Thursday, March 10, 2022

Another Hump Day Passes

Friday-eve Dawns
Tequesta, FL
March 10, 2022
Hump Day has come and gone for another week and I scarcely noticed it. Chris and I enjoyed a beautiful bike ride through a State Park and then accomplished errands during the afternoon. Following all of that, we spent a quiet evening alone with the animals. The exciting part of the bike ride was that during the ride we saw four tortoises and a black racer snake and a kestrel, ignoring of course the multitudes of small lizards that scurry in front of the bike tires. We just have to believe that the lizards are faster than we are or we would be stopping every few feet to let them pass. 

And now it is Friday-eve, but my excitement for the day is waning a bit because it is becoming just another day. Today's big event should include a trip to Costco for supplies that we require in large quantities. I do enjoy shopping in Florida because the stores, like Costco, sell wine. Most of America outside of Maryland knows Costco sells wine and that the Kirkland label is generally very drinkable wine at a solid price-point.

Well the weekend is coming--I realize that weekends during the in-season mean that the beaches are full and the traffic is heavy. 

I like mid-week activities.

-- Bob Doan, Tequesta, FL

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