Saturday, August 13, 2016

Mid-August Heat Wave

It has been a hot and very damp and humid August.

I don't actually remember an August as hot as this one.

At least the temperatures are beginning to moderate.

The real problem is that the lows are staying above 70 degrees, this morning for instance it is 77 degrees as I wake up.  And humid!

Forecast Weather for August 13, 2016
It makes conditions outside miserable and it is the weekend. We are supposed to work outside and be outside!

Yesterday the high was 96 degrees! The normal high is 86 degrees. The low was 79 degrees and the normal low is 66 degrees. At least today is cooler already than yesterday!

I am careful not to encourage the heat to leave, however! When the August heat subsides, then it is Autumn and I do not want to bring the dark season into the area any faster than it is going to arrive on its own.

I think the weather map projection for today says it all: Steamy and sweltering!

I think the pool is finally recovered, mostly, from my vacation and I believe I will be getting out of the heat on a floater with a cold drink in my hand.

As the sergeant used to say on Hill Street Blues: "Let's Be Careful Out there!"

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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