Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Excitement and Frustration


Yesterday was filled both exciting and  frustrating activities. 
Me Taking a Victory Lap
Tequesta, FL
October 21, 2024

In the excitement category, I completed 300 miles for the American Cancer Society October Challenge! My friends and family raised $430 to fight cancer. Thank you to all who participated by donating. I have enjoyed having a biking goal. Although I achieved the 300-mile goal, I will continue to bike until Chris and I head off on a short vacation during the last week of the month. I expect that by the time October 2024 concludes that I will set a new personal record for the number of miles biked during a month. 

In another example of excitement, Chris and I voted yesterday. It was the first day of early in-person voting in Florida. I was happy to vote and make my thoughts known on a wide variety of candidates and issues. It was a complex and very long ballot.

Carlin Park Beach
Jupiter, FL
October 21, 2024

Finally, and now comes the frustration, Chris and I decided to head off to the beach to celebrate Happy Hour. The weather, from our Condo, looked windy but nice. We did not see the multiple rainstorms over the ocean until we arrived at the first of the two beaches we visited. Arriving about 4 PM, we set up on Carlin Park Beach to enjoy watching some brave surfers in the extremely rough, red flag rough, surf. The waves did not appear to be to be suitable for surfing--but there were a few brave souls attempting to enjoy their sport of choice.

We had been at the beach about 10 or so minutes when the rainstorm to the right in the image descended upon us. We expeditiously broke camp and headed to the car. Not to be thwarted from our desire for a beach happy hour, we headed to our favorite local Jupiter Island beach just south of Blowing Rocks. The weather to the looked better in that area. We arrived there about 4:30 PM and got set up. We enjoyed being on that beach for about 15 minutes, and almost a glass of wine, before a more severe storm appeared and drove us from the beach.

We arrived home at almost precisely 5 PM, soaked to the bone and covered with wet sand. The weather at home, of course, was sunny and pleasant.

The excitement and the frustration. 

Cancer Society 300-mile Challenge Update:

I rode 12.72 miles yesterday. I have competed the 300-mile challenge by logging a total of 301.93 miles during the month of October 2024. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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