Sunday, September 17, 2017

Scenes of the Day

From the Club House
Patuxent Greens
September 16, 2017
The weather yesterday was spectacular. The high temperature made it into the 80's and the humidity was low.

1st Tee
Patuxent Greens
September 16, 2017
I was able to begin the day on a local golf course and enjoy the sunrise. There were some spectacular scenes as the day arrived. I enjoyed the mist over the course as was preparing to head off to the first tee.

I love playing golf in the morning as the sun rises. I especially enjoy watching the mist rise off the land to reveal the beginning of the day. Admittedly, it can be some difficult golf because the greens are wet an slow. I did have a few three putts while playing the front nine which was frustrating. I made up for it by playing my best nine holes of golf ever on the back nine as the course dried and had no three putts along the way.
Heron at the Golf Course

But, the day was not entirely spent  on the golf course. 

I began work to, sadly, close the pool. It is time. Summer has escaped and the pool is just not going to be used again this season. While the temperatures today might support swimming, the falling leaves from the trees and the cold water temperature remind me that it is time to say good-bye to summer and welcome autumn.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, September 16, 2017

A Week with Puppy

Finn Chewing on a Too Big Bone
It has been only a week since Finnegan arrived, but it seems longer.
Cat, not ours, Keeping a Close Eye on Finn

Life at home has changed with the arrival of the small dog. He provides comic relief while also adding additional work to the daily pace of life. Chris is bearing most of the burden, but then she receives most of the attention from the small ball of fur.

My recent experience was not so exciting--or maybe it was. I had to retrieve Finnegan and Makayla from Tina and Patrick's house, they were dog sitting yesterday, and I forgot and drove Cat, the Jaguar. It was an interesting ride home with the top down but the windows up to prevent an inadvertent escape. I was holding Finn and keeping a close eye on Makayla. We made it home without incident.
Looking out the Door for Chris

Last evening we took Finn to Happy Hour with us. He was excellent in his behavior and was the star of the evening. Well, almost everyone, the cat of the house was not so amused to have the small dog running around. Fortunately, he does not chase cats. I fear that would end badly.

I am not sure who has the worst separation anxiety, Chris or Finn.

Call it an interesting week with puppy!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, September 15, 2017

Spoon Dispenser Roulette

The cafeteria at work transitioned to plasticware dispensers a few years ago. These devices replaced the containers that used to hold the metalware, and then plasticware. 

I guess somehow recycling plastic is "more green" than washing metal forks, spoon, and knives. 

Because I often eat chili or soup for lunch, I generally use only the spoon dispenser . 

The spoon dispensers, over the years, have developed some into a lunchtime game for me. 

Here is the game. The dispensers release the spoons so quickly that if not caught, they spoons slide out of the tray and onto the floor. Getting a spoon has become a game of reflexes that requires that I grab the plastic spoon before it slides out and hits the floor. 

I have become pretty good at grabbing the spoon.  

I guess it is just one of the games I play to add some spice to the day. The food in the cafeteria certainly isn't that interesting.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Playing to the Season's End

The Orioles won a baseball game last night over the Toronto Blue Jays by the score of 2-1.

The pushed the Orioles record to 72-74, meaning that with 16 games remaining in the regular season the team is 4.5 games out of the second wild card spot and 2 games under .500.

It is a disappointing spot to be in. The season is coming to a close and the Orioles are ever closer to being on the outside of the playoffs looking in. 

The Orioles head off to New York for 4 games to play the team whose name shall remain unwritten. Following that series, they return home for the final homestead of the year beginning with the division leading Red Sox. 

Major League Baseball currently assesses the Orioles post-season chances at 1.1%. 

Pretty low. 

Very disappointing for a season that began 6 months ago.

I can envision the rain this morning to be the tears of Orioles fans as we come to grips with the finality of the season's end.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Building Ornament

Budweiser Brewery
Saint Louis
Driving near the Budweiser brewery yesterday, in St Louis, I happened upon a gargoyle (for lack of a better word), that caused me to pause. 

I also took a picture of it.

A rat eating and drinking.

It is fairly large as well. 

I am sure there is some connection.

I, however, do not know what it is. 

I am not sure I want a beer that is condoned by a medieval rat. Except, at a Renn Faire, maybe.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Saint Louis, Missouri

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Out the Hotel Window - Saint Louis

Out my Hotel Window
Through the screen
I am traveling again. The view out of my hotel window is not too stunning--but the view from the hotel parking lot is a bit more interesting. 

From the hotel parking lot
The Arch
I guess I am used to looking over the tops of the buildings. 

Saint Louis is interesting, however, I arrived during rush hour--and traffic was a bad as expected. 

I was surprised how quiet this part of Saint Louis is at night. I went out to look for food and found nearly deserted streets. 

Today promises to be far more interesting.

-- Bob Doan, writing from Saint Louis

Monday, September 11, 2017

Monday Musings - September 11, 2017

Jax Pitching a Shut-out 6th Inning
September 10, 2017
1. It has been 16 years since the September 11th attacks on New York and the Washington, D.C. Take a moment from you life today to pause for a moment of remembrance.

2. Jax is playing fall baseball. It was good to see him out on the base paths again yesterday, but it was weird that I wasn't coaching. He had a great day in the field and at the plate. Striking out the side for a shut-out final inning was the topping on the cake.

3. Monday Morning Sports: The Ravens win! The Orioles got swept in Cleveland. The Cowboys win. The Redskins lose. The Steelers win!

Deer in the Yard
September 10, 2017
4. Faline, the fawn from last year, was in our yard yesterday. Of course I have no way of knowing if it was her or not, but it certainly did not seem to mind me walking around the yard until I started the blower.

Chris and Finnegan Modeling
 the Puppy Carrier
5. There is nothing funnier, or more comical, that seeing all of the accessories that Chris is getting to support Finnegan, our newly arrived Yorkie.

6. Don't forget to send help to Texas and Florida and the Caribbean in the wake of the hurricanes.

7. Hurricane Jose looks as if it won't become a problem for the U.S.


‘People are roaming like zombies.’ Virgin Islands stagger after storm passes. - The Washington Post

North Korea threatens 'pain and suffering' ahead of UN sanctions vote - CNN

Ronald Reagan Quote of the Day

"Times have changed. But the basic premise of the Constitution hasn't changed. It's still our blueprint for freedom."
Remarks at the Bicentennial Celebration of the United States Constitution, September 16, 1987

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, September 10, 2017

After the Storms--The Weekend

Fallen Limb
I was able to get into the yard yesterday afternoon and clean up after the rain and wind storms of last week.

Clearly, these storms were not of hurricane proportions, however, I was shocked at the size of the branches which fell into the yard. It seemed like a small tree had fallen and was deeply imbedded into the yard. The wood is well seasoned and will burn very nicely in our fire pit. 

I also made a run to the landfill to recycle more of the clippings from two weeks . 

Timbers at Troy
Hole 2 Tees
September 9, 2017
Somewhere in there I also discovered that our washer has again broken. This time is it a mechanical problem related to the bearings. New bearings are on order and I am hopeful of getting the washer fixed before next weekend.

I did manage 18 holes of golf. More precisely, the golf course managed me. It was not one of my better outings. But as I say, a bad day on the golf course is better than a good day in the office!

And that was only Saturday, I wonder what today will bring?

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Finnegan Arrives

Finnegan Taylor
Stand by for an announcement. 

Finnegan Taylor has arrived. 

Chris with Finnegan
The latest animal to become a member of the household has arrived and is already making himself at home. 

He successfully made the journey from West Virginia this morning and has already been accepted by Riordin and Louis into the pack. Makayla seems to be reserving judgement, I think his enthusiasm is more than she can handle. 

Chris has been great at making the new arrival feel at home. 

Finnegan is a Yorkie and is 14 weeks old and weighs in at 2 lbs 15 oz. His expected final weight is about 5 lbs. He has a very inquisitive personality and is a bundle of energy.

He has some big shoes to fill. We lost our previous Yorkie over seven years ago, Zachary Taylor was with us almost 17 years. 

Welcome Finnegan Taylor, or "Finn" as he will be known.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, September 8, 2017

Changing Weather

Leaves in the Pool
September 7, 2017
It was 52 degrees outside this morning. That is 9 degrees below the average low, which for the math challenged would be 61.

I can't say it was cold--but, autumn is definitely in the air. There is not an 80 degree day in the 10-day forecast. 

I spent over an hour last evening cleaning the pool of the leaves which had fallen during the storms of the past two days. The water level was too high and the leaves were everywhere. Sadly, my pool was a storm tossed mess.

But, it is clean now although it is too cold to actually go swimming.

I am mourning the loss of summer. 

The passing of summer this year seems to mean hurricanes are vicious and numerous. 

I am also watching the three hurricanes in the Atlantic Basin. The graphic is from the National Hurricane Center. 

Irma is making its way to Florida and my thoughts and prayers are for the people there, as well as for the people who have already been devastated by the passing of the storm.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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