Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday Musings - December 17, 2012

1. Terrible things happen in the world and try as I might, there is not way to make sense of them. By definition they just do not make sense.

2. What a weird sport football is, a team that plays extremely poorly three weeks in a row and looses by a blow out can make the playoffs because because another team just barely lost. Go Ravens! Time to turn the team bus around.

3. Less than two months until the first full Spring Training workout for the Orioles position players--February 16th.

4. One week to go until the huge celebrations begin. And then, peace because it is over for another eleven months.

5. If you want to have some fun, do a search for the worst Christmas songs of all time. There is little consensus for the worst song of all time. I have seen The First Noel, Feliz Navidad, Please Daddy Don't Get Drunk this Christmas (John Denver), Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer, and Santa Claus is Coming to Town all listed as the worst Christmas Song of all time. I guess it depends upon your personal view.

6. Saturday, Santa visited our neighborhood by firetruck. By the time he was done visiting all of the neighborhoods around us (which took most of the afternoon) I was composing a song parody titled Santa got run over by a Firetruck.

7. My vote for the worst Christmas song of all time is I'll be Home for Christmas. Just saying.

8. I was crushed to learn that the bengal tiger used in the boat scenes during the movie Life of Pi was computer generated. I was going to support him for an Oscar. He was the best actor I've seen in a movie all year.

9. If the world ends Friday, the whole Mayan calendar thing, and no one is left alive will anyone care?

10. Two weeks from today is New Year's Eve--I wonder of we will be falling off the fiscal cliff at midnight?

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