Saturday, December 1, 2012

December Dawns

Yes, amazingly enough it is the first of December 2012.
Deviled Eggs at Thanksgiving

A whole year has nearly escaped and I am hard pressed to recall how it has passed so quickly.

Like the deviled eggs from the Thanksgiving feast of just over a week ago, the end of the line for 2012 is in view and it seems I have more to do than there are days left to do them.

And I don't just mean Christmas shopping. I have hardly started that, ugh! But, I had planned on traveling to new and far away places this year--didn't happen.

On a more mundane front I still haven't even cut the grasses around the pool. Maybe this afternoon I will get to that project. After doing the leaves for hopefully the last time in 2012!

But the Christmas decorations are up!  Mostly.

The good news is that there are still days remaining in December to knock out some of the hanging projects.

December is a month beginnings and endings. There are endings--like the year, Autumn. But there are beginnings too, like Winter, burr and the renewing of friendships during the Holiday season.

This year there are additional things to consider on the national front, like the fiscal cliff. When December ends will our economy fall off it? The New Years Eve celebrations could be very subdued if our elected leaders don't figure something out.

Given all of that I definitely don't want to rush the end of the year. There are 31 days left, I am making a personal commitment to enjoy each one and find something special in it.

-- Bob Doan, back home in Elkridge, MD

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