Showing posts with label Finnegan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finnegan. Show all posts

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Chasing Squirrels and Election Chaos


The race to the election finish line is strewn with rumors, distortions, and chaos.
Squirrel Watch
Elkridge, MD
October 22, 2020

I heard this morning that both Russia and Iran have voter information and could try to add even more confusion to the voting base. There is so much out there.

COVID-19 infections are rising across the country.

The world is seeing the rise in COVID-19 infections as well.

Allegations and counter-allegations. 

I expect very little change to the chaos level after tonight's final (thankfully) presidential debate. At least the World Series took the night off so that it would not draw more viewers than the debate. 

I wonder what the over-under is on how many minutes the debate will last until the president walks off the stage similar to what he did during the 60 Minutes interview. 

So what am I doing while I am on a forced COVID-19 quarantine? Watching Finnegan keep the deck clear of squirrels. He was sitting at the door with Riordin doing his intelligence preparation of the battlefield determining the frequency, approach, and numbers of squirrels that were violating the deck in an attempt to snatch some of the peanuts that were positioned on the rail for the bluejays. 

It is hard to keep my mind from thinking about the election and what I should be doing at work, but tomorrow is Friday! Which, likely, will be little different from today. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Sand, Beaches, and Dogs


The thing about going to the beach is the sand. It gets everywhere. I am not sure how it migrates into the places that it does, but it finds its way into the smallest crevices and requires thorough cleaning to remove when we return home. My truck is becoming morel ike a sandy beach than a truck. We bring the sand in on our feet and our bodies even though we try to wash it off. The sand clings to the chairs, the umbrella and the bags we carry on and off the beach.

Ethan and Finnegan
Jupiter Island Beach, Florida
October 6, 2020

I brought Makayla, my Keeshond, with us on this trip with the intention of introducing her to the ocean, but I have not wanted to deal with the amount of sand her curly fur will collect. Yet as the vacation winds down, sadly already I am more focused upon the vacation's ending than the activity of the day, I need to introduce the old dog to the ocean and the beach. And I need to be prepared to handle the sand that she will accumulate during her visit to the ocean.

Dogs have a special way of enjoying the beach. And I enjoy watching the dog enjoying the beach from my chair with my camera rolling. I find it especially humorous when Finnegan is startled by something and jumps straight up with all four feet.  

Ethan and Finnegan did get to play on the beach last evening as we celebrated Happy Hour. It was fun to watch the two of them run and play on the beach.

Another day.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, Florida 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Step up to the Bar

Finnegan at Happy Hour with Chris
Elkridge, MD
August 28, 2020
The other evening we had friends over for Happy Hour. We had all planned to go to a restaurant, but the rain washed out those plans since we were planning on dining outside. 

As we sat in our basement, complete with the bar, we were enjoying each other's company it became clear that Finnegan wanted to become part of the action. The small dog crawled into Chris's lap and put his head up at the bar as if to ask the bartender for another drink. Of course, I could not serve him because he is only 3 years old and the minimum drinking age is 21. Well, I guess if I multiplied dog years by human years he would have been old enough for an adult beverage. 

Looking out the window behind Chris and Finnegan it can be clearly seen that the storms were passing in nature, but we enjoyed being together as a group. We all had stopped at local restaurants for a carry-in dinner and were preparing to feast upon Chinese food. Later in the evening, the rain and storms returned. 

Finnegan was a good sport about not being served at the bar even though he cruised for munchies. 

Another fun Happy Hour. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Fly Away Day

Young Wrens
Ithaca, NY
June 27, 2020
I missed the departure of the robins from the nest at my house, but I was able to see two wrens exit their home for the great big world yesterday. It rained all morning, but as the skies cleared during the afternoon it was time for these two wrens to exit their nest. They hopped across the yard to a tree where their parents were urging them to go, but not yet being able to fly they huddled together at the base of the tree deciding what to do next. My job was to ensure that no predators arrived to take advantage of the earthbound birds. It was fun to watch their parents trying to demonstrate how to fly. I departed the area to allow the birds to work together without worrying about a human being too close.

Chris and I were concerned that Finnegan would be a bit too interested in playing with the birds and we kept him well away from them. He does enjoy chasing the rabbits that hop into our yard and he has learned that the robins are too fast for him. But, earthbound wrens would likely be too hard to resist. 

Within a few minutes the family of wrens departed for new locales and a bit more ground cover than the recently mowed lawn.

Finding something new to amuse myself on a rainy coronavirus day. 

— Bob Doan, writing from Ithaca, NY

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Wildlife in the Yard

Happy start of Summer!

Young Rabbits in the Yard
Elkridge, MD
June 13, 2020 
Baby Robins
Elkridge, MD
June 17, 2020
Summer begins at 5:43 PM EDT today and with it the hopes for a great season. Winter and Spring have been duds so far with coronavirus and the economic downturn.

The wildlife in our yard has been busy. The robins in the nest on the front porch are grown quickly. I expect them to depart the nest this week (I hope). And rabbits! We have rabbits everywhere. Small rabbits and big rabbits. Apparently the fox that we used to see around the yard has moved on to another area. 

One of the small rabbits enjoys sunning on the pool deck. The rabbit is so small that it is able to squeeze through the links in the chain.

They are fun to watch, but Finnegan does like to chase them so we have to clear the area before we allow him into the yard.

Enjoy the day and the start of the new season.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Is that Dog Broken?

Finnegan being Carried
Another "crippled" Dog
Elkridge, MD
June 3, 2020
At dinner the other evening with friends a remark was made, "Oh, another crippled dog." I looked around for they injured animal, but did not see one. I did notice a small dog being carried by a woman. And then it occurred to me, that must be the crippled dog about which the comment was made. It was too injured to walk. Of course the dog was not injured at all, its owner was just carrying it.

We saw more dogs during the evening which were being carried and there the comment about a crippled dog was always made. 

Apparently Finnegan, although he was not present at dinner, discovered that he, too, could feign an injury be carried. It happened the other day during our morning walk as the temperatures were approaching 90 degrees. 

Finnegan stopped walking and sat down. He would not move. As we were a good distance from home and with the temperature rising, I shared the burden with Chris and carried him. Finnegan became the crippled dog! 

As it turned out I was not walking the dog, the dog was walking me!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Thief

Finnegan with his Stolen Goods
Elkridge, MD
May 5, 2020
He was caught after leaving the scene of the crime. 

He is a thief and a stealthy one at that. In the blink of an eye he can conduct a successful grab and go more efficiently than a gypsy on a crowded European city street. Of course the fact that he is only about 8 inches tall and races around the house on four feet contributes to his success. He is especially good at stealing unattended napkins and he loves to shred them into a pile of useless paper to demonstrate that his prowess as a thief. 

The pictured caper involved stealing Chris's pajamas from the bedroom and relocating them to the front door to make a comfortable bed for himself. He is not the least bit guilty for committing his crimes--he finds them amusing. In fact his crimes provide comic relief around the house and redirect our attention from coronavirus news reporting to thwarting his thievery. 

His seemingly boundless energy means that we have to be constantly vigilant, lest he make off with another treasure. 

Caring for pets allow me to focus on things other than the news and the constant stream of coronavirus reporting. That is a good thing.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Scenes from the Quarantine

Finnegan Enjoying Quarantine
Elkridge, MD
April 21, 2020
The mood in the country seems to be one of unease as many want to begin discussions of reopening the country. It is a difficult discussion because ultimately we are trying to weigh restarting the economy against people's lives. In my mind, the question boils down to, how many additional people will die if we reopen too soon?

Dogwood Flowers from my Daily Walk
Elkridge, MD
April 19, 2020
Sadly, I'm not sure some people look at the equation from that perspective. I think they are looking only at the $$$. 

Turning to the quarantine, my pets seem to be enjoying the quarantine a lot more that should be expected. The other day I caught Finnegan sleeping on Chris's lap with his paw in the air. I have to admit that I have not seen a dog sleep like that before. And he seemed comfortable. 

The blooming flowers and trees of the springtime continue to amaze me. There is a dogwood tree along out walking route that is in magnificent bloom and I stopped to enjoy its beauty and take a few images the other day. 

There is still beauty to be found, we just need to look for it and see it when it shows itself to us.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Waiting out the Coronavirus

The cat and the dog are providing much needed entertainment during the coronavirus confinement. 

Finnegan Watching the Squirrel
Elkridge, MD
March 28, 2020
Finnegan believes that he is the great protector of the porch. He sits at the door and watches the squirrels cruise the porch looking for peanuts and other morsels that Chris feeds to the bird. Every so often, we open the door and he launches himself onto the porch to chase the squirrels--it is humorous to watch the six pound Yorkie purposefully walk along the deck to ensure no squirrels are hiding or attempting to access the area. The birds do not seem to mind him as they are up on the railing enjoying the peanuts free of squirrel interference. 

Riordin and the Coffee Pot
Elkridge, MD
March 28, 2020
Riordin has become another source of entertainment. He is inquisitive and clearly fits the old saying that "curiosity killed the cat." He wants to know and be involved in everything. We acquired a new coffee pot the other day to expand our coffee options--K-cups for our Keurig have been in short supply. Riordin was all about the new pot and the box to the point where I had to physically remove him form the area so that we could prepare cleanse the pot for its first brewing. 

The movies on TV--and all of the available channels, have become so much the same. Chris and I have begun watching the old Blue-ray movies that we have in our collection. Last evening's movie was Angels and DemonsThankfully, we also have some "live" entertainment in the cat and the dog to change things up a bit. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, March 14, 2020

And the Dog will Lie with the Cat

Finnegan, Riordin, and my Foot
Watching a Movie
Elkridge, MD
March 13, 2020
Weird things happen sometimes. 

For instance last evening, Finnegan and Riordin were laying together on my legs as I watched a movie.

That does not happen often around here as Finnegan tends to be a bit territorial and usually chases Riordin away so that he can enjoy the lap or space all to himself. But not last evening. It was like the lion laying with the lamb. 

I did record Riordin and Finnegan sleeping together once before, on Easter Sunday last year as they enjoyed a sunbeam. But, it happens infrequently. 

Watching them provided a much needed break from the coronavirus news. I was supposed to have a baseball practice today--but that fell victim to the "out of an abundance of caution" cancellations that are sweeping the nation. Which is also the reason that I will not be traveling to NY this coming weekend to visit my parents--I would not want to unwittingly become a vector for the transfer of the virus.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, January 3, 2020

Pup Chillin'

Why do I like dogs? 

Finnegan with his Flamingo
Elkridge, MD
January 2, 2020
I often wonder about that when I am walking them or cleaning up the yard--and especially after I step into a pile of poop that I missed.

Dogs are an extension of who we are--they are what we make and mold them to become. If they are ignored, they can become wild and unruly--but with training and care they become our best friends and provide companionship and humor.

Last evening, Finnegan took a break from the activity around the house and was chilling with his toy flamingo. It was cute to see him in his bed with his toy. Hmmmm, perhaps that is what I would have rather been doing instead of taking down the Christmas decorations and putting them away in the attic. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, August 30, 2019

Too Much Help

Finnegan in the Dishwasher
Elkridge, MD
August 29, 2019
Finnegan sometimes can be too much help. 

Last evening, for example, Finnegan decided that he wanted to do a pre-wash on the dinner plates as they were placed into the dishwasher. Personally, I think it is a bad habit that needs to be changed, but Chris thinks it is cute--well he seems to enjoy helping with the dishes. 

Makayla, on the other hand, does not try to get personally involved in dinner clean-up. She keep a good distance to avoid getting trampled. 

Finnegan does not seem to worry about getting caught underfoot--even though he is smaller  He enjoys the post meal activity, but he might get too involved into his work. I just wish that he would stay out of the dishwasher.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Finn vs Dolphin

Small dogs can be very territorial. The other evening as Chris and I were sitting around the pool enjoying Happy Hour and chatting about the happenings of the day, Finnegan began barking incessantly at the automated pool cleaner as it started cleaning the stairs. 

Our pool cleaner is a Dolphin pool cleaner, hence we call it the dolphin. So it was funny to watch Finnegan bark at the pool cleaner which, undeterred, went about its business. 

This, however, went on for far too long!

So in the cage match between Finn and the Dolphin, the Dolphin was the victor. We had to put Finn inside.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Updates on Sunday

The tire repair worked fine, the second time! I have driven over 20 miles since the repair and it is not losing any air! Yay!

Finn and Louis in a Sunbeam
Elkridge, MD
July 28, 2019
I love it when repairs go well, even if it is the second attempt. It had been a while since I plugged a nail hole in a tire and it took me some time to remember the tricks. And there are tricks. 

Today is a lazy Sunday. I have been sitting by the pool while the animals are basking in a sunbeam. I think that they are cute. 

I have projects to get started today and with it quiet, I will likely get them done. Today is very different from last Sunday when I was on a golf course in Trumansburg playing in a golf tournament. Chris and I had a lot of fun last week. And we finished only four shots out of third place!

It is the last Sunday of my favorite month of the year. I guess I will begin the countdown for next year soon.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cup of Coffee

Why does it take longer to drink a cup of coffee than it does to drink a glass of wine?
Fin began Paw Prints in the Sand
Carlin Park Beach
July 17, 2019

My first, and only, cup of coffee of the day lasts over an hour. Sometimes, longer.

My first, of two or three, glasses of wine lasts at most 30 minutes. Why is that?

I am sitting this morning looking at a cup of coffee that I brewed an hour ago--it is cooler now, but I like it that way, and the cup is just under one-half full. I guess it is like walking on a beach with Finnegan, it just takes time. 

Well, since it is my only cup of the day, I guess I should take some time to enjoy it. 

Maybe I should head to the beach now for a quiet walk with the surf and leave the remainder of my coffee for my return?

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, Florida

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Waiting at the Door

Finnegan, Makayla, and Chewbacca Waiting
Elkridge, MD
July 4, 2019 
Dogs wait patiently. No matter when I go outside or for what reason, it seems that my dogs are always waiting to welcome my return. 

This weekend we have a third dog, we are watching Chewbacca for Patrick and Tina. This image was taken on Independence Day just after 10 PM after the fireworks had stopped and as I was cleaning the yard and preparing to go to bed. The three of them waited patiently for my return. Perhaps they knew that it was bedtime?

It had been a long day for the three of them. There were five other dogs that celebrated Independence Day with them. Now as the day is ending it was just the three of them and me and Chris. 

Dogs are an essential part of life, in my opinion. They are always there and at the end of a hard day I have to admit, I appreciate the enthusiastic greeting that they provide to me when I arrive home. 

And, they wait at the door. 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, June 28, 2019

You Are Bothering Me, Why?

Tequesta, Florida
June 3, 2019
Sometimes an image just says it all.

I took this picture one morning while we were in Florida earlier this month. Finnegan's expression just says it all. Here are a few thoughts that come to mind.

What is it you want?

You bothered me, Why? 

Just be quiet and go away!

This better be good!

Go find someone else!

It is an accident that I'm awake, go away and let me get back to my nap.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Defender of the Homestead

Finnegan vs. Dolphin
Elkridge, MD
June 25, 2019
Finnegan is our Yorkie. He is smallish at about 5 pounds, but he thinks he is as big as Chewbacca

Least evening he defended the homestead from the attack of the pool cleaner. We call it a dolphin

The dolphin was doing its job and Finnegan was having no part of it. Seeing the dolphin as the Creature from the Black Lagoon, he dutifully barked at it each time it surfaced to ensure that it remained in the pool and did not try to attack the home. He was very energetic and persistent in his task.

Chris and I finally had to take him inside to restore peace to the neighborhood and allow the dolphin to complete its task in silence.

It is nice to have such a persistent and animated protector around, but in reality I wonder who would win during a direct confrontation? 

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Friday, June 7, 2019

What do You Do When You Want the World to Go Away?

Finnegan Hiding in the Pillows
Tequesta, Florida
June 5, 2019
A funny thing happened Wednesday morning as Chris and I were making final preparations to return to the Baltimore area on an early morning flight. Finnegan, who is generally a good traveler, suspected something was up and tried to hide from the world and the activity happening around him. 

Chris and I were making preparations to leave including ensuring that the beds were fresh and that the garbage and recycling was properly disposed of so that it would not sit and rot in the garage until our return. There was a great deal of activity happening during a short span of time.

It was early and it was still dark outside. We were up at about 4:30 AM making the final preparations to depart and Finnegan was having nothing of it.  He found a quiet and safe place among the pillows on the bed and curled up to get some peace and quiet. It was really funny because both Chris and I wished that we could do the same. But, of course, we could not hide from the world. 

Sadly, we had to pull him from his warm safe place and force him to face the pre-dawn morning as we made our way to the airport. I don't think he actually woke up until we were through security.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Doig Tired

Finnegan Dog Tired
Tequesta, Florida
June 3, 2019
Yesterday was a busy day. I know that I was exhausted by the time the day was done. Finnegan was also apparently tired as he crashed on the sofa and just watched the activity around him. 

I had to capture his expression as he just watched the activity around him. 

I had to smile--we have been dragging him everywhere, but yesterday we decided to give him a day off and he perked up by the time the day was over. I am sure he will not be too excited about traveling tomorrow.

Travel days are exhausting.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, Florida
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