Sunday, November 5, 2023

Who's Buried Here? Riverside Memorial Park, Tequesta

Mike Douglas Marker
Tequesta, FL
November 4, 2023

 I have been biking past a cemetery for two years now. I have not stopped in to check it out because, well, I'm not dead!

But, yesterday the Riverside Memorial Park in Tequesta, FL, hosted a Farmer's Market and Cemetery Historical Tour. I know--those two things don't usually go together. 

The Farmer's Market had vendors, but no actual farmers. It was small and I believe it was the first attempt at getting a market going on Saturday's at the cemetery. 

Chuck Daly Marker
Tequesta, FL
November 4, 2023
Chris and I had low expectations for the history tour, since the cemetery is relatively young--but we were both surprised and amazed.


Which of the following are buried in Riverside Memorial Park?

a. Gary Carter, former MLB catcher for the Expos and Mets.

b. Perry Como, famous singer and entertainer.

c. Mike Douglas, former talk show host.

e. Chuck Daly, Hall of Fame basketball coach.

f. All of the above.

g. None of the above.

h. Some of the above. 

Well, the correct answer is: f. All of the above. 

Civil War Soldier for the Confereracy
We were truly amazed with the cemetery. The first interment took place in 1908 and was a Confederate Civil War soldier.

And the half-brother, High Prince Abdorreza Pahlavi, of the last Shah of Iran is also buried in the cemetery. 

Some of the markers from the cemetery.

Gary Carter
Note the baseball on the left side

High Prince Abdorreza Pahlavi

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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