out in however I was asked to help. That made me very happy because I am not much of a Bingo player. Actually, I am terrible at the game. I don't understand the skill aspect of it. Is there any skill in Bingo?
So what is Purse Bingo? It is Bingo where the prizes for winning the games are high-end hand bags--purses. There was one special game where the prize was a big screen TV. As can be seen from the picture, there were not a lot of men (there were a few who accompanied their wives or girlfriends) at the event. But they were all ready to win purses!
Raffle Prize Purse Bingo February 7, 2019 |
In addition to the Bingo games, there were raffles and we sold tickets for the raffle items--that is where the fun began. There were almost 30 baskets of goodies, donated by many people and businesses. And among them was one special "tail-gating" collection consisting of a collapsible wagon, cornhole boards in Raven's colors, a small charcoal grill complete with charcoal, an awesome carbon steel knife, beer, and a few other choice items. It, amazingly, came home with Chris and me! It was there only thing we won all night, but it was worth it. It was kind of fitting that we won because I had to assemble the wagon before the evening began.
At the end of the evening, when the all of Bingo players had departed and the money was counted, I can report that the team did well towards meeting its goal. The week long Cooperstown tournament is expensive. We have been practicing at an indoor facility and are hoping to get outside onto the fields soon.
Baseball is not just for springtime anymore.
Thank you to all of the people who came out last night to play Bingo and support the team!
-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD
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