Saturday, December 12, 2015

Pre-Christmas Birthday Season

Nicole's Birthday Celebration
Birthdays are fun--and when they occur during the Christmas season, they can be all the more fun.

Nicole and Chris
Last evening we celebrated Nicole's birthday. It was fun to have a non-holiday focused, holiday season get together! The houses are decorated and the neighborhoods are bright with lights, but we obtained a much needed respite from the hustle and bustle of the shopping/holiday season.

As family and friends gathered together, there was the obligatory cake and rendition of Happy Birthday--and then it was to a local establishment off for adult beverages and munchies.

The gathering was well attended as everyone else seemed to have the same idea--enjoy a great happy hour and celebrate a very special person in our lives.

Nicole and Me in a Selfie
I guess that is really the whole idea for take time out of our too busy lives to celebrate others. In a perfect situation, we change the focus of our lives from self-centered into a other-centered.

I really enjoy hearing the boys sing Happy Birthday. And so, I captured their rendition below.

What else did I learn last night? I am really bad at taking selfies!

Happy Birthday Nicole!!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, December 11, 2015


A concern I have about on-line shopping is the accumulation of extra boxes.

Last evening I collapsed and took a large number of boxes, mostly from on-line retailers, to the street for recycling. While on-line shopping sure is easier, the accumulation of waste seems to be greater. 

So, while the shopping is easier, the waste is greater. 

It is just something we need to consider. Although I recycled them, there is a lot of energy that goes into the manufacturing process, it would be more efficient if the boxes could be reused. 

Add to that the paper form the wrapping, and the tape, and the bows, and tags--Christmas can be a high trash season. 

Recycle, recycle, recycle!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Gas Prices Drop

Call it an early Christmas present.

Over the course of the past two days, I have filled up all three of my vehicles with gasoline for less money that is cost to fill one just a year ago!

I was in shock! 


Amid all of the hustle and bustle of the season there is a bit of good news! Gas prices are down just at the time when we are spending money on other people! 

That is awesome.

Frankly, I haven't seen $1.93 at the pump in Elkridge in forever.

I know that gas can be found lower in other places, but Elkridge is where I shop and gas prices here are very competitive.

I am amazed at people who drive around to save a penny a gallon--that usually equates to about 15 cents during as fill-up. If you fill your car 50 times a year, that is then $7.50 a year in savings. Not counting the extra gas spent to go to the other station and your time!

Enjoy the gas prices and Merry Christmas.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Political Upheaval

The true colors of one presidential candidate were clearly revealed yesterday.

He (yup, it was HE) does not support the Constitution. His statement about excluding people from entering the country based solely upon religious grounds is evidence of that.

His message appeals to the fears that people have about people who are different than they. 

I can see a very messy election ahead with three candidates--Republican, Democrat, and Trump.

This may be a case where the country is saved from disaster by the Electoral College--one of the most brilliant and yet widely misunderstood ideas that our Founding Fathers included into the Constitution.

Rational voters hopefully will prevail against the reactionary forces.

We live in uncertain and dangerous times.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Most Versatile Bomber Ever

B-17 and B-52
Imagine my surprise yesterday as I was reading the New York Times and came across an article titled, After 60 Years, B-52s Still Dominate U.S. Fleet

It was only just the other day that someone asked about my favorite aircraft and I told them that I had two, the B-17 and the B-52. No, I do not fancy the hot fighters that everyone is so enamored about. I have become a huge fan of the workhorses of the fleet--the aircraft designed to carry large payloads of weapons to ruin the day of our adversaries.

I found the following paragraph from the article most interesting:

Now in its 60th year of active service, the bomber is slow, primitive and weighed down by an infamy lingering from the carpet bombing of Vietnam in the 1960s. But 76 B-52s still make up the bulk of the United States’ long-range bomber fleet, and they are not retiring anytime soon. The next potential replacement — the Long Range Strike Bomber, which has yet to be designed — is decades away, so the B-52 is expected to keep flying until at least 2040. By then, taking one into combat will be the equivalent of flying a World War I biplane during the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

B-52 Taking Off
The B-52 has grown from a Cold War warrior into an impressive power projection jet bomber that strikes fear into the hearts of adversaries everywhere. Why?

Because it can!

The are few things more impressive than watching B-52's roll down a runway and take-off with less than 30 seconds between each jet. I wonder if they still practice that. 

The B-52 will be about 80 years old, from their production dates, when they are retired in 2040. Somehow, I don't believe we will ever really be able to say good-bye to such a versatile warrior!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday Musings - December 7, 2015

1. It is Pearl Harbor Day.

2. I listened to the President last evening, I was encouraged when he said that "freedom overcomes fear."

3. The news media is over-hyping the mood in the country, I do not think that Americans are afraid in their homes.

4. I watched NFL referees get it wrong a number of times yesterday. An every Sunday occurrence. Their incompetence probably cost the Ravens the football game.

5. I saw the wine glass at the right in a store over the weekend. I feel that way. But then, who doesn't?

6. December seems to be flying by.

7. Is there anything that a glass of wine doesn't improve?

8. The dark days are upon us! I'm looking forward to April. I went outside yesterday and hit 50 golf balls into my net, just because.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Christmas Letter

I read a touching article about a Christmas letter the other day. 

The synopsis is that Paul, the 9-year old little brother of Ray, wrote a letter to Santa during the 1966 Christmas season. Paul died during February 1967. The letter was placed in an encyclopedia and not discovered again until this year by Ray.  

I read the article and was touched by the simplicity of the letter. 

The note reads: My Santa List
A Subbuteo Game
England v Argentina only
A torch
and some buses
and cars
thats all

I believe that the notes to Santa today are such more complex and detailed. Just to remind everyone, a torch is a flashlight. Life was simpler in 1966.

Maybe we needed to be reminded about simple things. True joy does not come from things--it comes from within.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Midnight Madness in Ellicott City

Ellicott City Midnight Madness 2015
How do I know the Christmas season has really arrived? Midnight Madness in Ellicott City, that is how I know. 

Last evening Chris, Patrick, Tina, and I headed down to the city to experience this annual event. The weather was awesome and we arrived early enough to obtain some prime on-street parking. We noted as we were leaving, after 11 PM, that some people were parking over a mile away! We parked in the middle of everything.

Ellicott City Midnight Madness 2015
The shops are all open and the throngs of people move en masse from shop to shop. There are goodies, too. We have gone almost every year, in recent memory, but this year at least two places were providing wine. But cookies and cider were everywhere. I admit, there is something pleasant about shopping with a glass of wine in your hand. It makes it all seem a little bit better.

As most people know, I am not a big fan of shopping, but a glass of wine or champagne really makes it more palatable. It was hard last evening, however, because it got a bit too cold outside, but the stores were a bit too crowded and hot to hang around inside them for long.

I guess I failed at midnight madness shopping since we left shortly after 11 PM instead of after midnight.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, December 4, 2015

170,000 miles

As I got into my truck yesterday morning to head off and play racquetball, my eye caught the odometer.

It read 170,000 miles!

I was shocked. How did my truck get that many miles on it?

2000 GMC Sonoma
Showing a bit of wear
I admit, I have put only about 62,000 of those miles on the truck. I bought it used to replace my stolen truck. I can't even remember what year it was when I bought the truck.

It has ben a good truck and has been borrowed by many of my family and friends.

I think every family needs a truck!  I know ours does.

I wonder when I should consider another one?

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, December 3, 2015

My Take: Media Double Standard

I have been amazed at the media derived double standard that is apparently employed in covering the current political races in our country.

One particular candidate receives more coverage for making wildly outlandish statements and then gets even more coverage as the media debunks the statements. The media continues to cover these statements at the expense of serious candidates who have real plans.

Consider the statement that "terrorist's families should be targets." What rational person makes statements like that? Or that millions were cheering when the Twin Towers were attacked? Or that Muslims should register! Really? Let's give them a red crescent to wear as well while we are at it.

The more I hear these statements and notice that the national media has not relegated the person making them to crackpot status, the more concerned I become about our country.

There are disturbing historical similarities to another people and another time.

The following is scary: “When Mexico sends its people … they are bringing drugs and they are bringing crime and their rapists.”

This statement represents a mass stereotype made without any concern for facts or reality.

My Take: This is not the person we want to lead the most powerful military on the planet. 

Just saying!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD
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