Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday Promise

Channel 5 Storm Tracker
September 14, 2024

 I woke this morning and checked the weather. I was hoping for a nice day to head off to an area just a bit north with Chris for a bike ride. The temperature was 79 degrees, the dew point was 79 degrees, and the feels like was 88 degrees. Ugh.

When I took Finn out for his morning relief, I could see the dew on the car. 

I think we will still head out for a ride. I would like some different scenery this morning. And while uncomfortable. at least there is no rain in the immediate area. 

I rode 18 miles yesterday, but did not take an image. I guess nothing piqued my interest. Maybe we will see a tortoise this morning. 

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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