Friday, November 10, 2023

Veterans' Weekend

 Welcome to Veterans Day observed!

We get to celebrate for at least two days, with today being the Federal Holiday and tomorrow being the actual Veteran's Day or, in Europe, Armistice Day. 

Thank a veteran for their service to this great nation.

It is going to be a bit confusing out there today and tomorrow with different things closed on the two days due to the observed vs. actual nature of the holiday. 

To all of my friends in the military or Federal Service--enjoy the three-day weekend, if you actually can get off. You all deserve it. 

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” - Ronald Reagan


-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Plying the Inland Waters

Finn Keeping Lookout
ICW, Jupiter, FL
November 8, 2023

 Yesterday's weather was not perfect for boating, but it was very nice. 

I write that it was not perfect because we motored into a pop-up rainstorm that vexed us for about an hour in the Loxahatchee River where we got trapped when the railroad drawbridge went down for what seemed like and eternity--at least 45 minutes. I could see that the weather was clear north of us in the ICW, but could not get there, or at least I thought we were trapped in the river. With the bridge not budging, and at Chris's insistence, I decided to attempt to cross under the tracks at an alternate location and found that I had about a foot of clearance, meaning that I am no longer trapped by the railroad drawbridge when entering or leaving the Loxahatchee River from the ICW! Yay. 

Chris and Finn on a Beach Along the ICW
Tequesta, FL
November 8, 2023
Motoring back through Jupiter amid the US-1 bridge construction is always fun because I get a view that cannot be replicated from land. We are about a year away from having one lane of the bridge complete each way! It has been a long time since the bridge was closed and torn down,  but there are still months/years to go before the project is complete. 

We proceeded north in the ICW, past the Jupiter Inlet,  until we found some boat-only access beaches. I have to admit the one that I wanted to visit already had two boats with at least three dogs enjoying the day of broken clouds and occasional sunshine. But I knew that there was another stretch of accessible beaches just a bit further north. The beaches are nice because the water stays deep until just about a boat's length from the shore which makes for an easy landing. 

Small 5-armed Starfish
ICW, Tequesta, FL
November 8, 2023
The exciting part of yesterday's beach day was finding two different species of star fish. We found one moderately large 9-armed starfish and 2 very small 5-armed starfish.
9-armed Starfish 
ICW, Tequesta, FL
November 8, 2023

They were fun to discover right at the edge of the water. 

As we sat along the ICW, enjoying the day and chatting, both Chris and I noticed something. When there were no boats passing and when the waves from the boats stopped lashing the shore, it became very quiet. There was no wind, and no waves and it was so very quiet and peaceful. We have grown so accustomed to waves crashing on beaches that this newly discovered quiet was something which caused us to stop talking and sit quietly to enjoy. 

Finnegan enjoyed exploring the beach. The beach was perfect to allow him off leash because he does not like getting into the water and the beach was protected at both ends by mangroves which pushed into the water. We could walk around the mangroves by going into the water, but we had to carry Finn. He was, therefore, contained. 

It turned into a very nice boating day, even with the earlier rainstorm. It was good to be out on the water again. And Finn kept a great lookout from the bow.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Impressionist Sky

Clouds Reflected in the River
North Fork Loxahatchee River, FL
November 7, 2023

A beautiful morning with moderate temperatures called Chris and I out for a nice 16-plus mile ride yesterday. I was happy that the bike shop repaired the broken spokes on my rear wheel in record time and my bike was ready for action. 

Gopher Tortoise
Little Creek Community, Tequesta, FL
November 7, 2023

We followed what has become our base route and as we crossed the North Fork Loxahatchee River Bridge, Tequesta, I saw the clouds reflected in the water and it looked like a French impressionist painting. We usually stop on the bridge in one of the sitting areas to get a drink of water and admire the view. It was especially beautiful yesterday and I and expecting to be in that very location today as it is a boat day and the weather seems perfect.

We were rewarded during our ride by sighting two gopher tortoises. They are more elusive than one might think and we enjoy watching them munch the grasses along the roadways. 

I have to say again, tis time of year is the best in South Florida. The temperatures are moderate and the water remains warm from the summer. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

A Turkey to Celebrate


Tequesta, FL
November 6, 2023
Thanksgiving is coming--it is just over two weeks away. Last evening, however, we enjoyed an early Thanksgiving-style dinner complete with a sumptuous brined and cherry-wood smoked turkey. 

And wine! Lots of wine. 

But most importantly, there was conversation which was fantastic and ranged over a variety of topics--being very careful not to delve too far into some of the currently hot-button topics. 

It was a pre-Thanksgiving dinner with friends and some new acquaintances to begin the season of giving thanks and celebrating. 

I am excited about the prospects for enjoying another similar dinner in about two weeks with family in Maryland!

The season of the turkey is one of the best times of the year!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Monday, November 6, 2023

Monday Musings - November 6, 2023


1. November arrived. Daylight Saving Time is gone. It is the first Monday of November and there are only seven Mondays remaining in the year. Ugh.

2. Family NFL Report. It was a good week for the family teams that went 3-1. Remember, the Dolphins are not a family team, but they are my local team.

Commanders (4-5) overcame Patriots (2-7), 20-17

Cowboys (5-3) were clawed-up by Eagles (8-1), 23-28

Steelers (5-3) survived Titans (3-5), 20-16

Ravens (7-2) defeathered Seahawks (5-2), 37-3

Dolphins (6-3) were scalped by Chiefs (7-2), 14-21


Atlantic Ocean along South Beach Road
Jupiter Island, FL
November 5, 2023

3. I made a discovery after my 17 mile ride with Chris along the ocean yesterday. Two of the spokes were broken on my back wheel. So, it was off to the bike store for a repair. I hope to have my wheel back today. The weather is beautiful and I would really love a ride. The ride yesterday was windy, but fun although the crosswind experienced while crossing the drawbridge span with cars right on my knee was a bit disconcerting. 

4. I really wish that Congress had done away with the need to go back on Standard Time. The dark season has truly arrived. It was dark here by 6 PM last evening. 

5. Liars lie more creatively and apparently have no idea what is really true. The following is from ABC News: Donald Trump has claimed that he won all 50 states in the 2020 US election at a Florida event where two of his rivals for the Republican presidential primaries were booed for suggesting the party should dump the former president before his legal woes catch up with him. (ABC News Australia) Now we all know that his statement is not true. But, the lies, false news, and total break from reality continue. When will this person be legally declared incompetent due to his break from reality? The more he talks, the more outrageous his claims become. Soon he may declare the he and not Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon.

6. 10 Pathological Liar Signs

How do you recognize a pathological liar? Consistent lying and making up stories are the primary signs of pathological lying. Typical pathological liar signs in young adults include:

  1. Embellishing lies with extensive details 
  2. Telling dramatic and highly unlikely stories
  3. Appearing anxious while talking
  4. Getting defensive when confronted about a lie
  5. Constantly changing their story or being vague when questioned 
  6. Lying about something even when there’s no reason to 
  7. Seeming unconcerned with being caught in a lie
  8. Feeling a “high” when they get away with lying
  9. Passing off a story someone else told as their own
  10. Acting in ways that don’t match their words

7. Today in HistoryOn November 6, 1962, the United Nations General Assembly adopts a resolution condemning South Africa’s racist apartheid policies and calling on all its members to end economic and military relations with the country.

In effect from 1948 to 1993, apartheid, which comes from the Afrikaans word for “apartness,” was government-sanctioned racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against South Africa’s non-white majority. Among many injustices, Black South Africans were forced to live in segregated areas and couldn’t enter whites-only neighborhoods unless they had a special pass. Although white South Africans represented only a small fraction of the population, they held the vast majority of the country’s land and wealth.

Trump heads to the witness stand as polls show him leaping past Biden - CNN

US guided missile sub surfaces in Middle East, sending message of deterrence to regional adversaries - CNN

After a $1.8 billion verdict, the clock is ticking on the 6% real estate commission - CNN

 Ex-evangelical on what will cause White evangelicals to abandon Trump - CNN

Israel steps up Gaza strikes, pressure grows over civilian casualties - Reuters

Exclusive: China's clashing priorities behind rare money market distress - Reuters

Eyeing North Korea, Tokyo holds first missile evacuation drill in years - Reuters

Blinken Rushes to Reassure Arab Allies in Surprise Trips - The Wall Street Journal

Foreign Firms Pull Billions in Earnings Out of China - The Wall Street Journal

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL


Sunday, November 5, 2023

Who's Buried Here? Riverside Memorial Park, Tequesta

Mike Douglas Marker
Tequesta, FL
November 4, 2023

 I have been biking past a cemetery for two years now. I have not stopped in to check it out because, well, I'm not dead!

But, yesterday the Riverside Memorial Park in Tequesta, FL, hosted a Farmer's Market and Cemetery Historical Tour. I know--those two things don't usually go together. 

The Farmer's Market had vendors, but no actual farmers. It was small and I believe it was the first attempt at getting a market going on Saturday's at the cemetery. 

Chuck Daly Marker
Tequesta, FL
November 4, 2023
Chris and I had low expectations for the history tour, since the cemetery is relatively young--but we were both surprised and amazed.


Which of the following are buried in Riverside Memorial Park?

a. Gary Carter, former MLB catcher for the Expos and Mets.

b. Perry Como, famous singer and entertainer.

c. Mike Douglas, former talk show host.

e. Chuck Daly, Hall of Fame basketball coach.

f. All of the above.

g. None of the above.

h. Some of the above. 

Well, the correct answer is: f. All of the above. 

Civil War Soldier for the Confereracy
We were truly amazed with the cemetery. The first interment took place in 1908 and was a Confederate Civil War soldier.

And the half-brother, High Prince Abdorreza Pahlavi, of the last Shah of Iran is also buried in the cemetery. 

Some of the markers from the cemetery.

Gary Carter
Note the baseball on the left side

High Prince Abdorreza Pahlavi

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Saturday, November 4, 2023

The TV


TV on the Deck
Tequesta, FL
November 4, 2023
We have a small, older (720p) TV that has been gathering dust under a bed since we arrived permanently in Florida. It is just hard to say goodbye to objects which still work and have a unique feature. This small TV has a CD/DVD player built into it. It is the only DVD player we have, although we almost never play DVDs anymore when we can watch or rent from the many streaming channels. 

Originally, we didn't to do anything with it because we do not have an available cable connection. That is not longer a problem. We have a Roku connection and that means we have flexibility. So Chris had the bright idea to put the TV on the patio, under cover. One of our friends have done that with a TV (a much larger deck/lanai and TV). Our TV seemed properly sized for our small deck.

During the summer, it was too hot and humid to either install the TV or to consider watching it on the patio, but with cooler temperatures and lower humidity I installed the TV yesterday. I'm not sure what to do with the cord, But, I may think of something. 

Now we can enjoy Happy Hour on the deck and watch the news!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Friday, November 3, 2023

Taking on the Weekend

Tiki 52
Tequesta, FL
November 2, 2023

The winds have been ferocious lately and so has the ocean. 

The ocean waves are forecast to be 7-9 feet with occasional swells to 11 feet. Definitely not a small boating day. The winds are equally strong, 20-25 mph with gusts to 35. Not good for small craft boating. 

But the days have been cooler with lower humidity. Last evening we went to a local watering hole, Tiki 52, to enjoy the bright afternoon with the temperature at about 75 degrees. The wind was blowing off the water and I have to admit that I was cool in my short-sleeve shirt. Chris bundled up in a sweater to stay warm. 

We had spend most of the afternoon choosing excursions for our Italy, Croatia, Montenegro cruise next year. It was exhausting and even though the cruise is still 6 months away some of the excursions are already full. It was good to get outside and enjoy the afternoon and Happy Hour to decompress and prepare for the weekend. 

We have a few things planned for tomorrow, a visit to the local cemetery (for a farmer's market and historical tour) followed by an Italian Festival in a neighboring village. 

Today, it is highly unlikely that I will head out for a ride since the winds continue to be very strong. But it is Friday. 

Happy Friday to everyone. My your weekend dreams come true.

Programming note: There are only three weeks until Black Friday.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Season of the Turkey

Turkey Decorations
Tequesta, FL
November 1, 2023

The Season of the Turkey has arrived. 

It is a short season, sandwiched between Halloween and Christmas, a mere three weeks and two days this year from November 1st until the 23rd. 

Turkeys on the the Shelf
Tequesta, FL
November 1, 2023

But is is no less a celebration! And it is more than a bridge from one celebration to another. 

The turkeys are significant in their uniqueness and represent Thanksgiving. And they are fun! My collection is somewhat smaller than it used to be, a result of the significant downsizing that we experienced last year moving from Maryland to Florida. But my turkeys are significant and serve to highlight Thanksgiving with joy. 

That written, I did receive my first Christmas animated toy yesterday. And it made me smile. As many know, I also significantly reduced my population of toys, both animated and not, when I retired and also again when we moved. It was good to receive one, just because.

OK, Christmas is coming--I just need to accept it!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, Fl

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Ringing in November


Looking South from North Fork Loxahatchee Bridge
Tequesta, FL
October 31, 2023
I hope everyone survived Halloween and are enjoying the first day of the penultimate month of the year. 

I closed out the month of October with a 16 mile ride. The ride took me over 200 miles for the month and October was the first month over that amount since May! It just shows the amount of travel we have been doing. Well, and our weekly boating adventures do cut into my biking days. 

I rode my usual route around Tequesta and enjoyed watching the houses under construction along with the myriad Halloween decorations. I expect the decorations will be coming down during the next few days to be soon replaced by Christmas decorations. My stop on the North Fork Loxahatchee River Bridge in Tequesta was short, but I enjoyed looking at the flat water and imagining being out on that water in a small craft. 

I am getting prepared for today's boating adventure. We will see where we end up. We are departing from Jupiter and therefore will head south probably to explore more of the Loxahatchee River. Time will tell. At least I will have my trusty deck boat back instead of the pontoon boat. Funny thing about the pontoon boats we took out the past two weeks, they both had a slide which we never used. 

Well, it is the hump of the week and Halloween is now behind us. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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