Thursday, December 29, 2016

Holiday Exhaustion

Riordin and Louis Relaxing in a Sunbeam
With the holiday season nearing an end, exhaustion seems to be the call of the day. The frenzy of shopping and returns and getting ready for the big days has crested and life is slowly returning to a more normal pace.

The weather has been, until this morning, fantastic with Tuesday reaching into the 60's. Yesterday my thermometer reached 50 degrees and it was another beautiful day. I even managed an hour at the driving range hitting some golf balls and was appalled at how my swing has suffered during the nearly two months since I have been on a course.

With all of the activity of the past weeks, I think my cats, Riordin and Louis got it right the other afternoon when I found them lounging in a sunbeam on a coffee table. My cats always seem to know what needs to be done.

Anytime I can take a nap in a sunbeam is good. 

Now, all I need is some sunshine to land on my bed while I take a nap.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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