Friday, November 26, 2021

The Day After the Feast

e football games provided a great sidelight to the day, but being with with family was the definite highlight of Thanksgiving. 

Turkey Day was a huge success from my perspective. I enjoyed time with each member of the collected family and the meal was festive and sumptuous. I even threw a football in the yard after the meal to work off some of the calories.

I am now enjoying the second day of a four-day weekend. It is the second four-day weekend of the month, the first being over Veterans Day. 

The day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday to some, but for our family today is when the annual Axis and Allies competition occurs as we attempt to preserve or change the course of World War II. The game will begin about 8:30 am and continue until the early evening. Hopefully, by the end it will become clear whether the Allies have preserved the course of history of the Axis powers have mustered enough power to change the outcome of the war. 

Day 2 of the holiday weekend is at hand and the game is almost afoot.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, November 25, 2021

We're Back

 Sitting here watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and I am getting a great sense of We Are Back!

Tom Turkey Starts the 2021 Parade in NYC

I love the 95 on his hat--definitely sets this Tom apart from the others. This is the 95th Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

And of course my favorite float?

Grogu in the Macy's 2021 Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC

Look out everyone--we are defeating COVID and are coming back stronger than before!

Yay, us! U.S.!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Happy Thanksgiving - 2021

Today is a festive and uniquely American holiday. It is a time when we pause, if even for a moment, to give thanks for the blessings that have been bestowed upon us. 

To celebrate the day I spent some time looking for thoughts about giving thanks and blessings and to help set the mood for the day.

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”

—Oprah Winfrey

“Gratitude lifts our eyes off the things we lack so we might see the blessings we possess." 

– Max Lucado

“I’m too grateful to be hateful. I am too blessed to be stressed.” 

– El DeBarge

“Let me always, count my blessings. To be thankful for my family and friends.” 

- Catherine Pulsifer

“Men are slower to recognize blessings than evils.”

― Titus Livius

“Be grateful in your own hearts. That suffices. Thanksgiving has wings, and flies to its right destination.”

—Victor Hugo

Happy Thanksgiving. I pray the day finds you well.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Gather around the fireplace

Fireplace with Turkeys
Elkridge, MD
November 23, 2021
The late-autumn cold has forced us into the house from outside around our fire pit. The presence of a warm fire in the fireplace provides a spot for Chris and I to relax, communicate and catch up on the day's activities. Last evening the fireplace was already burning and providing warmth to the room, as I arrived home. We found our chairs and talked about the activities of the day. 

I had stopped for gas on my way home and I was still cold from the experience. Although the temperature was about 41 degrees it felt much colder. Too cold. 

Thanksgiving is tomorrow and with it the arrival of the Christmas season. And the darkest days of the year. The temperatures will continue to spiral downward and the first snow of the season should not be too far behind. The fireplace will take the place of cool evenings as we warm ourselves with a glass of wine and begin to think about the events yet to come in the days and months ahead. 

A warm fire, a glass of wine, and great conversation--I can't really think of a better way to spend an evening.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Checking the Eyes

 I had my annual eye appointment yesterday. First, let me confess that it has been almost a year and a half since I had my last appointment. And my last appointment was significant in that I determined that I wanted to switch from glasses to contacts. Which I successfully accomplished.

COVID forced me to consider contacts because I was tired of having my glasses fog over when I put my facial covering on and transitioned from warm places to cold, like outside on a warm day into an air conditioned store. The condensation was incredibly annoying. 

Having contacts has been incredibly freeing and I joked with my eye doctor yesterday about whether I had my youthful 20/15 vision back. He laughed and reminded me that contacts are a delicate balance between distance and close-up. I knew that. 

So at the end of the appointment--I am amazed at how lengthy eye appointments can be and all of the really complicated pieces of equipment that get put in front of my eyes. I do not like the part, however, when without contacts or glasses they ask me to read something. I couldn't, even though with contacts I read the smallest writing. 

Well, I have some different strength contacts to try today. I am glad I have a back-up of my current prescription at work in case I can't see the computer screen. I will see how it all goes. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, November 22, 2021

Monday Musings - November 22, 2021


1. The fourth Monday of November has arrived. This is the last Monday before the official start of the Christmas Shopping Season. Santa Claus arrives to take the throne during the Macy's thanksgiving Day Parade on Thursday. There are but five Mondays remaining in the year.

2. It was a cold an chilly weekend and yet I still managed to get some yard work done in anticipation of the stormy weather to come.

3. Family NFL Results. It was a mixed weekend with two winners and two losers.

    Ravens (7-3) defeated Bears (3-7) 16-13

    Washington (4-6) defeated Panthers (5-6) 27-21

    Cowboys (7-3) lost to Chiefs (7-4) 9-19

    Steelers (5-4-1) lost to Chargers (6-4) 37-41

Final Colors of Autumn
from Radio Flyer
ELkridge, MD
November 20, 2021
4. The final stages of the Autumn colors are playing out in my back yard. Most trees are already bare and ready for the Winter, but leaves still cling to some of the trees providing a last bit of enjoyment before the gray branches and trunks become the prominent colors of the forest.

5. The stress of another COVID holiday is approaching. Our family is fully vaccinated and many are additionally boosted, but contact with those who do not accept the advice of medical professionals, rather preferring to confer medical knowledge upon themselves obtained from such authoritative sources as Facebook and Fox News, causes concern and angst. 

6. I clearly remember where I was on this day during 1963. It was a very strange ending to a day which began normally. I was in 3rd Grade at Danby Elementary School. We said the pledge and began a what we believed would be a normal day which would end with a country in mourning and Lyndon Johnson as President. 

7. Today in History. November 22, 1963. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, is assassinated while traveling through Dallas, Texas, in an open-top convertible.

First lady Jacqueline Kennedy rarely accompanied her husband on political outings, but she was beside him, along with Texas Governor John Connally and his wife, for a 10-mile motorcade through the streets of downtown Dallas on November 22. Sitting in a Lincoln convertible, the Kennedys and Connallys waved at the large and enthusiastic crowds gathered along the parade route. As their vehicle passed the Texas School Book Depository Building at 12:30 p.m., Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly fired three shots from the sixth floor, fatally wounding President Kennedy and seriously injuring Governor Connally. Kennedy was pronounced dead 30 minutes later at Dallas’ Parkland Hospital. He was 46.

How the U.S. Lost Ground to China in the Contest for Clean Energy - The New York Times

Two Fox News Contributors Quit in Protest of Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 Special - The New York Times

Austria Enters Lockdown Amid Growing Resistance - The New York Times

Global Supply-Chain Problems Show Signs of Easing - The Wall Street Journal

Advanced Maneuver in China Missile Test Shows New Military Capability - The Wall Street Journal

Truckers Steer Clear of 24-Hour Operations at Southern California Ports - The Wall Street Journal

Xi tells Southeast Asian leaders China does not seek 'hegemony'- Reuters

China downgrades diplomatic ties with Lithuania over Taiwan - Reuters

Third night of rioting erupts over Dutch COVID-19 rules - Reuters

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Quick Flight on an Autumn Day


Guiding Radio Flyer in the Yard
Elkridge, MD
November 20, 2021

The Pool and Pool House
Elkridge, MD
November 20, 2021
I realized that I hadn't flown Radio Flyer, my drone, in quite a while. I took it outside yesterday, before I cleared the pool deck and the yard of the leaves, to record some of the images of the Autumn. It was fun flying Radio Flyer for 9 minutes around the property. I got some good images to record the way things are and I was at the controls of my drone again. It is amazing how long it takes to feel comfortable flying the drone after a long layoff.

The last flight was on April 4th and it also lasted for about 9 minutes and achieved the same stunning maximum altitude of a whopping 66 feet. 

I guess I have not been anywhere where the drone would be very useful in recording. 

One thing I noticed was the arrangement of the lawn chairs behind the pool house. They were in an interesting pattern as a result of having the propane tanks removed. The propane company no longer could reach them with their new equipment--the hose was not long enough and the pool heater was beyond end of life, so we had the tanks removed. We had salvaged the pool heater a couple weeks ago. Frankly, we had not used the pool heater in over two years. With the towering ash trees gone, the pool not gets plenty of direct sunlight to be enjoyable all season long. 

I can see the leaves in the pool deck and also in the yard. They aren ow all gone. I spent the rest of the day moving the leaves back into the wooded area from where they came.

The new pool cover looks really as it protects the pool. Hopefully opening will be really easy next year. 

The yards, the pool, and the the pool house are ready for the worst that winter can throw at them. The next time I expect to see the grass this green is in March--when the first cutting will need to be made. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Recalling the Memories


Turf Valley Towne Square
Ellicott City, MD
November 19, 2021

I joined friends for Happy Hour last evening in Turf Valley at the Towne Square. 

It was cold! I cannot believe how the temperatures are cooling off so quickly from where we were just two weeks ago. 

While walking to the establishment to meet my friends, I walked past an open area that is clearly decorated for the holidays, complete with a Menorah. The square had a nostalgic looking fireplace and seating to enjoy the evening outside. The scene evoked many memories of fires, food, friends and good times. I do so enjoy sitting around a hot fire sipping wine with friends.

Frankly, at that moment, it was too cold to even think about enjoying sitting around the fireplace--but it made for a nice picture. I suspect that I will be seeing many similar scenes as retailers try to coax me to remember the nostalgic good times of seasons past. That is not a bad thing. But were those seasons I remember really better or is it just the way I recall them?

Maybe I'm over thinking it.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, November 19, 2021

Revenge and Retribution

 I watched this week as our Congressional leaders engaged in unhealthy tactics and make threats against the future that clearly demonstrated how far they collectively have fallen from a standard which could in any way be considered civil.

Maybe they all need to get back out into the real world, yes there is life outside of the Capitol, and reacquaint themselves with what it takes to be successful in business and life. 

And to be clear--I am not focusing on one side of the aisle. There is plenty of virulence to go around.

The Washington Post reported on the situation surrounding the Paul Gosar censure vote as follows:

As we wrote after Wednesday’s vote, the situation also led to the latest entry in the GOP leadership’s growing efforts to combat such things by threatening retribution — even to exploit the supposed new standards by stretching them further. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) spoke at length on the House floor likening the situation to controversial comments by certain House Democrats and suggested that Republicans, once in the majority, could also strip them of their powerful posts.

“A new standard will continue to be applied in the future,” he concluded.

While the House Minority Leader may think he is galvanizing his political base, worlds like these cannot be tolerated and are simply appalling--especially considering the circumstances surrounding the censure vote. 

The Washington Post article continues a few paragraphs later  writing:

While Democrats often sought to portray Gosar’s actions as deliberate incitement and even a threat, there is no question that careless rhetoric and allusions to even figurative violence can influence the decisions of people who would resort to actual violence. We have seen where that can potentially lead, regardless of whether specific and repeated suggestive comments about violence by a politician like Donald Trump lead to people taking up arms.

There is an election on the horizon and I believe there needs to be some serious housecleaning--on both sides!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Do You Remember the Cicadas?

Brood X Cicada
Elkridge, MD
May 28, 2021

I was reviewing my collection of images from this year and ran across one of a 17-year Brood X cicada.

They were noisy visitors to the region for over a month. In my yard it often sounded like a jet engine humming as they sang their mating songs. 

For over a month they assaulted our ears and were everywhere. It was difficult to be outdoors as their singing was so loud.

But then they were gone. Their bodies strewn over the landscape and the leaves where the females laid their eggs of the next generation were brown for much of the summer as a reminder--but now with the arrival of late-Autumn, they and any visible sign of the bugs have vanished. 

I guess I miss them. They were such an event and such a force in the region with their swarming and noisy mating. In 17 years, when they again emerge, people will be trying to remember 2021 and the last time the bugs made an appearance. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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