Friday, November 23, 2012

Season of the Turkey

It is over. Maybe today is just beginning for many people, but one of my favorite seasons of the year has just ended.

The season of the turkey is one of the shortest season's on the calendar beginning on November 1st and ending on Thanksgiving. It marks the time between rational thought and the insane sprint through the holiday season.

I have a small collection of turkeys which decorate our house during this all-to-short season. I enjoy replacing the garish Halloween decorations with their bright and happy faces and I am always a bit sad when I have to pack them away for another year.

Turkeys are inherently happy and are a great prelude to the day of thanks when we remember everything that we are blessed with--and I mean more than just good wine and mediocre football.

As Chris left the house this morning to sojourn into the Black Friday chaos, she reminded me that the season of the turkey is past and now is the time for snowmen, Santa's, and holiday cheer. I prefer the holiday spirits, but I guess that is becoming a bit more socially unacceptable these days.

For the next over 30 days, I will be listening to "Haul out the Holly" and other tunes on the radio many of them overdone so to the point of excruciating. But the memory of the unassuming turkey will get me through.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving - 2012

Today is one of my favorite holidays. A truly American tradition of giving thanks to God for prosperity even during the hard times and for the hope of better times to come.

Turkey on the Mantle
"What are you thankful for this year?" It is a question that millions of Americans will ask around their Thanksgiving table today.

It is good to take a moment to think about our blessings.

I am saddened that some unscrupulous retailers (K-mart, Walmart, Macy's, and Target to name a few) have decided that the pursuit of the dollar is more important that pausing to give thanks. I'd propose a boycott, but they never amount to much in a practical sense.

So what is Thanksgiving?

I was remarking that it is turkey and dessert!  But, I know that it is so much more than that. 

I give thanks for everything and everyone in my life--my family, my friends, my coworkers, my job, and every blessing that God has blessed me with. 

As the hymn goes:

We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing; 
 he chastens and hastens his will to make known. 
 The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing. 
 Sing praises to his name, he forgets not his own. 

Let us gather and sing praise.

Happy Thanksgiving!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Phone Booths

Coming back from upstate NY on Sunday I saw something that I just don't see too often anymore.

It was there on a corner--right where it was supposed to be and it was a telephone booth.

This one was in the town of Marathon, NY. Chris and I noted that we hadn't seen a real, full phone booth in a long time.

A 2007 article from the Washington Post writes about the demise of the once ubiquitous phone booth.

I wonder where Superman is changing these days?

And how many high school seniors can really fit into a telephone booth?

It seemed lonely, standing there.

A throw back to an earlier time before cell phones and instantaneous communications around the world.

I'll bet there wasn't a phone book inside. Remember the phone books inside of phone booths? They always had ripped pages and were fat because of the moisture.

Phone booths always smelled bad, too.

I remember looking for dimes (yup, dimes) to make a call. And having people ask me if I had a dime. What do we use dimes for these days anyway? I remember collect calls! Especially from phone booths.

Maybe I don't miss them. Just the nostalgia of having them around.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Eric Scott and Naked Blue: Review

Saturday evening I attended a Cellar Music concert featuring Naked Blue and Eric Scott. In short it was  another home run from Cellar Music. A thoroughly enjoyable evening of friends, food, wine and fantastic music.
Naked Blue

Naked Blue led off the show with tightly crafted vocals and guitar riffs that were fun to listen to and accompanied by easy to understand lyrics. Having been performing for 20 years, the duo has everything, including great stories which punctuate the performance and provide a perfect backdrop to the music. It is clear that Jen and Scott know each other's music very well. The folk qualty to the music is enjoyable and the lyrics are very deep.

One of the highlights of the set was when Jen and Scott did their song We Will Fly, which has been recorded by Evangeline.
Scott Smith, Bryan Ewald, Jen Smith, Eric Scott Jamming

The second highlight occurred when they invited Eric Scott and Bryan Ewald joined the duo for some impromptu music. I have to admit, it has been a longtime since I have seen music made and not just performed--but Saturday night I was lucky to experience the thrill of watching music being made again and it was truly special.

Following Naked Blue, and an intermission, Eric Scott accompanied by Bryan Ewald took the stage and the crowd of about 60 were treated to Eric's smooth and accomplished voice and lyrics. Eric is not a small guy, but he has a special voice which is smooth and does not show the wear and tear of too many shows and too late nights. Eric's best song of the night was his song Victim.

The night ended too soon--even though it went late. The music was magical and the gathered people were into the songs--most of which were very singable.

Way to go Cellar Music--keep them coming.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday Musings - November 19, 2012

Blow-up Turkey
1. The turkeys are warming up--ready for the upcoming holiday. I think I want to buy a big blow-up turkey! Just because.

2. "Excuses are tools of the incompetent used to build monuments of nothingness. Those who use them seldom amount to anything" -- actor Stephen Grayhm

3. Retirements are not endings--but rather they are new beginnings, much like changing chapters in a compelling book. I was happy to be at church with my family as my Dad retired (again) on Sunday. I wonder if I will be retiring (again) when I am 84? I wonder what he is going to do for his encore?

4. Driving long distances on weekends really puts a crimp in the time available for activity.

5. I am always amazed at how much colder it is in NY. When we left there yesterday afternoon, it was 37 degrees. When we arrived home near Baltimore, it was 50 degrees.

6. I noticed yesterday evening that the main runway at Baltimore Washington International Airport had reopened after months of upgrading. I noticed this because it was finally quiet over the house and I saw an arriving flight flying the approach to the main runway--finally!

7. Football is an exciting sport--but there just aren't enough games. Baseball is an everyday sport for everyday people.

8. We live in the information age, yet, it seems that when I really need information I can't figure out where it is on the web.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Big Rocks

Ethan on a Rock in Danby, NY
Sometimes I make big rocks out of small pebbles.

Sometimes I make mountains out of mole hills.

Sometimes I look at a problem and think it is much bigger than it really is and wonder how I am ever going to be successful.

Sometimes I look at the schedule for the week ahead and wonder how I am ever going to make it to Saturday.

Every so often though, the rock is really big!

And I still get through it. Sometimes it just takes a little help.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Danby, NY

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Cold Evening Quandry

I was sitting, alone in the house last evening waiting to attend a house concert where I knew it would be toasty and warm.

I was cold! It seemed cold in the house even though the temperature read 69 degrees.

I had only a few hours before congratulated myself on a second straight month of sub $170 electric bills. Yay! My house is 100 percent electric, except for the wood burning fireplace which totally rocks on cool evenings. But, as I was departing in less than an hour, I really couldn't start a fire to leave unattended.

Nor would I turn up the heat pumps to raise the temperature.

My Pittsburgh Penguin hoodie was looking pretty good at this point. So I went and got it from the closet.

How is it possible that a frustrated beach bum like myself can like a sport played on ice? I laughed at the paradox as I slipped the hoodie on.

And the warmth began. I even started to regain feeling in my fingers.

I heard the heating system start up and saw the cat walk over to a register to enjoy the warm air being forced into the room. I think Makayla was jealous. The cat beat her to the register to soak up the warmth.

Maybe I need an electric blanket for Christmas?

Nah, just a one-way ticket to Key West.

And a job there.

And a beach chair.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, November 16, 2012

Longer Evenings

The early darkness is significantly lengthening the time I am spending in the house--almost feeling trapped, during the evenings.

Where I used to be outside--even if only lounging near the pool with a nice glass of wine, I am now inside looking out of the windows into the darkness wishing for springtime and the return of daylight savings time.

I am afraid it is going to be a long winter.

Last evening, to break the boredom, I did a significant amount of Christmas shopping. It was almost surreal--a glass of wine in my hand and my trusty laptop in my lap while checking out sites and options for holiday gifts. Accompanied by Chris, who managed the Christmas lists, we scoured sites to find the best bargains and we made a number of purchases! Yay Amazon! Shopping without leaving the house. A great way to beat the crowds.

I can almost change the verse from 'Twas the Night before Christmas poem , by Clement Moore from

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! on, on Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"


Now Best Buy! now, Amazon! now Walmart and Sears!
On, Toys R Us! on, Target! on, Penny's and Macy's!
To the top of the heap! to the top of the credit limit!
Now spend it all, spend it all, spend it all now!

So, what fun did you have last evening?

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Finding Joy

It is there, waiting for me if I just pause for as moment to enjoy it.
Jax Showing Joy


A strange, small word that is easily lost in the hustle of my life. A word that is not often used by itself, but more often combined into other words like "enjoy" and "joyless."

Sometimes I find joy in watching others, like in the photo, I remember Jax rolling on the ground after a soccer game just enjoying life and playing with his grandma.

Yesterday I found joy in two seemingly small events.

First, my allergist told me that I could reduce my trips to his office for shots to once per week instead of the two times per week schedule that I have been on since June. A small thing, yes--but very freeing. And my arms are beginning to get sore as the dosage in each shot had been increased. And they itch. Do I feel better? I guess so--we will see in the springtime.

Second, Chris and I removed the leaves, again, from the front lawn as darkness was falling. It was good to be outside working around the house until dark. OK--5pm-ish. It would have been nicer had it been 9pm or so, but it was nice to be outside.

Joy in the small things.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sunset in November

The orange ball hung low on the horizon casting its red glow onto the still autumn clothed trees making them seem to be on fire against the crystal clear cyan sky.

I am not a fan of seeing the sun setting as I am leaving work, but I could not help but be awed by the colors in front of me as I was driving.

I had a hard time not looking directly into the bright ball of fire--I was almost mesmerized by it--seeing it for what seemed like the first time after a hurricane and seemingly weeks of gloomy weather.

I wished it was the hot sun of summer, baking the interior of my truck to temperatures above 100 degrees turing the cab into an oven-like place that I could crawl into like a lizard looking for warmth.

But it was not.

The day was cold, 45 degrees, seemed like colder, as I drove away from my place of work.

By the time I arrived home--the sun had set and all that remained of it were the oranges and reds of the sunset--a fading memory of the day as the stars began to illuminate the darkening sky.

I like dawn more than sunset because dawn offers the promise of the day ahead, while sunset is the period at the end of the day. Time has run out--like the final gun or horn at a sporting event. The day is over.

Not even an overtime period to try to correct the miscues of the day. Daylight is fading into black and with it, the promise of the light.

The sunset silhouetted the bare trees along the highway as I approached my home, bathing their black branches with the colors of the dying day.

Although the sunset was breathtaking in its diminishing glory, nothing good ever happens after dark especially during the morning hours right after midnight it seems.

Tomorrow the dawn comes again, with the promise of a new hopes for a new day which is then bookended by yet another sunset.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Do Fans Understand Sportsmanship?

Without baseball and in the continuing wait for the hockey season that probably never will be, I have been reading deeper into some of the stories surrounding sports.

The following statement, reported on, was made by a player, Brian Urlacher of the Chicago Bears, on Sunday: "I could give a crap about what people think on the street. Get mad at me all you want, I could give ... I could give a crap about what people say," Urlacher told ESPN Chicago's"Waddle & Silvy" show on Monday.

The situation apparently was that Brian Urlacher congratulated a player on the other team for a great play--I believe it was an interception. Turns out that the other player, Daniel Manning, was a former teammate and friend. Brian demonstrated something that we rarely see in sports: sportsmanship. What a concept. And the fans could not appreciate the display.

I side with Brian in this one. I often acknowledge my opponent on the racquetball court after a great serve or kill shot. There is nothing wrong with appreciating a good play--even by the opponent. Why? Because it is just a game. Athletes are not gladiators in the coliseum trying to kill each other. After the game--they are still friends.

Brian goes on to say, "When the play is over, it's over," he said. "It's not like I have to go out there and be a jerk to him because it's during the game and I'm a tough guy. That's not the way it is. They're my friends. Between the whistles I'm going to try and get them, and when the play is over we'll go back to doing whatever."

Great sportsmanship. We need more of it!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Musings - November 12, 2012

1. Weekend trips are better when monday is a holiday to recover.

2. Who knew NASCAR was a violent sport with the crews of two teams having a brawl after a race.

3. I enjoy warm November days more than I might normally appreciate them because I know what is coming.

4. The fog drifting into the now bare branches of the trees this morning gave the scene outside my window an eerie feeling for the start of the day.

5. Why do holidays around the house seem to quickly become work days? My list of planned activities is huge--culminating with the hanging of the Christmas lights outside the house.

6. Traveling on weekends, while fun and enjoyable, always leaves me with more things to around the house.

7. Isn't it neat that our Congress and the President get to pick-up right where they left off? Staring at the edge of the fiscal cliff and neither side wants to give in. The losers? We the people.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Out the Hotel Window - Williamsburg, VA

I considered calling this autumn's last gasp. Out of the window this morning, bathed in the dawn's light was a stand of trees, still robed in their autumn colors.

A last reminder of color and life before the dark times begin.

It was an appropriate end of the season weekend at the Great Wolf Lodge resort filled with autumn colors.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Williamsburg, VA

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Lost Weekends

Sometimes it feels like I am cramming three days of activity into a two day weekend.

Looking at my calendar, this will apparently be the norm for the next couple of weekends. Short trips to here or there coupled by intense activity around the house.

Weekends have become an extension of my too busy life and not a respite from the 5-day "rat race" that I usually look forward to enjoying. The time of rest, recreation, and recuperation that used to embody weekends has been overtaken by continuous activity and appointments.

It is sad that my weekends have been so transformed--although I do get to sleep in until 6 am, the around the house maintenance projects are not going away and the increased darkness associated with the season makes it harder to schedule completion of the outside projects. Take, for instance, the ornamental grasses surrounding the swimming pool perimeter. They are still there.

And then, on Monday the Christmas lights go up. I celebrate Veteran's Day by preparing for the day after Thanksgiving when the Christmas season arrives to light up the landscape. Turkeys to Santas! Sounds like a Rockefeller Center show of some kind.

Just another extension of the too busy weekend.

And "that" season is lurking right around the calendar preparing to suck all available time into shopping and preparations. I hope I can do all of my shopping via computer and Amazon this year.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, November 9, 2012

Rainbow in my Mind

Driving to work the other morning, in the cold dawn light beneath a dark, gray storm cloud filled sky I realized that at least it was morning.

I could see--thanks to the ending of daylight savings time.

But now it is dark earlier--and one day this week I have already both departed the house and returned in darkness.


I need a rainbow to remind me that even when everything seems gray and drab, there can still be bright colors to brighten up the scenery.

Rainbows, it seems, most often appear against the backdrop of gray skies.

So with all of the developing darkness--sunset occurring before 5pm and all, I really needed a fond memory and went into my picture file and found this one--from September, to remind me that even the darkest clouds give way to lightness.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Election reflections

Yes, it is over--or is it just beginning? At least the robo-phone calls and commercials have stopped.

During the course of yesterday, I talked to a few people about the election and the results and I found a couple of interesting themes.

The electorate voted for no change.

We continue to desire a dysfunctional congress, high unemployment. sporadic economic growth, a split congress, and a non-existent foreign policy.

The loser had flaws that he could not overcome, not the least of which were his loose tongue and out of touch with the voters demeanor.

Some memorable things that hurt the challenger: talking about buying a horse for his wife after the Olympics because she liked the equestrian events, talking about being friends with NASCAR team owners and selecting a running mate that "strengthened" the ticket by scaring the older voters which may have resulted in the loss of Wisconsin, Florida, and Ohio.

So now we get to watch both sides appear to be bipartisan while not giving an inch as the economy continues to sputter and the U.S. loses more ground overseas.

We did it. We voted for more of the same.

The reality TV show that is the our political leadership has been renewed for at least two more years.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

And the Winner is . . .

The every four year race for leading the greatest nation on Earth has ended.

The people have spoken. The results are surely mixed, but the viability of our way of government and electing leaders has been reaffirmed.

That is most the important thing to remember, whether your candidate won or lost.

I watched CNN last evening as the polls were closing and they were covering the election much like a sporting event--almost like Monday Night Football. They even had a catchy title: "Election Night in America."

I'm not sure electing a president should be covered like a football game.

There were lines at our polling place for the first time ever! And I have voted in every election--not just presidential elections, since we moved here. It was awesome to see so many people committed to exercising their rights to vote.

But now, at least the robo-calls and election ads will end. I won't be getting five or six calls per night anymore. I wonder who I am going to talk to or what I am going to do with my time now that I don't have to answer the phone anymore at odd hours while I am either eating or doing projects around the house.

On one issue I do feel that voters in Maryland sold their souls--and that was the referendum on expanding gambling. The promise of more $$'s has clouded good judgement. Just saying! Welcome to the new Nevada. Legalized prostitution will be next, I'm sure.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Living for no Tomorrow

Does it matter?

Yeah--it does.

Driving yesterday, I heard a song on the radio. I have heard the song many times before and I usually sing along with it a that mindless way that I do while driving.

The song is Good to be Alive and it is performed by Jason Gray.

Yesterday was different. One part of the lyrics (as it usually does) really hit me yesterday--

I wanna live like there's no tomorrow
Love like I'm on borrowed time
It's good to be alive

I won’t take it for granted
I won’t waste another second
All I want is to give you
A life well lived, to say “thank you”

And I questioned myself for a long time in the heavy Maryland rush hour traffic.

Can I do that? How would things be different if I lived like that?

I have heard it said the "No one is promised tomorrow." By the way--that is not a bible verse although many would have you believe that it is--the concept may be there but the exact words are not. But, recognizing that tomorrow may be very different.

This brought me to another song--a country song by Tim McGraw called Live Like You Were Dying and a series of lyrics in the refrain of that song--

I went sky diving, I went rocky mountain climbing,
I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu.
And I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter,
And I gave forgiveness I'd been denying.
An' he said: "Some day, I hope you get the chance,
"To live like you were dyin'.

And I wonder, 

I know a people who are there right now. Facing the "no tomorrow" who are trying to come to live like it is not going to be there. These songs suggest that it is a freeing experience. I see the hurt and the conflict in their lives and relationships. It is clearly not the fantasy land that the song writer's suggest.

But even with that in mind, and since I still have the belief that tomorrow is going to be there and be better, what is it going to take for me to crawl out from behind appointment filled schedule that I'm living and truly begin living?  Because, I think I will not only be a better person to be around--but I'll enjoy watching the sunrise over the ocean.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Musings - November 5, 2012

1. We had a true frost on the tops cars Sunday morning as the temperature dipped below 32 degrees. At ground level, though, it did not seem to be quite so cold, yet!

2. Saturday night, I saw stars and the moon in the sky for the first time since Sunday last week when the hurricane was approaching.

3. Election day is tomorrow--I wonder how our decisions in the voting booth will affect the future.

4. Do the commercials end after tomorrow?  And the stream of worthless, mind-numbing phone calls made by faceless computers?

5. What did I do with my extra hour yesterday?  I forgot.

6. The Dreamliner, Boeing's 787, made its first commercial flight for United Airlines yesterday.

7. Did I mention that it is cold outside in the morning when I take Makayla out for her morning walk?

8. I found out in church on Saturday night that I am part of the Justice League--well, sort of.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cold Saturday Morning

Where would you rather be on a 45 degree morning with a stiff wind making it seem more like 35 degrees.

Jax's Last Soccer Game of 2012 

1. At home, wrapped in a blanket drinking a hot cup of coffee while watching a good movie, or

Ethan and Makayla
2. On a soccer field watching Jax's final game of the season.

I chose correctly--on the soccer field.

It was a cold morning--and I was cold even with a coat, sweatshirt and shirt working together to maintain my body temperature. Makayla, however, enjoyed the morning on the soccer field with Ethan. She seemed especially renewed by the cooler temperatures. Or maybe she was cold and trying to keep warm herself?

The soccer game was exciting and Jax worked hard--but was not able to score a goal. He made some stunning saving kicks however.

Over all, the game was just--COLD!

It was so cold--how cold was it? It was so cold that the clock froze and the game lasted (it seemed) forever.

Not really, it just seemed that way.

I did get some nice pictures of Jax working the game to his advantage.

A fun way to spend part of Saturday.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Moments to Remember

I was at a local watering hole last evening with my nine best friends and I had an "aha" moment.

We were around a table celebrating the retirement of one of the group-and it hit me, it doesn't get any better than this.

The day had been a particularly rough day at both work and in the circumstances of life outside of work with bad news seeming to be the best that I could hope for. And it was sitting around that table, discussing life, retirement, travel, plans for the future, and Orioles baseball that it really hit me--these are moments to savor and remember.

A group of friends gathered for a time to escape the troubles of life and revel in just being together.

We were talking about the hurricane and the relatively minor damage, thankfully, we received especially compared to the people living in New Jersey and NYC who have been reduced to living like they were in the Middle Ages. Our thoughts and prayers went out to them.

We cheered when we realized that the NYC Marathon was canceled--because it was a recognition of the terrible conditions in the area and would keep thousands from sojourning there to make the situation even worse. But we also recognized that thousands of people had been diligently training for this event and they would not be happy that the goal of their training would be unrealized.

Sitting at the table we were able to discuss both sides of politically charged issues without the emotion that so often enters into such discussions.

Did we solve the problems of the world? No. No one seems to be able to do that.

But for a time, we escaped the problems in our own worlds and made them seem a bit more managable.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, November 2, 2012

Craziness and Phones

It happened with a few rings of the telephone.

A quiet evening, relaxing with a glass of wine became a mad fury of planning and preparation for the crisis which has just come through the phone lines and landed into our laps.

Off to NYC--to the hospital for another round of emergency care in the continuing battle against the foe that seemingly will not be beaten.

As rapidly as the ringer on the phone called us to action, we responded completely changing the plans and surging into action to support those on the frontline of the battle.

With every twist and turn--the foe is there goading us, probing for a weakness. Hoping that we have become weak and are willing to stop fighting and succumb to its control.

But no--the heroes in this battle are fueled by strong wills and supported by incredible love and prayer warriors.

There will be no surrender--only victory! Join the fight!

Victory will be sweet!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November Arrives

And so, after the fanfare associated with Halloween, November has arrived to grace us with its 30 days of fun and preparation as the first of the final two months of 2012.
Makayla at Halloween

Halloween is the effective end of the active part of the year and the hibernation season, the season of darkness begins with the arrival of November and the end of daylight savings time. Unless of course I were living in the southern hemisphere or the tropics.

But alas, I am residing in neither geographic region.

I am stuck in the north--and too far north at that. Although I am only about 39 and a quarter degrees north longitude--sometimes it feels more like 60 degrees. I'm not even half way between the equator and the pole! But still at least 15 degrees to far north. I always joke that I will know I am far enough south when I see palm trees growing in the wild.

But back to Halloween, Makayla was a trooper last evening as she trick or treated with the kids in her costume.  I think that she actually likes her costume--realizing that it is something special and makes her look like the lady she is. I was happy that she just accepted it and did not try to get it off. I also like the compliments from the people we meet about her festive attire.

But it is, as they say, all history now. And it is on to November and all that it has in store.

Can you spell Turkey?

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Changing Season

With the passing of the hurricane, the weather took a turn for the colder with temperatures last evening. As the thermometer cruised down past 40, we decided to enjoy our first fire of the season.
Riordin Enjoying the Fire

Seems that we were not the only ones to enjoy that first fire in the fireplace.

Riordin was also seeking heat as the temperatures got cooler. We try to balance the BGE electric bill against comfort and warmth--it seem the cat likes the warmth part a bit more.

It is amazing how even the idea of a roaring fire makes a room warmer.

And it really was warmer.

After being in the house for the better part of the past two days, enjoying a glass of wine in front of a warm fire as nighttime fell too early was just the ticket. And I did find a great wine to enjoy too--a 2010 Keswick Cabernet Franc which was sultry and sensuous.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Frankenstorm: Before and After

Well, we escaped the worst of the storm.
Before Hurricane Sandy

I am watching the TV this morning as the news broadcasters explore the destruction from Hurricane Sandy up and down the coast. I grieve for the people of New Jersey and elsewhere who have lost so much during the storm.

My assessment is that aside from the usual branches and leaves, we are unscathed.  Well, I do have the leaky roof but that is something I can begin to handle once the rain stops.

None of our trees came down--thankfully. I still have plenty lying around to turn  into firewood.

It is, as of this hour, still raining. Not hard but constant.
After Hurricane Sandy

It is a good day to stay home and hunker down.

I took before and after images which I am sharing. At least the wind moved the leaves into easy to remove piles-except that they are drenched!

I note that the leaves are now mostly off the trees--that will make my decision not to rake the leaves before the storm seem a bit more insightful. I kinda figured the trees would be stripped of most of the remaining leaves after the winds and rain.

So now the clean-up begins.

And tomorrow it is back to work.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Frankenstorm Passes

We are still here and have apparently survived Hurricane Sandy.

So far we have retained our electricity and although it is still early and hard to tell, the damage to our immediate area seems minimal.

We survived a roof leak which saw me racing to Home Depot to get roof repair goop during the height of the storm and then up onto the roof in a driving rain, assisted by the collected family to try to stem the water which was running down along a wall.  I was mostly successful--a more permanent repair will be attempted when it gets drier.

Thank you for all of your concerns and prayers..

More updates will follow after dawn breaks.

My thoughts and prayers are with those who have lost power and have sustained damage.

Now the recovery begins!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday Musings - October 29, 2012

1. Hurricane Sandy, aka Franken-storm, is upon us and canceling activities throughout the region. The devastation this storm can cause is only beginning to be realized.

2. I was happy that the Ravens had the weekend off from football. I needed the break while the World Series being won. Congratulations to the San Francisco Giants who swept the Tigers who swept the Yankees who stumbled by the O's.

3. I was amazed at how the area schools and offices respected the weather and decided to close and allow people to remain home to tend to their families.  Way to go U.S. OPM!

4. Today is the anniversary of the 1929 stock market crash. Have we done any better since then?

5. With the NHL season on ice--what am I going to do for my mid-week sports fix now that the World Series is over?

6. Did you hear the joke about the election next week? Neither did I.

7. If you are planning to travel during the next two days--change your plans.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ask the Right Question

I drove through a neighborhood yesterday and spied a sign in front of a church. This one was brighter than most--aided by modern electronics and animation to ensure that I saw their message.

Think about it--one visible sign posted along a roadside to state in a fleeting moment the most important thing about the church/congregation.

And what was this most important question:

"Where will you spend eternity?"

Really? That is the best that they can do for an area full of people who aren't even sure how they are going to get through this afternoon or tomorrow? To a people with problems and pain that is the best that the church can do?

I hope not.

In order to get people to worry about eternity they need to help them through this afternoon. That sign seemed so bible thumping to me. So out of touch with the condition of the country and what is happening right around the corner.

Even worse--many people driving by the sign have no concept of eternity--they need to be taught.

But before that, someone needs to ask:

How was your day?
Do you need to talk?
Do you need a friend?

Before asking people about spending eternity somewhere like it is a vacation spot, we need to find out what we need to do to help them even consider the possibility that eternity exists.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Franken-storm Cometh

The east coast is abuzz with talk of and preparations for Hurricane/Tropical Storm Sandy. It has become all consuming--even here at home where took a few hours of leave yesterday to begin storm preparations.
Storm Proofed Back Deck Area

We have many plants and chairs and cushions along with assorted patio related items that needed to be secured. The task was to get everything out of the open areas and secured. Including off the porch.

The pool house has become a temporary greenhouse (although dark) to hide the plants that normally adorn the exterior of the house.

I enjoyed all of the leaves that had fallen and I hope that having the leaves mostly off the trees will reduce the numbers of fallen trees and branches which create havoc when they crash through power lines, roads, and houses.
The Pool House Becomes a Green House

The news media is everywhere ensuring that people are aware of the impending storm. That is a good thing.

Schools are preparing for contingencies.

People are panicking. Others are making preparations for the impending mayhem.
Makayla Keeping a Watchful Eye on Storm Preparations

Makayla, however, is just taking it all in. She parked herself on the pool cover and just kept a watchful eye on my comings and goings as I worked to move stuff around.

Sometimes, I wish I were a dog.

Then I could lay on the pool cover among the leaves and just relax while the world around me is working feverishly to prepare for a huge storm.

Well--although the storm is named Sandy--it is really a Franken-storm because is stands to destroy Halloween.

But, more on that another day.

I think I'm going to join Makayla on the pool cover.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, October 26, 2012

Foreign Policy Question

Is having a coherent foreign policy important?  Seems to me that it must not be that important after watching the debacle of a debate the other night.

One candidate for president obviously doesn't believe in a coherent foreign policy because he has not implemented one and his challenger wanted to talk about domestic issues instead.

Why is foreign policy so important?  It is because the world is so small.

An inconsistent foreign policy means that our friends and foes alike cannot trust us.

Who really knows what are are doing. Even we don't it seems.

When presidential candidates are discussing foreign policy and someone is getting a tutorial about bayonets and horses and aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines--we have a problem. America has a problem.

Foreign policy is important and sometimes I feel like it is the second fiddle to everything else, like domestic policy and one up man-ship.

Maybe I care more than many people.

Maybe we need to really examine what the U.S. is about and make a reasoned decision.

All I know is that neither candidate made definitive foreign policy statements, but they sniped at each other like high schoolers without eliciting a meaningful, coherent policy.

Is there another candidate in the race?

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Argo - Review

What a great ride! The movie had everything--suspense, villains, a "you gotta be kidding me" plan, unlikely heroes, and a storybook happy ending. Best of all--much of it was true.

Argo is the dramatization of the 1980 joint CIA-Canadian secret operation to extract six fugitive American diplomatic personnel out of revolutionary Iran. Although I knew and remembered the outcome--the movie had be doubting my history as it went along. It was such a long time ago, 1979, and not much had been written about the operation in the intervening years so it was all new territory for me to appreciate.

The lead character, Tony Mendez, played by Ben Affleck, is a CIA operative who becomes involved in trying to exfiltrate six Americans who escaped from the Tehran Embassy as it was being overthrown by revolutionaries. The film brings in scenes from the 70's and recreates them with amazing detail while also having real news reports playing. I was amazed at the young Tom Brokaw in the background of one scene.

The plan, developed by Mendez is as improbable as anything I can think of. It was just that improbability that caused the plan to succeed. The actors surrounding Affleck did great jobs with their roles and I believe that John Goodman, who plays Academy Award winning make-up artist John Chambers, may be nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar. Alan Arkin gives a memorable performance as movie producer Lester Siegel.

I cannot vouch for the historical accuracy of the details of the movie, as I am only beginning my research; but, the movie is well worth the effort to see. I do know, from some of the articles that I have read, that the movie severely minimizes the role of the Canadians who at the time received all of the credit (or blame, from the Iranians). I believe the truth lies in between and that this operation may have been one of those bilateral success stories that happen only so infrequently. There is an article written by Anthony Mendez in The Daily Beast which does serve to provide some historical context for the movie.

RECOMMENDATION: See this movie. This movie is not suitable for the under 13 year old crowd as one obscene word is used fairly frequently.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fire in the Sky--An Image for my Memory

I was rolling out of the club last evening after another disappointing racquetball outing and noticed the picture perfect sky above me.

The clouds were painted red with the setting sun--yes it is setting far too early, reflecting down to the ground and making me pause, for a moment, to consider the view. I wish I were a painter. I would love to capture the scene as it resides in my mind.

I thought for a moment about snapping an image on my phone--but I knew that with all of the built-in automated light correction algorithms that the image would be a sad representation of the view I was experiencing.

Sometimes, it is better to keep the images of life in our minds rather than trying to capture them digitally.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ghost Bridge - Governor's Bridge Road, Maryland

Saturday, I was introduced to a Ghost Bridge--or Crybaby Bridge in Maryland.
Governor's Bridge Road Truss Bridge, Maryland

According to Wikipedia: On Governor's Bridge Road, in Bowie, Maryland, is a late 19th/early 20th century steel truss bridge; legend states that a woman and her baby were murdered in the 1930s. It is also said that in the early 20th century, a young woman was impregnated, but not married. In order to avoid judgement by family and peers, she drowned her baby in the river. Purportedly, if one parks one's car at or near this bridge, a baby can be heard crying; sometimes a ghost car will creep up from behind, but disappear when the driver or passenger turns around to see it.

We did not either hear the baby or see the ghost car while we explored the bridge--which is in need of some immediate repair. I discovered a lot of rusted and some broken metal while walking under the bridge. The bridge is a narrow, one lane bridge and fortunately, there was not a lot of traffic on the day we visited.

The view of the muddy water was actually very pretty for the autumn day. And the area is very remote--if that ids possible for this portion of Maryland.

There is a pull off for parking while people explore the bridge, but I did not see a sign to explain the ghostly nature of the area.

Standing along the rail, I could almost imagine diving off into the water on a hot, sunny, summer day as I am sure hundreds of boys have done during the many years the bridge has been spanning the river.
Visiting Governor's Bridge Road Truss Bridge

On Saturday, though, that was the farthest thing form the minds of the intrepid travelers with whom I visited the span.

And we listened for the sound of crying babies.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday Musings - October 22, 2012

1. Autumn has a way of endearing itself to me--but it is so short a visit.

2. The piles of leaves are coming.

3. I saw the movie Argo. Wow, what a ride. A piece of nearly forgotten history brought back to life. Go Canada!

4. I am amazed at how many things have happened during my life--many of which I don't remember until reminded. And now many of them are considered history.

5. Now that baseball is effectively over--I guess Sundays will have to be devoted to just football for a while since the NHL can't seem to solve its problems.

6. I enjoyed a nice evening in Annapolis on Friday. Sitting along the harbor, watching the boats come and go. Conflicted because at the same time I both wanted and didn't want a boat. How funny is that?

7. Who knew that there were Ghost Bridges in Maryland?

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Colors of Autumn

I had the opportunity to spend much of yesterday outside enjoying a spectacular weekend of warm temperatures and brightly adorned trees.

From the Soccer Field in Odenton, MD

I snapped a couple of quick images with my phone to help record the autumn beauty. It was great to enjoy the spectacular display of leaves before they fall from the trees and become a problem.

I was especially enjoying the reds mixed among the yellows and oranges.

The colors in the trees made me a bit sad because I  know that this is that last gasp before the bare branches appear in preparation of the cold and snow of winter.
Y Worry Pumpkin Patch and Christmas Tree Farm
Davidsonville, MD

We also checked out a pumpkin farm. What a spectacular scene--the blue sky, the orange pumpkins in the cleared fields--stunning!

I probably could have done better with a picture, but it captures the day pretty well. A classic autumn day--one that people remember when they think of why they love autumn so much.

Pumpkin patches are an October and autumn classic. The children just love running from pumpkin to pumpkin trying to find that perfect candidate for carving into a scary jack-o-lantern.

House in Autumn Color in Odenton, MD
While we were out and about, I snapped a picture of one house, across from the soccer fields, that just made a good picture of the day. I was impressed by the clear sky and mixed colors of the leaves.

It was truly an autumn day to remember.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Wicked at the Hippodrome - Review

I attended the Broadway Across America musical Wicked at the Hippodrome Theater in Baltimore on Thursday evening.

I admit that I am not a huge fan of the Hippodrome. I find the seats small and close. And unlike attending a ballgame, it is impossible to get up and head out to the restroom and concession except at intermission. And anyone who has tried to do both--restroom and concession, during intermission at a theater knows that it is practically impossible to accomplish both tasks.

That written, I found the musical to be a very enjoyable and it provided for an entertaining event. The music is complex and the songs are difficult to appreciate because I could not identify a compelling melody. I would have loved to come away with a melody that I could sing to remind me of the magical time in the theater, but the show is sadly lacking in this area. Even Cats, a show which I do not appreciate at all, had that one signature song: Memory.

For those who don't know, the show is about the witches of Oz--Glinda (the Good) and Elphaba (the Wicked Witch of the West). The show, set in Oz (as one might expect) documents the relationship between the to girls who were, believe it or not, friends. I enjoyed the interpretation of the motives for each choosing their course and in finding that sometimes being good is can be bad and being wicked can really be an instrument for good.

The scenery, sets, and costumes were excellent and visually stimulating. The acting was superb. I especially enjoyed Jeanna De Waal who played Glinda and Christine Dwyer who played Elphaba. The show hinges upon their performances--and they did not disappoint. Their voices are clear and strong--and that is critical because of the number of duets they sing. Of the two, I felt Christine had the stronger voice and most enjoyable. She easily filled the theater, when the score called for her to do so.

Not wanting the give away the plot, I will only comment upon the storyline in general terms. Being a huge Wizard of Oz fan, I enjoyed the synchronization of the story lines which I found complimentary and worked well together. Wicked is, in a sense, the backstory for the Wizard of Oz. But it is more than that, too.

RECOMMENDATION: See the play. It is worth it. Enjoy the experience.

--  Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, October 19, 2012

Debates and Elections

Do debate winners make good Presidents?

I wonder.

Do we even know who really won the debates? I have read leading writers claim that both of the leading candidates won the most recent debate.

Perhaps it is considered a win if no one clearly loses. In my book though, it is a tie.

So I am left wondering--do good debaters make good Presidents?

History might say no.

Winning a debate alone is not a good indicator of Presidential characteristics. That written, in the classic sense, the Presidential Debates really aren't debates at all--but more like a free-for-all discussion of the hot button issues designed to sway voters.

Even the facts presented during the proceedings, aren't.

The plans presented to accomplish this or that, really aren't. Presidents don't propose bills--Congress does.

How will the future President work with a hostile Congress to get the business of the country accomplished? That is really the true question that needs to be answered during a debate. And recent history shows that even a Congress controlled by the same political party as the President, may be hostile!

Bi-partisianship! I would love to hear that word spoken more. I would desire that our elected officials put aside their personal goals and focus on running the country--together and not over the cold, dead bodies of their opponents. Partisan politics is out of control and it is fueled by special interest groups which have a singular focus with no respect for the larger issues.

Whomever I vote for in a couple weeks is going to need to show me that they have a vision for America which is both inclusive and bipartisan.

Oops! I don't think that candidate is running.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Out the Hotel Window - Huntsville, AL, October 2012

The colors of autumn were clearly visible as I opened the blinds yesterday morning to snap the image out the window.
Out the Hampton Inn window
October, 17, 2012

The dawn golden sun highlighted the reds and yellows already adorning the trees outside my room.

In recent memory, this was one of the most colorful views out the hotel window from my room.

I remember that I was surprised as the airplane was landing at the progression that autumn has already made into the area. I think the Baltimore region is behind even Alabama in that respect.

I have been to Huntsville before, although not for a few years now. I am always fascinated at how pretty the area is. I guess I have some other mental image of Alabama--along a muddy river with thousands of mosquitoes swarming to carry me off or something.

But it is not like that at all.

This trip was not without its challenges. I forgot my razor. I never forget my razor--but alas, not I can no longer say that. At least the hotel desk had one and the nice lady smiled at me as I sheepishly went down to retrieve one of their disposables.

Despite forgetting the razor, it looked as if it was going to be another beautiful day. Amazing how a bright and cheery dawn can set the tone for a day.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Out the Airplane Window - October 2012

I flew from Baltimore to Huntsville yesterday. It was a beautiful day flying along the mountains on the first leg from Baltimore to Atlanta and the scene just caught my eye.
Airborne over The Carolinas
October 16, 2012

Sadly, the camera doesn't do it justice with the mountains rising from the valley floor to meet the sky--but it helps that I have it fully processed in my head.

I just found the scenery stunning--green and alive. I think I have been traveling to Denver too often and am numb to the scenery along that journey which is essentially flat. Although sometimes I enjoy the Great Lakes off in the distance.

Yesterday, though, the mountains rising up from the broad valley floors were just inspiring to look at and to enjoy.

Thankfully the flights were both smooth and short because I get to make the return trip today.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Huntsville, AL

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fine Wine, Great Steak, equals Awesome Dinner

The other evening Chris and I considered going out to dinner--but then decided to buy two thick Angus steaks, do up some potatoes and crack open a special bottle of wine at home rather than paying incredible prices for something we can do at home in the dining room by candle light without the chaos and cost.

The wine we decided on was a special wine--1996 Henschke Mt Edelstone Shiraz from the Eden Valley in Australia--which is a Barossa Valley appellation. I have had this bottle since about 1999 and I knew it had been properly cared for and should be stunning. I was a bit afraid that it would be corked, since the last two reviews that I had read about the wine indicated that the wine was corked--but this bottle was not only not corked--it was awesome. I was amazed at how a wine right at its peak of maturity provides mature and smoothly integrated flavors.

The steaks were done on the grill over low hear after searing to seal in the juices. They were done to perfection, I took them off at 130 degrees (medium-rare) and they were the hit of the meal blending perfectly with the wine.

Fine meals--wine and food, are so expensive when prepared by restaurants. That bottle of wine would have been untouchable price wise when eating out. But I remember how much I paid for it, in Australian dollars, during one of my trips and while it was a very affordable, it was one of the most expensive wines I had ever purchased back in 1999.

I was excited that it had aged so well and for over a decade in my possession. It was almost like parting with an old friend.

But it was well worth the wait. The dinner was perfect. The conversation intriguing and best of all--it was in our own dining room.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday Musings - October 15, 2012

1. Happy Birthday Chris. Wow. I don't feel as old as the calendar says we are. Seems like yesterday I was a jock on a high school football team beating Union Endicott 10-0 for her birthday present.

2. Baseball is summer. Period! When it ends, summer is over.

3. The pastor asked us to tell each other what we like about autumn in church. I said, "nothing." People laughed. I was serious!

4. Autumn precedes winter. Don't forget that. It tries to delude us with the colorful trees, but fundamentally the snow is coming. Ugh!

5. Baseball is day after day and not just once per week. That is why I like it.

6. Orioles!  Just think about it. Last year they were the 26th best team in the league. This year the 8th. Next year the World Series.

7. I have spent a lot of time these past few weeks thinking about cancer. It sucks. Survivors are heroes. Nuff said!

8. I wish we could elect a president who will fix the country, but I am afraid that will not happen.

9. Can you spell fifty-seven? Ugh! I can.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Baltimore Running Festival 2012

I attended, but did not participate in, yesterday's Baltimore Marathon and Running Festival. Personally, running for running sake and I never really got along. But I am impressed with those people who can run long distances without coughing up a lung.
Jeremy and Mike after the Half Marathon

Jeremy and Mike ran in the half-marathon and both completed it with really respectable sub 10 minute mile times. We were near the finish line outside Orioles Park to cheer them as then ran by--within sight of the finish line and they both looked really good running.
Baltimore Marathon October 13, 2012
Nine Mile Point

As we were waiting for their race to start we had the opportunity to see the world class runners pass the 9 mile marker about 40 minutes after the race began. They had significantly separated themselves from most of the other runners and were clearly in the lead.

These guys didn't even look tired.

The winner, from Kenya, finished the race in about 2 hours and 13 minutes.  We had a friend who ran the full marathon in just under 3 hours and 15 minutes--fast enough to qualify for the Boston Marathon. Congrats Kevin!

It was a beautiful day. The sky was clear and although very cool in the shade, the sun was warm and the humidity was low. A more perfect day for a run would be hard to imagine.

It was fun to be in the city and celebrate the joy of running and health, and pushing oneself to achieve difficult goals.

It was a celebration of life!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, October 13, 2012

And so the Magical Baseball Orioles Season Ends

The Orioles lost to the Yankees in game five, the deciding game, of the American League Division Series (ALDS) last night.

Although it pains me to write it--congrats to the Yankees. I won't be cheering for you to win the series, but congrats anyway. I know the maligned Orioles from Baltimore stretched you in ways you never imagined possible. There was the home run or is it a foul ball home field call--but that's baseball.

Effectively, my baseball season is over. Yes, I will still cheer for the Giants. Personally, I hope the Yankees lose to Detroit, because my second favorite team is whoever is playing the Yankees.

I'm looking forward to the off season, and Spring Training, and the hope for next year.

One team had to lose--despite the best efforts of our school system to teach otherwise--one team wins and the other loses.

That's life. That's sports.

That is why we keep score.

Thank you to the Orioles. Each one of the, all season long. It was a lot of fun and it was downright exciting. The Orioles Magic is finally alive again.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, October 12, 2012

Orioles Baseball Reflections--ALDS Finale Tonight

What a ride it has been with the Orioles this year.  The past two nights have had me staying up hours past my bedtime cheering for the team as they are locked in an epic struggle against the evil empire (Yankees). The teams are now tied 2-2 in a best of five series which ends tonight. They have played 25 innings of baseball over the past two nights--making me a very sleep deprived fan.

I am sure tonight will be dramatic. The best pitcher the Yankees have to offer will be on the mound against the "next man up" Orioles.

I like our chances.

I reread some of my blogs form March when I was headed off to Sarasota for Spring Training. The Orioles were expected to be terrible, but in my usual Spring Training mode, I believed that "it" could happen.

I am the eternal Spring optimist.

I go to Sarasota to get a feel for the team.

Here is what ESPN wrote before the season began:"Lefthanders Brian Matusz and Zach Britton make major strides before the team is crushed under the weight of a powerful division. For the sixth straight year, Baltimore fails to win 70 games, for the 15th straight year the team has a losing record. Yes, this is the best-case scenario."

Their best case scenario was, it turns out, a long way from reality. That is why the games have to be played.

The reality:
Entry Hall at Orioles Spring Training Facility

The Orioles won 93 games and made the playoffs for the first time in 15 years. They beat Texas (American League Champions for the past two years) in the one game Wild Card round. They have set up tonight's finale by playing the Yankees to a draw in the American League Division Series. All of these accomplishments are a long way from finishing with over 100 losses. I bought World Series tickets for the first time in my life and I believe that I may yet get a chance to use them to see the Orioles play for the crown of "best in baseball."

So win or lose tonight--the guys gave me and the other fans a season to remember. I hope they don't try to manage my expectations for next year. Because I know what goals I have in mind for this exciting baseball team.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Let's Talk Politics

How can you tell a politician is lying?  His/her lips are moving.

Sadly, it seems so true. We have become jaded by empty promises from office seeking people who will, it seems, do anything to win.

And then what? We are left wondering--what did I ever see in that person?

Who loses?

We all do when people without a clue get elected.

I always like to consider--can they make a decision? Do they surround themselves with people who will give them good advice--and will they take it? Can they evaluate competing views and choose the best one for the country? The news media seems to believe that consistency is the most important thing. Sadly though, the ways bills are written a seemingly good bill can be so loaded with pork that voting for it is just wrong. So really, it comes down to can they think, can they speak in full sentences, and can they make decisions under fire?

It is hard, as voters, to evaluate all of those complexities. And failing these items we become swayed by the manufactured facts and voting records fed to us by the campaigns and news media.

The real problem is that it is all so important. But often, there seems to be no right answer.

Maybe Mickey Mouse would be the best choice. At least I know the words to "It's a Small World" and I can never tell if Mickey's lips are moving.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Anti-ism wins: Protestants a Majority no Longer

The Associated Press reports that "For the first time in its history, the United States does not have a Protestant majority, according to a new study. One reason: The number of Americans with no religious affiliation is on the rise."  Rachel Zoll, an AP Religion Writer reported this in her article titled Report: US Protestants lose majority status.

Karl Marx wrote that "Religion is the opiate of the masses." I wonder what the lack of a widespread religious underpinning to our society bodes for the future?

The study suggests that the Americans who say they have no religion vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. I'm not sure what to make of this except that social policies offered by democrats may offer an alternative to religion. The aims are similar--take care of those around you through social programs. But the tax implications, as we have witnessed in European countries, are huge to pay for programs and that leads to bigger government and increasing inefficiency which creates more of a tax drain on society.

Despite the lure of social "do-goodism" though, the real issue is why are more and more Americans   choosing to avoid and reject the hope offered by religion?

Could it be because the message has become blurred by high visibility fanatical policies? Has protestantism become equated with an "anti-ism" approach to significant issues without providing an alternative? I can see it. In the name of religion we have witnessed Koran burning, gay-bashing, violent anti-abortionist activities, and in-your-face "I'm right and you're going to hell" mentalities which, frankly, turn me off.

It seems, aided by the sensationalism of the news media, that protestants are anti everything. It is obfuscating the message of eternal hope and the love of God. The efforts of the majority are being overshadowed by the radical few. And now, the numbers reflect that.

We need to be less damming and more affirming and forgiving. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

On an Damp and Cold Night

The night was cold. The crowd was loud. The game was on the line.
Orioles Park - October 8, 2012

The city seemed united behind a bunch of baseball players locked in a struggle between the rebel alliance and the evil empire.

I looked at the clock as the game ended--it was 11:59 PM on October 8, 2012.

The upstart Orioles pulled even with the Yankee juggernaut in the best of five elimination series.

But they had help.

48,000 fans were louder than I have ever heard them. I was listening to the cheers echo off the surrounding buildings during the pauses. Fans united, trying with their voices to help the team find a way to win.
Oriole Park - Post-season Baseball
October 8, 2012

And, in no small way it seemed that we did.

Nine innings of baseball with the crowd growing stronger with each pitch finally reaching a deafening roar as the last Yankee batter struck out to end the game.

Nothing could be sweeter for Orioles fans.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, October 8, 2012

Orioles Baseball -- First Playoff Game in 15 Years

Last evening I attended the first home playoff MLB game is fifteen years at Camden Yards.

The stadium was alive. It was decked out for the game--spirits dampened only by the rain which delayed the start by two and a half hours. The crowd was alive and the team responded. Even with the rain and the delay--it was electric.

And I hope tonight will be more of the same.

That is the great thing about the baseball playoffs--they last for more than just one night/day; unlike the NFL.  When the season is 162 games long it is good that the playoffs are not a series of one-and-done affairs.

Go O's.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday Musings - October 8, 2012

1. Baseball is a 27 out game, unless tied. The Orioles were great for 24 outs yesterday. Unfortunately, the Yankees owned the last three outs.

2. Winning ugly is still a win.

3. Busy weekends pass so quickly. From Charlottesville in the morning, to Monticello, and then and Orioles game. Wow, what a day. Anyone want a holiday?

4. I am wondering if I am beginning to overload on baseball? Nah.

5. The colors of autumn are really beginning to invade the hills. We saw a windblown leaf storm this weekend.

6. Holiday mondays are a great way to recover form a busy weekend. Why are holiday's so busy, too?

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Wings Over Wine Country

One winery we visited yesterday was hosting the Wings Over Wine Country awareness for injured animals for the Wildlife Center of Virginia.

The organization brought along a few animals. including the screech owl in this picture.

This owl is missing one eye and the other is damaged rendering her effectively blind. They believe she may have been hit by a car or a train. he was found along railroad tracks near an intersection. Now she is a permanent ambassador to raise awareness for injured animals.

It is amazing what one finds while spending a great day sampling the fruits of the vine.

-- Bob Doan, Writing from Charlottesville, VA
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