Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Stories

What a season!

There are stories everywhere about the season. Stories of hope and peace and love and joy abound.

Some of the stories though are hard, and the happy miracle ending that I want to see happen, isn't happening.

Even in those situations where the endings aren't what I would want to see occur, the rest of the story is written in how I respond to the endings and the new beginnings.

The spirit of Christmas is in how I respond to others in the good times and the hard times. And at Christmas, I am more forgiving, more loving, more tolerant, and I realize that life is a team sport, I do not and cannot walk this life alone.

I know people for whom this season is a season of sorrow and pain. I grieve for them. Real life is not all bows and ribbons. I dearly wish it could be. But life is like that.

The TV programs and the commercials would have me believe that spending a bit more money can overcome anything.

It isn't true.

There is real sadness and no matter how hard I can hope that there is a way to turn sadness into joy, it is not that simple. If only the worst thing that happens during the season was that I ran out of egg nog.

But life is how we respond to each other and how we affect each other. Friends support friends--no matter what.

And the joy of the season is in assuring others who are experiencing hard time and difficult situations theat they are loved and not alone, no matter what.

-- Bob Doan, Elkridge, MD

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