Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tell Me Again about Saturday

What a day it was.  It started early and ended late.  I worked harder Saturday than I did all week.

I look forward to weekends--I can get stuff done, and chill a bit too.  Of course an NFL Football Playoff Weekend also means that there should be some quality time with the TV urging on my favorite team.

0645 - Up for the day to catch up on the news and usual stuff--walk dog twice, get paper, read computer news and complain about the battery life on my iPhone
0740 - Out the door to a Men's breakfast at Bob Evan's
0800-0915 - Men's breakfast @ Bob Evan's --funny enough, our server was named Evan. Weird.
0930 - At the house to get tools
0950 - At Patricks to begin TV electrical project
1120 - Depart Patrick's to go home to change for Lucas' Birthday party
1200-1400 - Lucas Birthday party
1430 - Back to Patrick's to complete project
1630 - Home--assist with putting away last Christmas decorations
1800 - Complete the removal of Christmas decorations and put them away
1815 - People arrive to buy Patrick's old 1996 Honda (departed the driveway yesterday)
1930 - Run to Patrick's to help sell stereo equipment to the people who bought the car
2015 - Back home totally exhausted try watching Jets at Colts but can't keep eyes open
2020 - Eat dinner with Chris--pot roast that she started during the morning and slow cooked all day
2115 - Asleep in my chair
2130 - Awakened from my sleep and told to go to bed
2200 - Crawl into bed--fall asleep
2230 - Phone rings and the caller tells me that Colts are going to lose--64 seconds left in game. I decide not to turn on the TV
2232 - Snoring begins uninterrupted.

I hope your Saturday was nearly as much fun as mine. I never was able to carve out time for an afternoon nap--

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