Thursday, November 18, 2021

Do You Remember the Cicadas?

Brood X Cicada
Elkridge, MD
May 28, 2021

I was reviewing my collection of images from this year and ran across one of a 17-year Brood X cicada.

They were noisy visitors to the region for over a month. In my yard it often sounded like a jet engine humming as they sang their mating songs. 

For over a month they assaulted our ears and were everywhere. It was difficult to be outdoors as their singing was so loud.

But then they were gone. Their bodies strewn over the landscape and the leaves where the females laid their eggs of the next generation were brown for much of the summer as a reminder--but now with the arrival of late-Autumn, they and any visible sign of the bugs have vanished. 

I guess I miss them. They were such an event and such a force in the region with their swarming and noisy mating. In 17 years, when they again emerge, people will be trying to remember 2021 and the last time the bugs made an appearance. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Banquet

Ethan Receiving his Personal Record Medal
Arundel High School
November, 16, 2021
Last evening Chris and I were honored to attend the Arundel High School Cross country End of the Year Banquet. 

It was really good to see all of the runners gathered together in a relaxed atmosphere. Although I had only attended two races this year, I could see that the runners, boys and girls, had blended into a true team. 

The coach did a great job talking about each one of the team members and describing their strengths and contributions to the team. The evening took me back of the football banquets I attended when I played high school football, however, with so many boys on the team the comments were not nearly so personal except for those who made the largest contributions. Last evening each member if the team, from freshman to senior, was recognized for their contributions and growth during the year. 

And at the end of the evening, Ethan received a tee-shirt from his other grandmother that really summed up the bond that cross country runners share. I found the saying on-line and put an image of a sweatshirt with the saying on it for all to enjoy.

Cross country truly is tough.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Thanksgiving Cactus - 2021


Thanksgiving Cactus in Bloom
Elkridge, MD
November 16, 2021
The Thanksgiving cactus is in full bloom in advance of the holiday. 

I enjoy the cactus because it brings bright color into the season just as the leaves are falling from the trees in bushels. 

The cactus began to bloom almost as soon as we brought it into the house for the winter. It had been residing on the porch in a perfect location growing all year. And now, the blooms are fully opened and ready for the holiday. 

Next up, we will have to get a few poinsettias for the upcoming Christmas season as we think about Christmasfying the house next weekend.

For now, the cactus is front and center displaying the joy of the harvest season.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, November 15, 2021

Monday Musings - November 15, 2021


1. The third Monday of November has arrived and the weather has turned colder and more seasonal. There are six Mondays remaining in the year. 

2. Our January cruise is becoming a reality. Embarkation day is creeping closer and is just seven weeks away. 

3. Family NFL Results

    Ravens (6-3) lose to Dolphins (3-7) 10-22

    Steelers (5-3-1) tie Lions (2-5-1) 16-16

    Cowboys (7-2) crush Falcons (4-5) 43-3

    Washington (3-6) defeats Buccaneers (6-3) 29-19

Our Turkey Flag
Elkridge, MD

4. The season of the turkey continues. There are but 10 days remaining until Thanksgiving!

5. With the weather turning colder any hope I had of getting in a few rounds of golf seem to be evaporating. There is something not fun about golfing in 40 degree temperatures. Surely Florida cannot be far off.

6. I was amazed at the weekend traffic. It seemed as if everyone was out and moving about. 

7. Today in History. On November 15, 1867, the first stock ticker is unveiled in New York City. The advent of the ticker ultimately revolutionized the stock market by making up-to-the-minute prices available to investors around the country. Prior to this development, information from the New York Stock Exchange, which has been around since 1792, traveled by mail or messenger.

The ticker was the brainchild of Edward Calahan, who configured a telegraph machine to print stock quotes on streams of paper tape (the same paper tape later used in ticker-tape parades). The ticker, which caught on quickly with investors, got its name from the sound its type wheel made.

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His Reasons for Opposing Trump Were Biblical. Now a Top Christian Editor Is Out. - The New York Times

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China fights biggest Delta outbreak as cases grow in city of Dalian - Reuters

Florida lawmakers to meet in special session over vaccine mandates - Reuters

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, November 14, 2021

State Cross Country Finals - Not for the Weak

Ethan 1 km from the Finish
Hereford, MD
November 13, 2021
 I must confess, although Ethan has run cross country for the past two years, I never really appreciated the sport until yesterday.

Yesterday was the State of Maryland Finals for Cross Country. It was quite an event with hundreds of harriers from across the state gathered at one high school for the finals. It was a sight to see.

What was more impressive were the throngs of fans, mostly parents and grand parents who made their way to the competition and braved the cold rain and temperatures to cheer their competitors. It was weather that makes the stoutest of heart faint considering the runners were wearing only shorts and running shirts. They made me cold looking at them in the mud and the cold rain. And when I say cold, my watch indicated the temperature was 43 degrees. 

The rain was unrelenting for the entire run. The mud was becoming a problem on the course and for the spectators watching the event. The boys did a great job running. Ethan runs for Arundel High and they are the team in green in the middle of the start. The Arundel High team placed 10th overall and Ethan was 4th on the team.

Braving the rain and the cold--what a day, what a race, and I have a new appreciation for the sport.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Another Autumn Image to Remember


Late Autumn Colors from my Porch
Elkridge, MD
November 13, 2021
Looking up at the trees as I put the dogs out this morning I was greeted by one of those picture perfect moments that reminds me that although the dark season is coming, I do enjoy the Autumn colors. 

And the colors were spectacular in their late-Autumn fullness made more so by the brilliant clear sky and the rising sun. 

I called Chris over to see the beauty and she casually remarked that they have been this beautiful for over a week now, but I have been going work in the dark and to distracted to notice them in the afternoon light. This morning, however, I stopped and enjoyed the leaves and the brightness. I can see the branches are getting bare and I know that the leaves will soon be decomposing in piles upon the earth to renew and refresh the soil. But for now, I am enjoying them as they cling to the branches for a few more days.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, November 12, 2021

November Rose


Rose in the Yard
Elkridge, MD
November 11, 2021
Chris and I were putting up the outdoor Christmas lights--something we try to get accomplished every Veterans Day, and spied a few lonely rose blossoms remaining in the garden. They seemed out of place for November as roses are not normally associated with late-Autumn.

The roses were a late season gift for the us to enjoy before the dark days fully arrive. They were starkly brilliant against the already browning grasses of the yard which are rapidly preparing for the cold and snow which is yet to come. 

And yet, by putting up Christmas lights we were preparing to light up our small portion of the world with cheer as the shortest days of the year prepare to descend upon us. Today is is raining and we are both happy that we completed the lights yesterday as the roof will be slippery today. We do not actually power on the lights until the official start of the Christmas season--Black Friday, but they are ready.

And all of this because a few lonely roses were blooming in our garden.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Veterans Day 2021


Thank you to all Veterans for your service.

It is a full time job watching over this nation. 

Did you know there are over sixteen million living veterans who have served in at least one war? Over two million of those veterans are women and nearly ten million of all veterans are over the age of 65. Can you imagine being a part of a group of men and women who are ready to defend our country from war? To be willing to leave family, friends, and comforts to keep us safe? It is only fitting we would have a special day to honor them. (

From A Proclamation on Veterans Day, 2021

For generations, millions of Americans have answered the call to serve — taking the sacred oath to defend and preserve our Nation’s ideals of liberty and democracy.  These patriots represent the best of us.  On Veterans Day, we honor their service, dedication, and valor and are forever grateful for their sacrifice. 

Our Nation has only one truly sacred obligation:  to properly prepare and equip our service members when we send them into harm’s way and to care for them and their families when they return home.  For our 19 million veterans, that means ensuring that they have access to the support and resources for a future of security, opportunity, and dignity.  This is even more important as we continue to recover from the global COVID-19 pandemic. 

Veterans--we are ever on guard to protect America and although many of us do not wear our uniforms anymore, we still embody the mentality that puts service above self. America needs more of that.

Thank you for your service!

God bless America!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Autumn Fading

Sunset occurred before 5 PM last evening here in the Baltimore region. We are within minutes of having less than 10 hours of sunshine per day. We actually cross that threshold on November 16th.

It was totally dark by there time Chris and I gathered our Happy Hour fixings up from around the fire and made our way into the house to cook dinner. 

We had enjoyed a walk before sunset and I noticed that Autumn is coming to an end. The leaves are falling form the trees and the bare branches are now plainly evident in most places. Soon the leaves will have been gathered into piles and disposed of from the yards and we will be ready for the cold part of the dark season. The snow will not be far behind.

I do, however, enjoy seeing the rays of the not-quite-yet-set-sun highlight the tops of the trees. The colors are stunning and make my soul soar. 

I am, however, looking forward to seeing the palm tree which sits just off my drive at my Florida condo. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Wine Tasting Disaster

Wine Tasting in Small Plastic Cups
Chris and I decided to visit a few local wineries and vineyards to enjoy the fruit of the vine and see how the wines are progressing. We ended up visiting two wineries that we had last visited a few years ago and one winery that we had never visited. 

I was disappointed in the quality of the tastings. And of course the wines suffered as well from poor presentation.

In my mind, winemakers should ensure that their wines are presented in the best possible manner for people to enjoy and hopefully purchase. 

All three of the wineries visited were doing tastings by the flight. Which, in my mind is the worst way to do a tasting. There is little interaction with the staff and almost no knowledge transfer regarding the estate and the wines. 

At one winery Chris and I tasted 12 wines--but they were served in small plastic glasses--single serving glasses not much larger than communion cups. It is impossible to enjoy the intricacies of wine in small plastic cups which provide no space for the bouquet to develop. At least when I had decided that I wanted to taste a couple of the wines in glass, the tasting room manager accommodated me.

At another winery we were seated outside, under alleged heaters on a cold November day, to taste wines in flights of four. At least they were serves in glass--although not wine glasses. And since the day was cold the wines definitely did not overheat. The reds may have been a bit cool. As the cold November wind blew, we definitely did not enjoy the wines in the same manner that could be done in a warm tasting room with knowledgeable staff to help us understand the vintages and processing. 

The final winery's tasting was probably the most egregious. The wine tasting was $20 for three wines. They were served in wine glasses and were a sufficient pour--but the server poured the wines, placed them in front of us and went back to her computer and continued shopping on Amazon. So much for as personalized tasting experience. We did not even get a written description of the wines. Did I mention that there was only one other two-some in the tasting room? Well, at least we were in the tasting room.

Based upon our experience we likely will never return to any of the three wineries. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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