Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Through the Palms

Roger Dean Stadium
Abacoa, FL
July 4, 2023

 A fantastic 4th of July was observed!

Chris and I spent the day together, hiding out from the oppressive heat and enjoying a two-day movie marathon which included watching both Independence Day movies and The Music Man! Now there is a combination. We also conducted a Zoom-call with the family.

There must be trouble right here in River City!

Actually no trouble, but we headed out last evening to Abacoa and the Roger Dean Baseball Stadium to enjoy a long and exciting fireworks display with a few thousand fellow residents. The city was hosting g a huge party, but we stayed on the periphery. Chris and I were positioned perfectly that two tall palms framed the fireworks. We enjoyed a classic 4th of July dinner of ribs before heading out. We timed the event perfectly arriving about 5 minutes before the fireworks began. Parking was awful--but we were able to smoothly escape from the crowd after the show was over. 

The trip home from Abacoa was highlighted by fireworks everywhere. I think I found a new place to watch fireworks, however. From atop the Alternate A1A bridge looking both ways along the Loxahatchee River. There were still people there as we were driving home.

It was fun to make new traditions!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Fire up the 4th

Final Fireworks
Elkridge, MD
July 4, 2022

Celebrate the 4th of July.

It is Independence Day.

I wish I could write that we are doing something exciting, but we are not. We are just chillin' in Florida.

Here is hoping that you and yours are having a stunning holiday and are not trapped either in an airport or on a highway.

Here are some Independence Day thoughts:

And on July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, declaring: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

The men who signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, pledged their “Lives, [their] Fortunes and [their] sacred Honor” to defend the idea of human equality. Ever since then, Americans have sacrificed their own fortunes, honor, and even their lives, for that principle. Lincoln reminded Civil War Americans of those sacrifices when he urged the people of his era to “take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

(Letters from an American)

We must be on guard for those who would rewrite these words for their own personal gain and usurp the cause of freedom transforming it into a weapon rather than an unalienable right. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Monday, July 3, 2023

Monday Musings - July 3, 2023 Independence Weekend Edition


1. Welcome to the first Monday of July. July has five Mondays this year and there are 25 Mondays remaining in the year. 

For today, I decided to focus upon Thomas Jefferson, one of the men directly responsible for this Republic and our independence. 

2. "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." - U.S. Declaration of Independence

3. The only birthday I ever commemorate is that of our Independence, the Fourth of July." - Thomas Jefferson

4. The kind invitation I recieve from you on the part of the citizens of the city of Washington, to be present with them at their celebration of the 50th anniversary of American independance; as one of the surviving signers of an instrument, pregnant with our own, and the fate of the world, is most flattering to myself, and heightened by the honorable accompaniment proposal for the comfort of such a journey. it adds sensibly to the sufferings of sickness, to be deprived by it of a personal participation in the rejoicings of that day. ... I should indeed, with peculiar delight, have met and exchanged there, congratulations personally, with the small band, the remnant of that host of worthies, who joined with us, on that day, in the bold and doubtful election we were to make, for our country, between submission, or the sword; and to have enjoyed with them the consolatory fact that our fellow citizens, after half a century of experience and prosperity, continue to approve the choice we made. ... for ourselves let the annual return of this day, for ever refresh our recollections of these rights and an undiminished devotion to them." (Jefferson to Roger Weightman

5. "The fourth of July, the epoch of American independence, is a day when the heart of every American must glow with pride and gratitude. No village, however sequestered, no citizen, however obscure, forgets the celebration of the anniversary of his country's liberty! Through all the land, from the shores of the Atlantic to our mountain-tops, the sounds of gratulation are heard; the roar of cannon, and the peal of bells, announce the auspicious morn, and people of every rank hasten with their festive offerings round the altar of liberty." (Thomas Jefferson)

Have a Happy and Healthy 4th

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Middle of the Holiday


Final 4th Celebration
Elkridge, MD
July 4, 2022

I am hoping that most of my friends and family are taking the opportunity for a mid-year time out and enjoying a four-day Independence Day holiday weekend!

“We will never have true civilization until we have learned to recognize the rights of others.” —Will Rogers

It is a bittersweet holiday weekend this year as I look back on the great image that a neighbor took of our final fireworks display held in Elkridge last year.  Family and friends gathered on the lawn, as we had done for many many years, and enjoyed the sounds of music, compliments of Patrick, to the launching of fireworks. It was a perfect space to enjoy the holiday. 

This year we are not going to be together and there is no backyard from which to launch the fireworks. I wonder what the old neighborhood and our friends will be doing? We miss them all. 

But, we must look forward to the new opportunities. Looking backward is like playing a video that can never change.

But it was fun!

Just a holiday note below to six of the justices on the Supreme Court:

“The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.” —John F. Kennedy

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Chased off the Beach

Chris and Mary in the Ocean
Jupiter Island, FL
June 30, 2023

Yesterday was the last day of the first half of the year! 
Along with four friends, Chris and I determined to make yesterday a beach day. We have been enjoying the beautiful, but changeable, South Florida weather and wanted to enjoy some beach time.

We arrived with friends at the beach about 11 AM, but already to the south the storms were forming. Usually the storms arrive during the mid-to-late afternoon, but yesterday, sadly, they started forming during the late morning. 

Storm Clouds Forming 
Jupiter Island, FL
June 30, 2023
We set up our camp on the deserted beach. Yes, during the summertime in South Florida their care many beaches which can be considered deserted. There were no other beachgoers within a mile of us on this sandy ocean beach. The tide was low and we were able to access a sand bar and walk a couple hundred yards out into the gentle surf. The water was a very pleasant at roughly 85 degrees and we were planning for a full day beach excursion having brought sufficient food and water to support us. 

It was not to be. 

The storms formed to our south and wrapped around behind us to the west. As we had arrived at the beach via boat, I did not want to get caught on the open water while motoring about an hour back to the marina. So, sadly, we left our private beach and began the journey back to the marina. Towards the end of our trip the open water of the Saint Lucie river began to get very choppy and I was happy that we departed earlier than we had planned. 

Were we actually chased off the beach? In point of fact no. It is not like the rains were beating down upon us with lightening and thunder, but the storms did seem to be closing in and we chose to depart upon our terms rather than letting driving winds and rain force our departure. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Friday, June 30, 2023

Firing up the 4th

 Bring on the 4th!

For those still working it is a perfectly made 4-day weekend possibility. Yay!

But, more importantly, let's celebrate. Safely.

We have a lot to celebrate. We are still America!

I am hoping to find fireworks somewhere around here to enjoy while dodging thunderstorms. 

If traveling--be safe and avoid the airports. I hear that the crush of travelers is going to make air travel a nightmare.

If driving, enjoy sharing the highways with 43 million of your new best friends.

Happy Independence Day!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Beating the Heat on the Water

Trusty Boat Sea Bean
Jupiter Island, FL
June 28, 2023

 Chris and I have discovered a sure-fire way to beat the oppressive heat: boating!

And we are not the only South Floridians with that idea! Yesterday was a great boating day. We explored parts of the Saint Lucie River as far north as Stuart. After the exploration we headed south to the narrowest part of Jupiter Island along the shores of Peck Lake and enjoyed some of the afternoon both in the ocean and along the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW).

Boys Beating the Heat
Peck Lake, FL
June 28, 2023
We reserved a Cobia 220 dual console boat named Sea Bean for our excursion yesterday. Sea Bean is a great boat and I have already made additional reservations to motor in it again. The boat is one of the nicest handling boats that I have enjoyed since joining the boat club.  

While we were lounging along the shores of Peck Lake, a large group of boys arrived in a boat and on jet skis. They were most interested in jumping into the water from the tower that is just a few yards offshore. They were fun to watch. We remarked, how lucky these boys were to live in Florida and have access to a boat and know where to go to have fun.

The skies were mostly clear and the day was just that much more enjoyable being on the water with a constant breeze. 

And that is how to beat the unrelenting heat!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Wednesday, June 28, 2023


 When is hot too hot?

Chris and I discovered too hot yesterday during our shortened 13 mile ride. We started out planning for a 17 mile ride, but as the heat grew more oppressive we shortened it to 13 miles by cutting out a portion of our route. It is not just the thermometer temperature, but the stress index as well that affected us.

We both survived, but decided that we need to begin our rides earlier, like in the 7 AM hour rather than at about 9:40 AM.

Today, we are planning to be smarter. We are headed out onto the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) boating again. Being on the water with a breeze should make the day less oppressive. I still require four boating trips before I can apply to take the open ocean safety course and be allowed out on the Mighty Atlantic. Then I will be truly dangerous.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Jiffy Lube--Get a Second Opinion

Looking North 
North Fork Loxahatchee River, Tequesta, FL
June 26, 2023

 Yesterday was a classic South Florida day. 

Highs in the high 80s with blue skies and puffy clouds. 

I got out for a morning bike ride and took an image of the sky and clouds reflecting on the North Fork of the Loxahatchee River. It was a beautiful scene as I neared the end of my 17-mile ride. 

The day began, however, as I took my truck to the repair shop. Two weeks ago, during its oil change at the local Jiffy Lube establishment, I was informed that the PCV valve needed replacing. They offered to do it for about $400 and seemed quite put-off when I passed on their offer to take my truck to my repair shop.

About mid-day the repair shop called with the news. My PCV valve was operating just as it should. No repair was needed. And furthermore, they did not even charge me for the checking into the possible problem--which blew me away. I am used to paying for at least an hour of labor for things like that. But, my repair shop is very special and it is run by a great guy. Funny, he is so great I almost want to take my vehicles to him more often so I can chat with him. Weird!

So, word to the wise--if Jiffy Lube suggests a repair, get a second opinion!

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

Monday, June 26, 2023

Monday Musings - June 26, 2023


1. Don't look now, but Summer started last week and today is the last Monday of June. The year is half over and there remain only 26 Mondays until New Year! 

Finnegan on the pillows
Tequesta, FL
June 24, 2023
2. Finnegan is a funny little dog. He has assumed the role of Alpha Dog in the house, which is easy since he is the only dog. He is faithful to Chris and when she departs he waits patiently for her return. Lately, he has begun sleeping on the pillows on the sofa. He has dog beds, but, apparently, the sofa pillows are more to his liking. 

3. My truck will make its second trip to the repair shop within two months today. During early April, the truck needed a new radiator and water pump. Today, the expectation is for a new positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve that was recommended by Jiffy Lube during my overly expensive oil two weeks ago. I am taking the truck to my mechanic for the possible repair. Hopefully it all comes out well. 

4. Can you believe Russia? What a mess. Maybe Putin should get out of Ukraine and clean up his own house.

5. The loss of the submersible mission to the Titanic was tragic.

6. Hey, how about those Orioles? They have the second best record in the American League and the third best record in all of baseball. The All Star Break is almost here--here's hoping the second half of the season is as successful as the first.

7. Today in HistoryOn this day in 1948, U.S. and British pilots begin delivering food and supplies by airplane to Berlin after the city is isolated by a Soviet Union blockade.

When World War II ended in 1945, defeated Germany was divided into Soviet, American, British and French zones of occupation. The city of Berlin, though located within the Soviet zone of occupation, was also split into four sectors, with the Allies taking the western part of the city and the Soviets the eastern. In June 1948, Josef Stalin’s government attempted to consolidate control of the city by cutting off all land and sea routes to West Berlin in order to pressure the Allies to evacuate. As a result, beginning on June 24 the western section of Berlin and its 2 million people were deprived of food, heating fuel and other crucial supplies.

Wagner chief remains under investigation for inciting rebellion, state news says - CNN

Airport worker dies after being ‘ingested’ into plane engine in Texas - CNN

Russia’s Vladimir Putin faced the gravest threat to his authority in decades when forces marched toward Moscow - CNN

North Korea holds rallies denouncing US, warns of nuclear war - Reuters

Rouble pares losses after slumping to 15-month low following aborted mutiny - Reuters

Renewables growth did not dent fossil fuel dominance in 2022, report says - Reuters

Traders Bet Bull Market Is Just Getting Started - The Wall Street Journal

Flight Cancellations, Delays Mount as Thunderstorms Hit East Coast - The Wall Street Journal

Wagner Mutiny Revives U.S. Fears Over Control of Russia’s Nuclear Weapons - The Wall Street Journal

Covid isn’t over, but even the most cautious Americans are moving on - The Washington Post

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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