Sunday, April 24, 2016

St Michaels Wine Fest

St Michael's Fest Tent
The day was cool and cloudy with some passing showers, but the annual St Michaels Wine Fest kicked off its two day run yesterday to throngs of people. This is the one wins fest that we make an effort to attend every year.


The venue is the entire town of St Michaels and it is an enjoyable town to stroll through and shop while enjoying wines from around the world.

I will write more about the fest in my wine blog, but I recommend the St Michaels Wine Fest as another rite of Spring.

Good wines and friends mixed together.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Easton, MD

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Spring Takes Control

Azalea in Bloom
It has finally happened. The last vestiges of Winter have been thrown off and Spring has taken control of the weather. 

Red Bud Blooms Fading
Yes, that means rain--and not just a small amount. But the results have been spectacular. The leaves are visible on the trees and the flowering plants are in bloom.

I was stunned to see my white azalea in full bloom yesterday even as the red buds are fading from the that tree in my yard.

I was fortunate enough to play golf in a short sleeve shirt yesterday.  Another sure sign of Spring. 

Today, Chris and I are off to St Michaels, MD, for the annual wine festival! Although the weather is rainy and overcast this morning, it is expected to clear off and fantastic by the afternoon. If you are in the region, come out and enjoy the wines and the weather.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, April 22, 2016

Taking a Down Day

I made it home last evening after a fast and busy week on the road. I am still amazed think that I started yesterday in Anchorage and finished the day in Elkridge and somewhere in between I had to have breakfast in Seattle and coach on a baseball diamond in Odenton. 

My Clubs
Today, given all of the traveling, I took a day to recover. 

And recover I did. I mowed the lawns, vacuumed the house, did some laundry, ran to Costco for supplies, but did find time to play 9 holes of golf at a local course. It was a toss up between heading to the range and playing golf--Thanks to Jeremy for talking me into a round of golf.

The golf was clearly clutch. I did something a bit different though. I was teamed with two older guys who were slow players--I felt bad because neither one could actually reach into the hole to retrieve their balls--they both used their putters to get the ball out.

They were very slow and they offered to let me play ahead and leave the group, but I was having a good time with them and they were nice guys. I realized that sometimes it is not all about the game, but it is about the people. I was taking about one shot to their two or three--but I enjoyed being teamed with them because they were easy going and were just out whacking the little white ball around the course.

Yes, it took over two hour to play nine holes--but I never checked my watch even once because we were three guys out on the course enjoying the day and encouraging each other when they needed it and congratulating each other on good shots!

I think that is the true spirit of golf.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Out the Airport Window -Seattle

I have already been crammed into an overfull aircraft cabin for almost four hours today flying from Anchorage to Seattle. There is something wrong with starting a day of travel just after midnight. And there is still so much travel left today.

By the end of the day I hope to be home. But time changes are tough. I boarded my flight in Anchorage for looking forward to sleeping just as my family was waking at home. It was pretty funny.

The sun it trying to burn through the clouds here in Seattle and get the day going. The airport is alive. At least the coffee is warm and breakfast is on the griddle.

It has to be better than airplane food.

Good morning world. I'll try to stay out of your way today. I may be a bit jet lagged.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Seattle-Tacoma Airport

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Out the Hotel Window - Anchorage, AK

Anchorage, Alaska
April 19, 2016
The mountains in the distance across the city are quite a sight. It is not one of those awe-inspiring vista views that I have seen in other places, but the view outside my hotel window had some beautiful qualities. The trucking company parking lots in the foreground certainly are detractors from the view.

The view here is stunning, however. Almost everywhere I look there is either the water of Cook Sound or the mountains behind , north and south of the city. On a clear day, Denali can be seen, although I could not see it yesterday I was able to see it during some of my previous trips.

I do enjoy the view out of my hotel window.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Anchorage, Alaska

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Flying the Skies

I have become spoiled! Five years ago I never would have admitted that Southwest Airlines got it right, but after my chaotic experiences yesterday boarding two Alaskan Air flights, I am a believer.

As the boarding process began, it was chaos in the boarding area. Nonexistent were the orderly lines that Southwest uses to queue people up. It was a mad dash for the overhead bin space based upon flyer preference status and then, for the rest of us, row assignment. 

Dinner on the Flight
I foresaw the confusion and did well in the scramble for limited overhead space, but others were not so lucky. 

One area where the flights yesterday were abetter was the food service. I had a 5 hour flight followed by a 3+ flight. There was food! And wine.

But, it only made about 25 minutes go by of the entire flight.

Flying--it had its ups and downs.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Anchorage, Alaska

Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday Musings - April 18, 2016

1. It was a rare weekend with idyllic weather in Baltimore--I was able to enjoy some of it!

2. After their searing start, the Orioles have cooled a bit. At 8-3, they still have the best record in the American League and a second straight day off today.

3. I mowed the lawn for the second time this year. It still feels great be doing yard work.

4. I could tell I was feeling a lot better yesterday, I finally felt like hitting golf balls into my net. It was even better that I could go outside without my eyes tearing so badly that I could not see.

5. Every year as Spring gets into full swing, I am reminded how many projects there are around a house to get everything working and ready after the Winter.

6. Amazingly, I cleaned the shed yesterday. Why? Because I could!

7. Is the New York Primary finally going to happen tomorrow? The build-up has been crushing!

8. When did reporting the news become entertainment? An interesting editorial in the New York Times titled For News Outlets Squeezed from the Middle, It's Bend or Bust  prompted that question. 

9. The best part about recovering from being sick is when I realize that I feel almost normal again!

10. Tamiflu is the real deal. I wish I had gone to the doctor one day sooner (shhh, don't tell Chris!)

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Flip flops, Tee-Shirts and an Abundance of Sunshine!

This morning's Baltimore weather report is quoted as the name of this entry!

This is the first time I have heard the weather forecast in such a creative way and it is more useful than the usual temperature and rain chance reporting. I am truly looking forward to putting my flip flops back on and enjoying the weather.

Bleeding Hearts in Bloom
I was looking at the forecast, and it is pretty awesome, too. There are 80's in the future. Maybe Winter's last gasp has finally expired here in the East and we are free to enjoy the summer. 

I was doing some very light work outside yesterday and I marveled at how the gardens are already filling in, even though the trees are painfully slow in falling-out with leaves. 

Our outdoor living room adjacent to the pool is ready for the summer and I believe that pool opening will be the weekend of 30 April! Now all I have to do is get the chemicals ordered!

Life is ramping up and it is time to enjoy the season.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Happy Hour -- Modified

On a normal Friday evening, Chris and I enjoy Happy Hour with our friends and catch up on the week's activities while planning future fun.

Happy Hour Selections
April 15, 2016
Being laid up this week, we decided it was not wise to spread the flu virus among our friends and did not attend the weekly gathering. But, we decided to enjoy a happy hour of our own. We pulled out a small selection of wines and of course, in an effort to prevent the flu from spreading to the uninfected, there was the obligatory can of Lysol.

The selections included regional wines. We had some California 2013 Carnivore, rated 90, left over from earlier in the week and we included a Maryland wine from Big Cork, the 2014 Sauvignon Blanc. As a back up, we had a Virginia Merlot from Vint Hill--which remained unopened. 

The can of Lysol was to remind us to keep the flu bug at bay and prevent reinfection or additional infections.

Even though I'm under the weather does not mean I have to give up living. Chris and I had an enjoyable evening conversing and watching a movie while enjoying our wine selections. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, April 15, 2016

Unreal Flu!

I had been feeling crappy for a couple of days and finally took Chris's advice and went to the Doctor.  I could not believe the diagnosis.

There it was on the little quick Flu test card--Type A flu!

My life is too busy to be laid up to overcome the flu.

I got my flu shot this year like I do every year! It is April after all--definitely not the middle of flu season. 

I'd Rather be Doing This
I found a few articles on the net about how you can get the flu even if you get the flu shot, but why me? I even found a weekly report for Maryland flu cases. There is way too much medical-ese in it, but the flu is minimal and widespread.

I wasn't looking for a sick timeout at this time. It is Springtime and life is taking off full speed. There are baseball games, house repairs, golf and so many other activities in which to be involved. Instead I spent yesterday on my sofa under my "sick" comforter barely conscious after coming home form the doctor.

Tamiflu is a great medicine, I think it is the reason I am feeling much better today. At least I am awake and have stopped coughing up a lung every time I move. 

The sun is shining! That's a plus.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD
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