Wednesday, April 25, 2012

There's No Place Like Home

"There's no place like home," so the line from the Wizard of Oz goes as Dorothy is reunited with her family after her adventure.

I, like Dorothy feel much the same--even though I traveled with some of my family--it still feels good to return home with hundreds of photos and many memories of the past 8 days. It was a long vacation--but it still passed too quickly as all vacations seem to do.

It would be grand if I could stay on vacation and not return--but then I would miss the small whines that Makayla makes as she sits next to me in the morning reminding me that the last corner of the toast is hers. And then too, I would miss pool opening Saturday--which, coincidently is Saturday! And I would miss so many other things in my life that are as I have made them o allowed them to be.

The great thing about getting away is returning to rediscover how much I missed the routine and seemingly mundane things in my life. Ii is a rediscover because I seem to appreciate being home more after each trip I make--even to places so close to my vision of paradise.

It will take me the rest of the week to catch up.

But the time away was worth it. And so was all of the planning that made the trip a huge success--thank you to Nicole and Chris, you pulled it off!

OK--shake off the cob webs and get back to work!

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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