Sunday, December 20, 2015

Apple Tree in Snow

A few weeks ago, I snapped an image of this apple tree as autumn was ending.

I happened past the tree again yesterday and saw it again during a snow storm. The same tree, with apples on its branches still, standing against the onslaught of winter.

It was a cold day. The snow was falling, but not accumulating in any great amount. The sky was dark and gray. But the tree stood strong.

I liked the apples still clinging to the bare branches. Holding on against the dark season.

It certainly isn't a Christmas image. But it is life.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Ithaca, NY

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Birthday season

It looks like a Christmas tree. But in reality, it is a birthday tree and the presents under the tree are not Christmas presents.

We celebrated another family birthday last night. Celebrating birthdays in the middle of the Christmas season helps restore normalcy to the frenetic pace life.

Did I mention that it was a surprise birthday celebration? That made it even more fun. At least for those of us who were in on the planning. I'm sure that Tina had other plans for her evening after a tough week.

Considering the pace of life for a moment, I am writing this morning from the car racing along route 15 somewhere in central Pennsylvania headed to Ithaca to retrieve mom and dad for the holidays.

The week ahead is already crammed with excitement and activity leading up to next Friday, when it all really begins. That being, I can take a deep breath and look forward to the ending of the year and doing it all over again.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Central Pennsylvania

Friday, December 18, 2015

Star Wars - Review

The wait is over, I saw Star Wars - The Force Awakens last evening. I will not divulge the plot and hopefully this review will focus on my reactions as a huge Star Wars fan to the movie without being a spoiler.

Spoiler Alert--it is almost impossible to discuss the plot without being a spoiler. I'm going to avoid discussing the plot.

What I Liked:

Unlike the prequels, the movie is true to the character and style of the original trilogy. 

It felt like a Star Wars movie.

Yes, there is the obligatory club scene with the assorted characters from around the galaxy--it just wouldn't be Star Wars without a scene like that.

The movie answers the question: "So what happened next!" The Force Awakens is set about 30 years after Return of the Jedi, (1983) during which the Empire was soundly defeated and the was Republic firmly established. The main characters have aged, and a new generation is taking control of the galaxy. The never ending struggle of good against evil continues and is at the core of the movie.

The original characters are more than cameos in the movie, but are integral to the plot and the action.

Chewbacca is--Chewbacca, the lovable, but scary Wookie.

The character development was good. The questions were answered, in most cases, about what has been happening during the past 30 years.

The new characters, as seen in the image on the left, as believable. The new droid, BB-8, is fun.

The trailers and all of the pre-movie releases DID NOT give away ANYTHING!

I liked the ending! 

I wasn't fully satisfied and I want more! 

What I didn't Like:

At times, the movie felt too much like A New Hope, (1977) which was the first movie to be released, but titled Episode IV because of the prequels.

There are a couple of critical unanswered questions--but, these are what sequels are made to answer.

The movie has slow spots. 

I didn't like one particular plot twist--I'm not going to write about it, because it would be a spoiler--but suffice it to say, I understand it, but that doesn't mean that I like it. 


Drop whatever it is you are doing, take a day off form work and go see this movie. EVERYONE is going to be talking doubt it and if you don't see it soon, there won't be any surprises left.

May the Force be with you!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Long Time Ago . . .

. . . in a galaxy far, far away--it began.

Well, maybe it was only 38 years ago on a few movie screens across America. It only seemed to be far, far away and that, of course, was the magic of the movie Star Wars

Tonight, the saga continues as the early opening-night showings begin and billions of dollars are spent by movie goers to finally answer the question that was left hanging in 1983 at the end of Return of the Jedi--"so what happened next?"

The epic battle between good and evil continues, finally. The detour through the prequels has been completed and the main story continues.

I have tickets for an evening showing and it will be an incredibly long day as I wait to stand in line to see the movie. 

The hype and the anticipation have given way into reality and I am looking forward to being transported into another place and time. At least for a few hours.

May the Force be with you!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

My Take: Be Afraid!

Be very afraid.

I admit that I did not watch the debates last evening, but I have been reading the accounts of the proceedings.

One of the common themes was a continuing assault on our Constitutional rights.

Between keeping people out of the country on religious grounds and the discussions of what the government should know about us, from the New York Times article, our Constitutional protections are under attack:

“I promise you, the next time there is an attack on this country, the first thing people are going to want to know is, why didn’t we know about it and why didn’t we stop it?” Mr. Rubio said. “And the answer better not be, ‘Because we didn’t have access to records or information that would have allowed us to identify these killers before they attack.’ ”

Enforcing something like this would strip Americans of privacy.

In a related issue, the ACLU is looking into the use of the No Fly List. In an article titled, Until the No Fly List is Fixed, It Shouldn't be used to Restrict People's Freedoms

I understand that many people scratch their heads and ask, why not? But the simple answer is that placing people on the No Fly list is arbitrary and incomplete. There is also no due process! All Constitutional violations. I urge you to read the ACLU article to understand the Constitutional implications associated with the No Fly list. Denying people access to protected freedoms based upon an arbitrary list compounds the offense.

Even more frightening, the government uses the phrase "predictive judgement" in determining whether to place people on the No Fly list. That sounds like a movie called, The Minority Report. I am not against the No Fly list, just the lack of oversight and due process associated with placing people on it.

My Take: Fear must not overtake our guaranteed freedoms or we will soon become a totalitarian society with no freedom.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Ides of December

Not My Trees--But Similar
We are halfway through December. The dark season is in full swing with two months remaining. 

I raced home after work yesterday to enjoy 45 minutes of daylight!

And then it was gone. 

At least it was warm and I could enjoy walking outside. Except that the rain had started. Fortunately it was not snow.

The landscape is becoming so bleak--the trees are bare, but the grass is still green. I think playing golf on Sunday was a much needed shot of outdoors. If only there were a way to play more.

Maybe a Bit Larger than I Need
I looked ahead at the weather forecast for Christmas. I believe that I can safely say that there will NOT be a white Christmas in the Baltimore area. A rainy Christmas almost assuredly, but not white.

Too bad about the rain--that will keep the fleet of new drones that many people will receive grounded. Although I don't know what I'd really do with one--I'd like a drone, too. And even big enough to have to register it under the new FAA rules.

Aha, the joys of Christmas! I remember when I was a boy and I received the bicycle of my dreams on Christmas morning. It was awesome, except that I couldn't ride it until April because of the snow in Upstate NY.

Ides means the middle day of the month. I thought it was the 15th for all months, but there seems to be some discussion about that.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday Musings - December 14, 2015

Sunday Morning December 13, 2015
Patient Greens Golf Club at Sun up
1. December golf in shirt sleeves. Wow, have I moved south overnight? It was an awesome way to start the day. And the gold was good, too.

2. I took a weekend off from the news. It was very cool.

3. I think Chris and I have completed most of our Christmas shopping! We went out Saturday and were amazed at how on-line shopping has reduced the numbers of people at the stores.

Riordin cleaning Louis
4. Cats can be fascinating to watch. Our two, Riordin and Louis go from fighting, to sleeping, to caring for each other in a matter of moments.

5. The incredibly warm and mild weather has me hoping for a "palm tree" Christmas. I lived in Miami for a while and I know I like walking the beach on Christmas day!

6. Traffic seems to be getting heavier. I wonder if it is a seasonal thing?

7. Do shoppers really "rush home with their treasures?" In my experience, it is usually a slow slog through heavy traffic.

8. Given that they have not defeated Navy in 14 years, should Army continue to field a football team?

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, December 13, 2015

December 12th

What a day! It was an awesome late autumn, yes, it is still autumn, day. Temperatures were very mild.

December 2015 in Maryland
So mild, that I was outside most of the day without a coat and having a great time.

There was the obligatory Christmas shopping and then present wrapping which consumed most of the morning.

But then the afternoon arrived--and I was actually in the yard on my tractor doing some light mowing, you mowing, and leaf removal. 

And from there, the day really picked up.

Wine, Fire, and Christmas Lights
There was a long walk to enjoy the sunshine and the mild temperatures. I chatted with neighbors along the way and saw many people putting out their Christmas lights 

I even was able to hit a few golf balls in the yard to keep my swing steady.

And then it was dark.

But wait, we have a fire table and it was fantastic to sit outside,during December, not risking frostbite, and enjoying a perfect wine for the occasion. 

It was a perfect ending to a great day.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Pre-Christmas Birthday Season

Nicole's Birthday Celebration
Birthdays are fun--and when they occur during the Christmas season, they can be all the more fun.

Nicole and Chris
Last evening we celebrated Nicole's birthday. It was fun to have a non-holiday focused, holiday season get together! The houses are decorated and the neighborhoods are bright with lights, but we obtained a much needed respite from the hustle and bustle of the shopping/holiday season.

As family and friends gathered together, there was the obligatory cake and rendition of Happy Birthday--and then it was to a local establishment off for adult beverages and munchies.

The gathering was well attended as everyone else seemed to have the same idea--enjoy a great happy hour and celebrate a very special person in our lives.

Nicole and Me in a Selfie
I guess that is really the whole idea for take time out of our too busy lives to celebrate others. In a perfect situation, we change the focus of our lives from self-centered into a other-centered.

I really enjoy hearing the boys sing Happy Birthday. And so, I captured their rendition below.

What else did I learn last night? I am really bad at taking selfies!

Happy Birthday Nicole!!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, December 11, 2015


A concern I have about on-line shopping is the accumulation of extra boxes.

Last evening I collapsed and took a large number of boxes, mostly from on-line retailers, to the street for recycling. While on-line shopping sure is easier, the accumulation of waste seems to be greater. 

So, while the shopping is easier, the waste is greater. 

It is just something we need to consider. Although I recycled them, there is a lot of energy that goes into the manufacturing process, it would be more efficient if the boxes could be reused. 

Add to that the paper form the wrapping, and the tape, and the bows, and tags--Christmas can be a high trash season. 

Recycle, recycle, recycle!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD
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