Saturday, November 24, 2018

From the Battle Room

It was a long Black Friday as WW2 was reenacted beginning during the Spring of 1942. We have a number of different versions of Axis & Allies and it is always a surprise which version we are going to play.

The Axis definitely had the advantage with Russia on the ropes and the US struggling to get into the fight.

The Board When We Broke to Watch the Golf Match
But with each passing round the Allies began to gain ground and when the game was paused so that we could watch Tiger and Phil, the situation on the ground was beginning to turn in favor of the Allies. The US was about to eradicate the Japanese navy and Russia was clinging to the faint hope of rescue by the UK.

It was a classic Black Friday game. This year, for the first time, Ethan joined and wound up playing Japan. I was saddled again with Russia--a tough way to start since Russia is in the middle of the action. The Caucuses and Karelia saw most of the action on the Eastern Front.

The winner?

Well the game isn't over. It will have to be continued later. We stopped after about 6 hours of solid play. We took pictures of the board so that we could set everything up and finish the struggle.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, November 23, 2018

Black Friday

It is the day after Thanksgiving. Black Friday.

In our family the women go shopping and the men reenact World War 2 by playing Axis and Allies. It is a great time because we are together and surrounded by all of the food and trappings form the day before. It is leftover heaven.

While people brave the frigid temperatures to descend upon the stores to scarf-up the deals, the guys will enjoy the warmth of reliving and replaying history.

The holiday tradition continues again for a second day.

I wonder what shopping I will miss?

I wonder if it is important?

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving: Presidential Reflections

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Today, I want to remind us of our Thanksgiving heritage by restating quotes from our President's about Thanksgiving. These are from The Christian Post and is titled 7 Great Presidential Quotes on Thanksgiving. It was published today, amazingly enough!

Below are seven great spiritual quotes from American presidents about one of America's most observed holidays:
1.Calvin Coolidge 1925:
 "As we have grown and prospered in material things, so also should we progress in moral and spiritual things. We are a God-fearing people who should set ourselves against evil and strive for righteousness in living, and observing the Golden Rule we should from our abundance help and serve those less fortunately placed. We should bow in gratitude to God for His many favors."
 2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1942:
 "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord." Across the uncertain ways of space and time our hearts echo those words, for the days are with us again when, at the gathering of the harvest, we solemnly express our dependence upon Almighty God.
The final months of this year, now almost spent, find our Republic and the Nations joined with it waging a battle on many fronts for the preservation of liberty.
In giving thanks for the greatest harvest in the history of our Nation, we who plant and reap can well resolve that in the year to come we will do all in our power to pass that milestone; for by our labors in the fields we can share some part of the sacrifice with our brothers and sons who wear the uniform of the United States.
It is fitting that we recall now the reverent words of George Washington, "Almighty God, we make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy Protection," and that every American in his own way lift his voice to heaven."
3. Grover Cleveland 1885:
"And let us by no means forget while we give thanks and enjoy the comforts which have crowned our lives that truly grateful hearts are inclined to deeds of charity, and that a kind and thoughtful remembrance of the poor will double the pleasures of our condition and render our praise and thanksgiving more acceptable in the sight of the Lord."
4. Ronald Reagan 1981:
"In this spirit, Thanksgiving has become a day when Americans extend a helping hand to the less fortunate. Long before there was a government welfare program, this spirit of voluntary giving was ingrained in the American character. Americans have always understood that, truly, one must give in order to receive. This should be a day of giving as well as a day of thanks."
5. Bill Clinton 1999:
"As we acknowledge the past, we do so knowing that the individual blessings for which we give thanks may have changed, but our gratitude to God and our commitment to our fellow Americans remain constant."
6. Abraham Lincoln 1863:
"They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy."
7. Richard Nixon: 1972:
 "From Moses at the Red Sea to Jesus preparing to feed the multitudes, the Scriptures summon us to words and deeds of gratitude, even before divine blessings are fully perceived. From Washington kneeling at Valley Forge to the prayer of an astronaut circling the moon, our own history repeats that summons and proves its practicality."
President Trump added his words to the line of Presidents commemorating this day with his Presidential Proclamation on Thanksgiving Day 2018

An excerpt:

This Thanksgiving, as we gather in places of worship and around tables surrounded by loved ones, in humble gratitude for the bountiful gifts we have received, let us keep in close memory our fellow Americans who have faced hardship and tragedy this year. In the spirit of generosity and compassion, let us joyfully reach out in word and deed, and share our time and resources throughout our communities. Let us also find ways to give to the less fortunate whether it be in the form of sharing a hearty meal, extending a helping hand, or providing words of encouragement. 
  -- President Trump's Presidential Proclamation on Thanksgiving Day 2018, November 20, 2018

Have a very happy Thanksgiving and remember the blessings that have been secured for us by those who have proceeded us. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


I enjoy Thanksgiving because it provides a time for me to reflect upon the blessings that I have received. 

There are so many things that I am thankful for because I am richly blessed, but I want to take note of a few.

As many of you know, the last half of 2018 has been challenging for me personally as I was diagnosed with prostate cancer--but, I am thankful that everything is working out and that my treatments are progressing and are nearly complete. I am also thankful for the support of my family and friends and coworkers who have shown great compassion towards me as I have been being diagnosed and then my daily treatments. 

I am thankful that Mom and Dad dropped in for a short visit and there is the promise of a return visit when they escape the warmth of Houston (why would anyone go north during the winter?).

I am thankful for my family. All of them. My wife, my children, their spouses (or engaged), my grandchildren, my Mom and Dad, sisters and brother and their families. We are dysfunctional at times, but we are still a family.

I am thankful for the fun cruise this summer. 

I have met a lot of people this year and many of them have enriched my life just by knowing them and talking to them. I chatted with a man yesterday while we were both waiting for treatment. He was three days into his second round of treatment and he related that he is an Agent Orange victim and that he will likely be treated for the rest of his life. Yet, his attitude was positive and he was just happy the be alive and able to be treated.

I am thankful that I live in the greatest country in the world. Yes, we have our warts, but we are still the best place to live.

I am thankful for the readers of my blog and I hope each of them has a blessed holiday season.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Ready for the Holidays

The Christmas Lights Go Up
November 19, 2018
Two days in a row now, I have not worked on the basement remodel project. It has been a nice respite, but I need to get back at it soon. The stair treads are arriving today or tomorrow and they are the last major part of the project. 

Last evening Chris and I began two Christmasfy the house. We started outside because the weather was warmer than it is going to be during the next week.While I usually put the outside lights up on Veterans Day, I was busy with the remodel and could not get out to get them up. And I think it rained all day anyway.

Yesterday, as soon as I arrived home after work, Chris and I began to get the lights up. It is a lot easier when it is warmer outside.

We do not turn the lights on until the day after Thanksgiving, but at least they will be ready. I still need to hang the wreath, but at least most of the lights are in place. 

Turkey in Front of the Fireplace

Happy Holidays? 

The Christmas season is upon us.

Wait, Happy Thanksgiving! My turkey still occupies its proud place in front of the fireplace.

Merry Christmas.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, November 19, 2018

Monday Musings - November 19, 2018

1. It is the third Monday in November. We have cruised into the last half of November and we celebrate Thanksgiving this week.

The Bar
November 18, 2018
2. Home improvement projects drag on for a long time after the enthusiasm is gone. I just want to be complete, but it seems everyday I discover something else that needs to be done.

3. Enjoying a nice November, late-Autumn, day means working outside raking leaves and getting the grounds ready for Winter.

4. Family NFL Results

    Ravens (5-5) defeated Bengals 24-21
    Cowboys (5-5) defeated Falcons 22-19
    Steelers (7-2-1) defeated Jaguars 20-16
    Redskins (6-4) lost to Texans 21-23

5. I have to report that the traffic experience in the region during last week's weather event was as difficult as expected from Maryland drivers. 

6. For those keeping up with my treatment progress, they added one in yesterday (yes, Sunday) to compensate for being off on Black Friday. I now have 30 completed and 14 remaining! Completion date is now December 10th!

7. It is amazing how pets are adaptable. Whenever we bring new animals into the house for a brief time, they all seem to adapt and get along. We enjoyed Jeremy's two dogs Saturday evening for a few hours.

8. We have had three days without rain! What a miracle. I need to drain water from the pool.

9. Next up? Christmas lights. I usually get them up on Veterans Day, but it was raining and I was heavily engaged in the basement remodel project.

10. Today in History. On November 19, 1863, at the dedication of a military cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, during the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincolndelivers one of the most memorable speeches in American history. In just 272 words, Lincoln brilliantly and movingly reminded a war-weary public why the Union had to fight, and win, the Civil War.

Yemen’s Houthis halt missile attacks on Saudi coalition - Reuters

Trump’s attack on retired admiral who led bin Laden raid escalates a war of words - The Washington Post

Ronald Reagan Quote for the Week

I have always believed that this anointed land was set apart in an uncommon way, that a divine plan placed this great continent here between the oceans to be found by people from every corner of the Earth who had a special love of faith and freedom. Our pioneers asked that He would work His will in our daily lives so America would be a land of morality, fairness, and freedom.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Remodel Project: An Update

I haven't written about the remodel project in a few days, but it continues as our basement is transformed.

Cabinets and Counter
November 18, 2018
The results are finally beginning to be seen. Yesterday was spent finally installing the cabinets and counter. What a process that was. We bought cabinets that measures 48 inches. And we bought a premed countertop that measured 48 inches. Silly me. Of course a 48 inch countertop is not big enough for base cabinets of the same size. So, we had to return the 48 inch top and buy a 60 inch top for $40 more and cut 10 inches off it. Ugh, what a waste, but now it all goes together.

The Room
November 18, 2018
I had never cut laminate before and I received some good help at Lowe's. I also got a nice new circular saw. The job went very well. We still have to install an as yet unpurchased toe kick under the cabinets.

We originally were going to install a wall cabinet above the counter, but it arrived damaged and had to be returned. We have since decided to enjoy the space and add some lights instead.

The room is coming together and we have three areas for conversation and enjoyment. There is the bar, the wine barrel table, and the sofa area for watching television. We tried it out with friends on Friday night, and it worked pretty well. 

Chris and I are enjoying the remodeled space.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Post-Election Headache

I have enjoyed watching television again without being assaulted by political ads bashing candidates. By the time election day arrived I was becoming numb to the ads.

I feel a great sense of relief that it is all over.

I'm not sure how the results are going to play out in results. I fear that we are looking at two years of governmental gridlock. I'm guessing that there will be at least one government shutdown as the two parties struggle for control.

I remember seeing similar scenes in other countries while I was growing up. I never believed that it would happen here. 

Sadly, I fear that the rollercoaster ride is just beginning.

It has started with the discussions and posturing about who will be the next Speaker of the House. I am concerned even about this since the party of the incoming majority cannot seem to agree on where to start with this issue.

Personally, I would like to see a clean start and a bipartisan approach, alas, that is not likely to happen.

While at least I don't have to suffer through political campaign ads, I have to keep seeing it all play out in the news.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, November 16, 2018

The First Snow

The Yard
November 15, 2018
Looking up the Street about 5 PM
November 15, 2018
Yesterday brought the first snow of the season to the area. 

The region shuddered. Schools were closed. Businesses delayed. Drivers gripped their steering wheels in death grips as they navigated the streets.

I, thankfully, was spared the worst of the event because I was at work and only had to deal with some slushy parking lots and wet streets when I departed for the end of the day.

I watched the traffic patterns as I departed for the day and was able to avoid the worst of the traffic. 

Sadly, the snow had helped remove the remaining leaves from the trees and the landscape has not almost completely adopted its winter season look. Trees without leaves now are generally the standard when looking across the landscape.

Weather Forecast for Elkridge, MD

Despite my wishes to the contrary, we have moved into the last half of November, or Movember for some of us. The first snow is out of the way and the good news that there is that there is no rain in the forecast for the next 8 days--until next weekend, of course. I am very excited. Perhaps the lawn will dry enough so that I can do some leaf removal and cut more wood to get ready for the winter.

We have not has a stretch that long without precipitation in a while. I have a lot of outside things to accomplish as the basement remodel has moved into the frustrating final stages. I am beginning to understand why some people never finish projects, the final few items can be appallingly hard. I am currently struggling with the cabinets--which are disappointingly poorly constructed. But that is a tale for another day.

Bring on the sunshine!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Odds and Ends Thursday

What's Wrong in this Image
It is Thursday! The threat of a winter storm has moved into the area and the rush hour should be a mess a bit later in the morning.

It is always an event in this area when bad weather arrives. 

So I have a few updates and some questions this morning. 

The first question is what is wrong in the image to the left?

This is how I found my gate after others had been kind enough to lock up after themselves. The problem? How does leaving the key in the lock really secure the gate?

Not sure.

Cabinets in Place
November 14, 2018
By way of update for the remodel project in the basement, the cabinets arrived last evening. Chris and I picked them up at Lowes and began the process of installation. They look good in the location we chose for them. 

We have a cabinet to install above them. I actually will install the cabinets tonight. Yes, I will install the wall cabinet before the base cabinet. We are still unsure about installing a sink, but will retain the option for the future. 

So, what about the electric wire? It will be used to power under cabinet lights. 

It is exciting that the project is nearing completion, but, there are still so many things remaining before we can consider the project complete.  

Mom and Lucas
November 12, 2018
Finally, I have a nice image of Mom with Lucas. Lucas had the opportunity to play with his great-grandmother while they were here for a short visit. 

It was fun to watch them together. Lucas does not get many opportunities to enjoy the company of Mom, nor she, him. 

It was a short, but meaningful visit! And we christened the remodeled basement, even though it was not yet complete.

An assortment of thoughts for the Thursday morning.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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