Thursday, April 23, 2015

Fortunes on the Field

Jax and Jack
Yesterday was a frustrating day for both of my baseball teams.

The Pirates, Jax's coach-pitch baseball team were out slugged in a game and the Orioles managed to find another creative way to lose to the Toronto Bluejays. 

Not a good day on the field. 

The Pirates played an older and more experienced team and held their ground during four of the six innings. Unfortunately, a comedy of errors resulted in a blow out score for the final. But, that is why we are there--to learn the game. I think the final was 13-4. 

The Orioles were victimized by the long ball and dropped a close game 4-2. They just can't seem to get the hitters and the pitchers working together, but the season is still young.

While the on field fortunes for my teams were not good yesterday--today promises to be a better day. Well, at least the Pirates don't play today. Their next game is Saturday.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hammocking Around

Patrick and Chris Demonstrating Stability
 in the Hammock
I had not considered a hammock for many years. They are not one of those backyard adornments that interest me.

Until last evening.

I was introduced to a new hammock concept at Patrick's which interests me enough to investigate further. This hammock, unlike to traditional ones, is very portable and was also very stable. I was able to get into and out of it without getting intimate with the ground. 

I am notoriously unbalanced in hammocks and this one was very stable. 

The other problem is experience with hammocks are flying insects, a/k/a mosquitos. This hammock, I am told has an optional mosquito net--which is an absolute necessity for my yard which is bounded by a wild area containing water and sufficient quantities of mosquitos to sustain a brown bat population for decades. 

I wish I had remembered the name of the company which produced this variant.

At least I took a picture.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Sounds in the Middle of the Night

One of the joys of the Springtime is sleeping with the windows open allowing the air conditioning to be off and fresh air, with pollen, to fill the room. 

Fortunately my allergies are fairly well under control this year and I can actually enjoy the fresh air, but there are sounds that happen during then night which disturb my sleep and cause me to be cranky in the morning.

For instance, last night it was the sound of a screaming fox, probably a vixen, walking up the driveway right below my window. Of course, Makayla had to alert me that there was commotion outside and begin barking which caused the cats to stir and become agitated. It takes time to go back to sleep and get everyone settled after the offending animal has departed the area.

Of course there are other sounds which can disturb the house in there middle of the night as well and which are enhanced by sleeping with the windows open. 

Sirens on the interstate. 

Planes taking off on the little used runway which seems to fly directly over my house.

Thunderstorms--like the one last night that followed the fox incident.

Of course, the sound of the cat spitting up a hair ball is especially bothersome and occurs whether the window is open or not.

Maybe tonight it will be quieter.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday Musings - April 20, 2015

1. According to Lucas, it is two and a half movies from Baltimore to Pittsburgh.

Weeping cherry in the Yard
2. With 12 games played and 150 to go in the MLB season, the Orioles are holding up well and are tied for first in the AL East.

3. Why is the Social Security system so complicated?

4. I mowed my lawn for the first time of the year this weekend. It was a great experience to be on the tractor again. It was fun mowing under the canopy of our weeping cherry tree.
From the 7th Tee at Patuxent Greens

5. Golf can is a frustrating game. I played a round yesterday expecting much better results than I received, but being out on the course made everything better. 
Bleeding Hearts

6. I am enjoying watching the Springtime flowers blossom. My bleeding hearts are huge--they grow so quickly.

7. It is Monday--I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not.

8. Why did gas prices jump almost 15 cents per gallon for the weekend?

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Joy of Saturdays

When asked, I often say that Saturday is my favorite day of the week.

I enjoy the ability to plan my own day and accomplish anything, or nothing, as choose. It is freeing.

Until yesterday--it was the Saturday with too much to do!

Mike and Jim and some of the Pirates before the parade
It began innocuously enough with my morning interface with my computer to write my blog. It was fun taking the image of the deer in the yard and relaxing with my coffee for a few minutes.

And then the day really began.

The was the opening day parade for the Jax's baseball team, the Pirates, which began at 8:30. Depart the house at 8:30 so as not to be late. 

That ended about 9:30 and then it was back to the house to get some of the springtime chores accomplished. I did get my first lawn mowing of the season accomplished! 
Ethan after LAX

But wait! There is always more to do. By 12:45, I was back on the sports fields watching Ethan and the GORC Wildcats play lacrosse. It was quite a match which GORC won 8-5. Ethan nearly had his first score of the season as an attacker--which was pretty exciting. 

Then it was back to the house--remember it is about 20-25 minutes each way from Odenton, where the games are played, to the house. 

I had time to accomplish more projects and to relax a bit. But, I had to be on the baseball field at 5PM for the Pirates opening day game! Although the Pirates lost, it was a lot of fun seeing how the boys had advanced and how they are coming together as a team. Jax made some great plays in the field and there are a lot of positives that we are going to be building upon.

By the time Chris and I got back to the house, for the third time of the day, it was time to relax--for the evening. Dinner, some TV, and early to bed because we were both exhausted!

What a Saturday!

Let's do it again, next week!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, April 18, 2015

As the Tree Blossoms

April 17, 2015
Cue the weeping cherry!

Yup, in the symphony of Springtime it is time for the arrival of one of the big kahunas--the weeping cherry.

April 14, 2015
Flowering trees are everywhere now. They have literally exploded during the past week and the region is alive with what I call the ice cream cone season--the puffs of color on tree trunks all along the roadsides.

I can begin to see leaves on trees as well. Yup, it is Spring, finally.
Morning Visitor Checking out the Weeping cherry
April 18, 2015

I love them. My allergies don't particularly appreciate them--but I'm making due this season. 

The lawn will be mowed today for the first time--in my view it is almost one month later than normal. During a more normal year I would be considering opening the pool, but that is at least two weeks off yet.

Pool time will come soon enough--but I do want to get the cover off the pool and begin to enjoy the warmer days! At least it's not snowing like it was when I was in Salt Lake City.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, April 17, 2015

Out the Hotel Window - Salt Lake City, Part 2

Out My Hotel Window
Salt Lake City
April 16, 2015
What a stunning difference a day, or two, can make when looking out the hotel window.

When I first looked out the window of my hotel room, and for the first two days of my trip to Salt Lake City, the scenery was obscured by the Springtime snowstorm that engulfed the area. Who really knew what was there?

All I saw was the snowstorm that held the region in its grip, snarling traffic and bringing cold and misery to the area. And it was cold--temperatures in the 30's and 40's. During the storm I removed at least six inches of snow from my rental car. Because of the elevation and the relative warmth, the snow fortunately did not accumulate on the ground, else the region would have been completely shut down.

Out My Hotel Window
Salt Lake City
April 14, 2015
I could tell that Spring had truly arrived, however, because the trees had leaves on them--not fully mature leaves, but leaves that were well into the process of bring Spring to the region. As I drove around, I could see the flowering trees were in flower--they were covered in snow--but, flowering nonetheless. 

As it turned out, once the storm subsided on the morning I was departing, the scene outside my hotel window was stunning! 

Salt Lake City from the Airport
April 16, 2015
I was so impressed with the view when I arrived at the airport to depart, that I snapped a quick shot of the city of Salt Lake City nestled at the base of the mountains from the airport. There is a lot wrong with this image--the reflection on the glass for instance, but I was never able to get another opportunity to take a better one. 

Why do the good things always seem to happen when I am leaving?

At least the trip home was uneventful! And there is no snow--hopefully I am finally done with snow because it seems that Winter doesn't want to end.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Did You See What I Saw?

Regions of the country seem to possess a unique character. I notice it as I travel, but I always notice it more when returning to Ithaca, NY.

Things are just different there. Perhaps it is the influence of the Cornell and Ithaca College or perhaps it is caused by the flower children of the 60's who never grew up, But Ithaca is a different region. 

Whatever the reason--I almost always see something while visiting the Ithaca area which causes me to take note. I have grown used to the no fraking signs--they are old by now--but still prevalent.  
Near Wegmans in Ithaca, NY

Chris snapped an image of a man in the rainbow-colored jacket emblazoned with a "Peace" symbol walking into the local Wegmans. What a unique mixing of social issues from different eras. 

I can't recall the last time I saw a peace symbol. And I know I have never seen the "Peace" symbol from the 60's anti-war movement juxtaposed upon rainbow flag colors currently associated with the gay rights movement. 

Wow--there certainly were a lot of issues in one jacket and one image taken by Chris on a Saturday afternoon in Ithaca, NY.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Salt Lake City, Utah 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Out the Hotel Window - Salt Lake City

Snow Falling in Salt Lake City
April 14, 2015
I have not been to Salt Lake City, Utah, in many years. I do remember that last time it was summer--and that meant warm. I remember wandering around the Temple Square looking for ice cream!

Outside my window yesterday, as I arrived, it was snowing. What a shock to my system. I stood in the window in disbelief that snow could be falling from the mid-April sky. 
Snow outside the Hotel Window

But it was. 

I have heard, and remember that there are mountains around here somewhere--they were not visible due to the snow. 

So I am not sure what is truly the scene outside my window except for a view of some business buildings. 

And snow.

It is time for winter to be over--seriously.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Salt Lake City, Utah

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

10 Years Already--Happy Birthday Ethan

Ethan with his Golf Clubs
Yesterday Ethan celebrated his 10th birthday. It is a milestone birthday because he went into double digits. Turns out there are a few milestone birthdays--10, 13, 16, 18, and 21. Unfortunately those are followed by the decade years with the magical 65 and 75 tossed in for good measure.

It is hard to believe that he is 10 years old already--the time certainly has flown by. 

Although I know his favorite gift was the trip he revoked for an overnight at Great Wolf Lodge, my personal favorite was his golf clubs--I look forward to spending quality time on the golf course enjoying teaching him the game--not that I actually know how to play it.

Growing up seemed to take so long when I was young and growing, but it happens so fast now that I am watching my children and now grandchildren pass each age milestone.

I enjoyed singing Happy Birthday to him. And I also enjoyed him on his scavenger hunt to secure his final and most wanted gift. 

Happy Birthday E--may you always have joy in your heart.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD
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