Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Preparing for the Big Ride

Rear Bag on my Bile
Tequesta, FL
March 14, 2024

Preparing for the upcoming three-night, 150-mile Great Allegheny Passage bike ride is no small undertaking.

It turns out there is a lot more to it than just hopping on my bike and heading off. I am outfitting my bike to carry clothes and water for the trip as well as learning to ride with additional weight aboard. 

I discovered during my ride the other day that water is something that I need to push. I did 26 miles and was dehydrated at the end of the ride. That distance is less than our daily plan and so I purchased a camelback to help ensure that I drink sufficiently during long rides. 

The bag over my back wheels has panniers which unfold to allow me to carry more stuff, but that comes with a price--weight! I am also putting back on my front wheel. 

Fortunately, the ride is not until mid-June. By then, hopefully, I will be in better shape and fully familiar with the handling characteristics of my fully loaded bike. One thing I have already learned is that I need to lift my leg higher to mount my bile to clear the bag on the back. That gets tougher when I get tired. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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