Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Dueling 16ths

Excited for the Present Inside
Odenton, MD
March 5, 2024

 During the past week we have attended three birthday celebrations for people turning 16! Weird. Well it was only for two different people and one of them was a 16 year old trapped in a 64 year old body due the calendar complication associated with Leap Year. 

Jax with Cake 
Odenton, MD
March 5, 2024
Last evening we enjoyed a small family celebration for the newest 16 year old, Jackson, a/k/a Jax. We were honored to be able to attend and are currently batting 1.000 for 16-year old family celebrations this year.

It was a small family celebration which happened after baseball practice. There was exciting news on Monday as Jax also made his high school JV baseball team. The image I took of him at the table is interesting because looking into the mirror I am seen taking the picture and his brother, Ethan, is also seen. Kinda cool. Intentional? I think not!

At least there are warm celebrations even if the weather is cold and rainy!

Oh yes, and he blew out all of the candles in one breath!

-- Bob Doan, Odenton, MD

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