Sunday, July 2, 2017

Enjoying the Heat and the Beach

Chris in Cocoa Beach
July 1, 2017
Rediscovering Summer was a great experience yesterday. 

Chris Striding to Her Ball
The temperatures were hot, the sun was shining and there was even an afternoon thunderstorm to raise the humidity and make the summertime stickiness return.

Yes, I am a bit crazy about the heat and sun. But I truly love it. I enjoy the heat so much that Chris and I played a round of golf during the heat of the afternoon. It was fantastic because there were no other crazy people on the course.

The morning was filled with time on the beach getting reacquainted with the Atlantic Ocean and the wildlife. 

At the Beach
It was a busy interlude vacation day where we began the process of decompressing from the frenetic pace of life and began to get our "Island Time" approach to life.

Along the Indian River
July 1, 2017
Hopefully it will be a good day. 

To end the day yesterday, we celebrated sunset along the banks of the Indian River with a great meal and a beautiful scene.

Vacations can be great. We just need to open our eyes and absorb the scenery.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Melbourne, Florida

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